Part two of our series surrounding Jazz, a young transgender girl who has know her gender identity since she was only a child.
This is disgusting, an 11 year old should not even know the word transgender exists. This is a form of pedophilia if I ever saw it cuz this is sexual stuff in the face of a child. Makes me sick and people who agree with this
I looked her up today, she didn’t regret 👏❤️ it’s lovely to see someone knowing themselves well at such a young age
2025 anyone?
The questions aren't at all leading.
love the parents their sweet, but she didnt think that until they told them.
baba wawa is an idiot
Her at 11: Mature
Me when I was 15: throws self into the wall trying to get to the backrooms
I Actually Thought she was a Girl . Its Messed Up .World is Nuts Your either a Boy or a Girl No In Between. No Wonder The Young Generation are Nuts .
Still alive?
crazy how people think this is normal
This is really disgusting
This person is one of the reasons why they are many transgender youth nowadays.
His mother should be under the prison.
Me at 11: My whole body shaking when I reached the top 20 in Fortnite
Jazz at 11: Transgender
I am an Atheist ⚛️
I do not believe in the existence of God. There is no evidence to support the belief in any gods or supernatural entities. I rely on science, reason, logic, and empirical evidence to form my worldview and have not found compelling evidence or arguments to support the existence of God. The universe is governed by natural laws and forces, rather than moral, spiritual, or supernatural ones. As an atheist, I reject religious dogma, supernaturalism, and superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making. I emphasize the social and empirical nature of inquiry and prioritize scientific solutions to intellectual problems. There is an intrinsic intellectual conflict between faith and science, and that it inevitably leads to hostility. I am engaged in a continually evolving search for truth, primarily through science and philosophy.
I love cars and animals when I was a child.
her at 11: incredibly mature
me at 16: having staring contests with my dog
I have no hates towards the community but I honestly feel like it would have been smarter to make that decision when she was older because what if she changes her mind and regrets it one day?
Wow a Miracle happened
YALL THIS WAS 11 YEARS AGO! this person had to deal with it without knowledge that we have today
Why did this come on my fyp 11yr later
i think she was my trans awakening
Why would you let someone be trans at that young of an age?
You will never be a woman.
These parents are evil! They should be doing life in prison for what they’ve done to this poor boy!
i know this is odl but damned if you need to be texting boys at 11 year old or texting at all i didn't get my first cell phone untill i was 16 and look at this person now miserable as hell looking
wtf a needle up idk @$$ like why did this pop up on auto play..
These news stories are trying to brainwash everyone
Humans don't change their gender
May God forgive him😢
Stop this is a crime
i JUST know she's a diva.
People are so stupid sometimes….All of that for a show, I am terrified.
The dad was like okay
trans at 11 is smth else