“48 Hours” reports on forensic examinations and key evidence in investigations for this YouTube mini-marathon. Binge-watch the …
What kind of man lets their gf go to raves?
How’d the know she had Kaiser?
Ruth here, oh, so they did come, l am out of here, people, it is your fault if you on purpose if you yourself do drugs, gosh, just gosh
Takes 7 years to become and Architect and many years to be even hired. Seems very fishy and what was the other girl doing with that old man with his forehead at the back of his head 🤢
the second case beach murders. wow she won $6M in her lawsuit for her husband committing suicide. Im confused cause he at one point said he met somebody called Claire & had sex with her. then told the friend a girl he'd photographed was dead. Like he knew it was the same girl. Failed a polygraph test. If all that is true then along with the DNA it makes a very solid case. It doesnt prove guilt but they had every right proceeding with the case. so Im not sure why she got $6M. Its not the police's fault that he didnt wanna face trial & clear his name.
these two girls were doing cocoaine & going back with strange men. I wonder how her husband really feels about that? thats not to victim shame but its to give a moe realistic picture of how & why they died. the rape drug alone didnt do it. that wears off. it was the mixture of other hardcore drugs taken with it. along with bad choices.
people need to teach their children to trust noone if u live in a bubble this will happen
1:13 they are really reaching
Poor Kevin Brown!
Los Angeles … City of Fallen Angels …
Why IN the gods name above
Didn't the so called neighbour
Phone 911.
It's free
Save lives rip poor girl s
Heartbreaking 💔
Buy j
Good for you Jane, and for not giving up on yourself. Youfought and won. No one gave it to you. Im so sorry that youve been robbed of years. But please look forward, with a positive outlook, and hopefully the system wont botch things so horrifically with anyone else. Good luck Jane.
Christy was a very pretty young woman! I bet her mom was pretty in her youth as well. But, two wed- dings? I guess the second one was for the families and friends. It's dangerous, really, for such a young woman to travel to different countries. They don't have enough life experience to deal with all the different kinds of people they meet. Parents, just know that if your young adult daughter travels to different countries, that she might not survive.
Does he know P Diddy they need to interview him.
These two young women's decision to attend a warehouse party and do cocaine with a stranger cost them their lives. And even worse, one was a married woman! I hope other young adults can learn from their mistakes and their sad and tragic story.
They always blame the husband or wife. The some brches are out to set people up dont trust those people.
Those damn DA people dont care about who is innocent or not all they want is to win a case.
What was that married woman doing out partying and drugging without her husband? Seems not right.
Warehouse parties are really dangerous!!
Eeeww why would a soon to be married go with strangers?
Jane is an ideal woman in many ways. Bravo, my friend!
As a parent how do u read the text of how exited she was to do coke??? Ahhahahah ur daughter was super exited
So the one girl left with a man to likely cheat on her husband me and ended up getting killed. Poor guy and her poor family.
On this last case, LAW ENFORCEMENT needs to start doing the difficult but necessary REAL investigative work instead of blaming the innocent with unjust tunnel vision! I hope she sues the police department. I'm glad she has one loving child. Her sons are clearly misogynist, otherwise they wouldn't testify AGAINST their innocent mother.
The criminal justice system is not always fair, often favoring those with power. ⚖
How the heck did they think Jane got her husbands body in the car? He’s dead weight. There’s no way she could drag him. To the car herself 🤔
48 hrs. is a much better show when watching on the Internet because of the commercials are more scarce and it gets hard for me to pay attention because i have ADD and my mind wanders during boring commercials.
Miscarriage of justice
Makes one loose faith in the
“Justice system”. ⚖️
She didn't do it. It's obvious.
Pearce jury just went to deliberations today
When people say "I certainly didn´t do this, I loved my husband" then you know they don´tell the truth. It is hard for most people to lie, that´s why they instantly cover up the lie with something that is true, "I loved my husnad".
Someone this beautiful should live forever!
Wow. Those poor parents.
Ive nvr done drugs but also people need to stop accepting drugs from strangers at bars and clubs.
I remember once I was at a backyard show I did ask someone for a cigarette but they pulled out a blunt and asked if I wanted to smoke weed they were preparing to make it and I said no thanks I'm okay.
Then they proceeded to say "I'm not going to put anything in it it's just weed"
Even if the person was honest or not saying something like that is a 🚩