The appearance of three Chinese warships in waters off Australia has sparked serious questions about Beijing’s intentions and …
What can you do about it? Smart thing to do is just look away.
The CCP 50c army is in overdrive in the comments here 😂
Australia: We’re spending close to 30 billion dollars a year to protect our trade with China…from China.
don't need to fear the paper tiger
Listen to the background ans the way he's speaking trying to strike fear absolute garbage
Gee, scared the shit out of Australia
if you're not at the table, you're on the menu
We are on our own.
10% of GDP on defence is fine by me.
Good old 30 minutes of bullshit, the other 30 is ad shit to pay for the previous shit.
Shame we don't have the ability to have firearms. All taken away by the Government that now can't protect us.
now china can easily occupy australia, really a big fortune of resource, circling is only the first step
Freedom of navigation
Those class of warship are weak and slow…. esay to pick off with ani ship guns and missiles…. China has a weak navy 😊
What are you going to do now, Australia?
If you don't have the strength of Americans, don't do the same thing as the United States. Not everyone in China can afford it.
The Chinese are listening and spying on Australia. The Australian government is either naive or incompetent and are not protecting our borders, the virgin pilot alerted the government, how incompetent is this government? 😡👎🤬
Embarrassing goof. Do your jobs better defence force
Why NOT. Free ocean.
我是中国人,我对澳大利亚的反应感到困惑,一直以来澳大利亚都在中国家门口宣扬所谓“航行自由”,在南海,台湾海峡进行挑衅活动。 现在中国做出了一个回应,难道这不是理所应当会发生的事情吗?? 难道在你们的认知里,中国只会默默承受你们的挑衅吗??。学会尊重,就会收获和平。澳大利亚挑衅中国的行为十分愚蠢。。
Yeah so dangerous but guess what we ain't going to do anything. They have been testing the world for many years. One day this will not be an exercise this will be an attack
Ramp it up, Australia.
We'll hear the truth in following weeks …
unfortunately, the media and government won't report it.
Always the same pattern of BS.
Sleepy weak Australian government for far too long, now it may be too late. Keep watching football and drinking beer, maybe just get used to the taste of Chinese beer
Reaction testing – failed lol
They know now
In international waters. Sky news, do better.
澳大利亚很喜欢与美国站在一起,也许有天会与中国开战。 当然中国对澳大利亚领土没有兴趣,只会占领澳大利亚背部一些小地方,很可惜,中国没办法阻止印度尼西亚人移民到这里。 也许1年、2年、3年、10年后,这里会有很多印度尼西亚人呢。
Hmm… a fleet without air cover? nice fat ducks 😱😱 How can Aussie defense be so ignorant, inexcusable! 🥹🥹
ADF is not protecting Australia.
Why Australia stick there nose in over in Germany. These your answer about Trump and Australia and at the same time pissed off Russia and don't forget about the last big hand shake china and Russia had
All media outlets avoid talking about a very important thing. The firepower of these three Chinese warships is greater than the total firepower of the entire Australian navy. China's 055 is the only warship in the world that can launch supersonic cruise missiles. The entire Australian navy cannot fight against China's three warships. China has 18 such warships.