At the DNC, Oprah Winfrey reached out directly to the “independents” and the “undecideds.” https://7ny.tv/4dofYNX Check out …
That’s what they did last election Oprah! They had fraudulent votes because people voted again again and again just as you’ve mentioned! They also had votes for dead people or people that didn’t exist! You’re not the favourite daytime anything anymore lady. Go find a hole to crawl under !
Americans don’t vote for COMMUNISM
She's telling her truth, she votes by her values!
I'm a registered Republican VOTE REPUBLICAN
You are rich “multimillionaire” in fact so no offense your opinion doesn’t matter to us working class taxpayers 😒🙄🤷🏽♀️
Oprah is Super Oppressed tho.
Ask Oprah how decent and honest she was with the people in Hawaii fire , how did she help the people that expierenced the loss of thier homes ?
What a nut job
Trump presidente 2024 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Shes such a mouth…..move….leave the U.S. if you hate it so much…
Yes we see a abuse person Of course, let's not forget the great friendships, devourers of children and sexual acts, let's not forget that they renounced shit for no reform for immigrants or dreamers, gentlemen, now they want to give papers and assure political asylum, why? If for the blacks, we Hispanics come to take away their lands, their work and their money.
Most fake personality in the 21st century😅😅😅 a big liar
Ne seri.
Odd, has she ever endorsed a republican?
Girl bye
Independent lol yea right
Illuminaties behind !!
They don't want trump to revenge what they've done to him.
Thought the DNC was against those with too much ? Stinking Billionaires lol hypocrisy at its finest !
If Biden did such a good job and everything is so great, then why is Harris promising to fix everything on day one?
This the same women that called on hawaii residents to pay her and the rock money after a devastating fire whilst also being a billionaire
Your values Oprah consist of taking advantage of disasters like Maui, buying up more land and then asking others to donate their money. You’re no better than the Finks and Soros’s. We know you don’t actually care about the average American citizen. I mean I figured Kamala already had the white womens vote locked up.
She sold her soul to Hollywood
Go away Oompah!
I bet the Rock is behind you silently cheering you on in favor of more blue paint 🎨
I don’t trust a woman who looks younger now than she did in the 80’s!
Youuu get a carrrr
"You know I'm telling you the truth, that values and character matter most of all."
Coming from someone with questionable values, poor character and has lied for years.
What about the poor people no one mentions us 😢
Trump 2024 the best for America
I'm sorry. Who is this woman? 🤷
Her values are the same as Bill Gates. Remember 2009 when she was at "the good club" talking about issues such as "overpopulation" as an global problem. She said "we can't have the American dream without abortion." Fr wake up! The want to depopulate us.
Helping the neighbors with thir burning house huh? Didn't share water in ma u ii and California..you are part of the cult okra pretty sure you knew of those busloads and what happened to them
A fraud ! No respect for this demon seed.
We didnt even have a CHOICE for the democratic party. You kidding me? Mark these words , that lady is gonna be under investigation.
Yeah decency. Maui not a penny
Who wants to listen to this? Propelling someone to the highest office in the land has proven to be a risky thing to do, hasn't it???
Hey Oprah, I guess that thank you letter to Trump is forgotten? You were pretty chummy with him? You even said “Too bad you are not both running for office, what a team.”
Oprah got no values
If she has she won’t tell us about her story
What do I care
I care where this country is going
right now is has failed in every aspects of our life sending us in scorching halt because we can’t afford to get by with this inflation that her fellow friend elites in democrat party created
Now promising more to make this country worst
Fellow Americans let’s not forget all that we suffer now are caused by incompetence of these politicians who just want to take care of themselves enrich themselves while in office and forget why we voted for them
They won’t do anything to make this country prosper they want themselves prosper first
America last and they could care less because they got their money on the bag ready to disappear from our views as saying goes
“You’re on your own ! “
What about Hawaii?😢
Ok Oprah you made your point now exit to the rear
You’re telling us to vote for a person who did nothing to our country but prosecute the misdemeanour cases and let go the hardened criminals and rapists plus Medicare for all including illegals
They are already living in this country like kings with handout freebies from this government snd we the citizens suffer and we paid those taxes
What’s your point because you just hate the orange guy because he loves Americans ? Your brains are distorted
Oprah, so your values include supporting 50% of black babies to be aborted ❓
Opra slways beautiful and inspiring🎉
Why dont she rebuild Hawaii??
You can't trust her and I believe they got to Harris! Kamala Harris is now illuminati!!
Shameless self-promoter, narcissist and exploiter. Worth 3 billion dollars and dared to claim to be a victim.
Ummm she’s voting for no one? Ok, yeah lmao