Democratic strategist James Carville and Republican strategist Mary Matalin have been married for more than 30 years. “I don’t …
Humiliating each other has become a bloodsport
Love them❤
If we lived in a sane reality the republicans they would have said we’re evil were bush and Cheney but no one cares trump would be better off to just lie about everything he’s doing carry it out in secret then he’d just get treated like everyone else …isn’t it interesting how there is that difference with trump and even when compared to the last president from the same party it doesn’t add up because I think it’s pretty easy to see bush and cheany were actual a couple of evil lying war mongering blood thirsty regime change loving rats
hang up your ads James. thanks again for the ride in the Ranger, but y'all need to forget that homosexual rhetoric.
imagine being married to that clown Carville. How can you spend time with anyone that votes for Democrats. They are not just dumb, they are evil!
I dont have to agree with him but he makes me think ❤🎉
James dumb dumb Carville
LANDSLIDE MANDATE ELECTION!@🤪🤪 did you scream and cry?.. I hope so😅
My family and friends are all maga cultists… they don’t need coddling they need to be brought low from their delusions and pride.
A lot of that slander of not dating someone else comes from democratic parties most people that are Democrats are absolutely not accepting of other people's opinions and are more likely to cause a scene and have a tantrum. While conservatives are the adults of society
Opposites do attract … good example of love and respect …
Teamwork and making $$$ !!
Has this idiot shown his face on the propaganda channels since his guaranteed victory blew up?
James carville is lieing and he knows dam well he is, that’s disgusting what is wrong with him. Trump is never going to use the military against the American people. 😡😡😡
You two are the best couple 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰I have a question trump is a candidate not an acting President. How does he get away with all his lies an accusations, if i yelled fire or pulled an alarm some place i would be arrested….he is causing fear in hurricane places where these people are already in distress 😢😢😢😢😢
I’m 86 years old and can remember when it wasn’t hated to have different opinions and have friendly and positive opinions from both sides
I could be with a sane republican (social liberal fiscal conservative)interested in spirited sharing of ideas. If you’d vote for trump or support the way Mitch McConnell derailed the betterment of the country for power? Nope. Not a partnership/marriage.
I'm sorry, I could never be with a Republican, being gay , especially. Never understood a gay Republican.
I have been a fan of this lovely pair for many years.. God bless them. God bless USA
I have no issue with Republicans but maga is an entirely different beast
Trump / Vance 2024
Ethel Kennedy just passed away. Prayers to the entire family. Will never forget when Robert was shot or John.
Is Mary still a Republican? Have no idea. My daughter and granddaughter will not talk to us due to our politics. I have been a Republican since 1978 and I do not apologize to anyone. Am I a rabid Republican- No! If the truth be known- I believe in some social programs and would be a Democrat if they were not so radical today. I do get a kick out of James and Mary 🙂 Oh, and I am not a deplorable – I am quite savvy and intelligent. At 71, I am doing pretty damn good. My husband wavers back and forth in his political beliefs and that's ok. I DO NOT belong to a f'in cult either. That gets old and tiresome ~ grow up! I was born and raised in Southern California and still here. Many that I grew up with are also Republicans. Imagine that. Republicans in California ~ One more thing- DJT says stupid chit at times BUT it is POLICY that drives me to the Republican party only. Personality means nothing – Remember Bill Clinton who loved the ladies? Or young girls? How about JFK? It was about policies people – not their personalities. Oh how the Libs forget. Have a super day! 🙂
These folks have been together since forever, long before the extreme polarization we have now. Good for them.
White fear is a reality that few care to discuss. The American experiment was founded on white supremacy. The fear is that the majority black and brown people may seize control the government and rid the land of structural racism.
My husband and I do not vote the same way. However, my husband cannot vote until the GOP is fixed, as he is a conservative. I use to be an independent until 2016. Now I vote straight democrat. My husband and I share many similarities, mostly social issues, but how the government is run is where the fork in the road comes in. But he won’t vote be the is not MAGA. And I love him for having principles. He loves me for caring and loving people. 💙
What an amazing example the both of you have exemplified all these years 🎉
Carville tells the truth. So much wisdom. Love hearing from him.❤
Opposites attract?😅😅😅😅😅
If you actually got the majority of democrats you'd know why we are tired of hearing from this couple, Hillary and all the old farts that failed so many times to stop republican hate.
Failed on what matters most.
Failed on half the countries population so they can possibly die in their lifetime from back alley abortions.
Bring us the new.
Stop recycling these out of touch failures.
This is me. I'm republican and my significant other says he is a Democrat. Love oversees all
I agree with Mary on this..( unless at extreme ends of either party )
Being from NI, I'm all for bipartisanship..always have been even b4 the GFA in '94..
Mary was always one of my favorites. Hi Mary!
MAGA is not a party! Been very difficult since 2016 knowing your partner supports a criminal!
I cannot be with somebody that believes and hate and divisiveness. It’s a huge turn off. So I don’t agree. If it was pre-Trump days, maybe. But the hateful way that people talk now, I cannot stand behind.
She is a MAGAt James….you are sleeping with a conspirator!