From June, Anderson Cooper’s report on how Cambodian artifacts stolen from temples ended up in American museums and …
Get it right ,,this place has been around 3000 yrs old and way before they even knew who was carpenter guy who built a cross to then be put to use for torture and he was crucified on ,, how ironic…
54:35 that's a platinum Lester GTA V heist right there.
Over 20 years ago I used to collect knives and I got a catalog for my knife company I believe out of Arkansas. They would have artifacts in there in one section. One of the catalogs we got have all the heads that were cut off the temples 🥵 I called them told them what they were doing whether they were aware of it or not then the authorities. I always remember telling my mom. she said so do you want one. I said no that's not right. Those should be on the temple where they belong.
Ukrainias are brave! ❤
Please address the items taken from the continent of AFRICA with all the museums
How come no one's picked up the pictures before the camera guys are there. No rain or weather? Hmmmm.
That was great information . Thank you
Glacial progress. Love all the excuses.
Because she wants the money they bring in with viewers
Even if you're a smuggler why would you destroy the Artifacts?
This is great news.
beautiful advertisement!
Great job on this beautiful project! It’s amazing how people have the ability and patience to create their collections without having any doubts about breaking the law, stealing from churches, etc! How ridiculous that people can get away with such things!
these two guys will say anything for a weekends work🤣
Quote of Indiana Jones: “It Belongs in a Museum!” We glorified that yet condemn this?
What kind of gods are those they been stolen? God cannot be stolen. Fake guards can be stolen.
I've been to the Cambodian National Museum it's small but overflowing with history. I love it, a must visit.
There were many anicent artifacts from Burma taken out of the country also 😔
I hope they catch them, then expose them
I always wondered why they never had feet ☹️
Tired of walking in this world with more and more people making it worse
As sad as I feel about the desecration of the Ukraininan churches, I can’t help remembering that during nearly five centuries of European colonization of my India, Portuguese, French, British, Dutch and Danish colonizers razed thousands upon thousands of our living Hindu temples (which even then were 2000-2500 years old) to ground and stole the wealth therein shipping them all back to Europe. They were forcing Christianity upon us! This was AFTER India had already suffered the Islamic barbaric invaders and their looting for 8-9 centuries!! Whenever wherever humanity is forced to abandon its identity, its pride, it’s a forcible erasure and attempt at rewriting history by the powerful…
I am distraught that the iconic Hindu statues which is what most of these are, speaking of the Hindu past of Cambodia are being returned but the Indian ones made of bronze, copper, stone, terracota etc are still sitting in their thousands in ALL major museums of West like US, UK, Germany, Austria, Portugal, France but none of these countries are returning our artifacts to us😭 these places are making money off of strutting in such borrowed feathers that do NOT belong to them. These are part of my religious folklore, history and living culture. All these countries must return all these stolen heritage whether Greek-Roman Egyptian or Hindu Buddhist sculptures back to the countries of origin.
They can’t blink. They can’t speak. They can’t eat. It’s just stone.
They’re just sleeping! Lol!