How Trump Built His Base” is one in a series of shorts exploring some of the moments and experiences that shaped the lives and …
thank God Harris lost..
He sold his soul to the devil, aka Putin, is all that needs to be said
PBS "Orange Man Bad!!!!"🍊
I am a Trump supporter. I never felt that he cares about me. However, he reverberates what I feel. This movement has been out there for years. He just knew how to encase it verbally and promote it. I don't always agree with how he handles things or what he says, but he is a representative of my beliefs, and we needed a voice. He was and is that voice. So, to say he sucked us into a "cult" is false. We have always existed.
He likes the boob tube because he is a boob. And did bet he never watched PBS in his life. And his Fox News- watching base is the stupidest political base in history.
You are the worst kind of Christian
The one and only GOAT 🐐
These people are all nuts! You will go down the tubes like the rest of the people you voted against. Trump is a piece of trash. He says he would punch you in the face. No he wouldn't, he ran through the neighborhood scared as a rat.
8 Years of hatred and propaganda couldn’t bring him down. Irony at its finest!
The access Hollywood tape is what made me vote for trump! LMAO. We have all said far worse when there is no camera. Stop acting like you've never said anything you wouldn't exactly say in front of Grandma. "LOCKER ROOM TALK" The media is so bad.
Hey elite, you've made a president trump twice!😂
Not a cult!
Trump won you loss 😂😂
This is election meddling
2024 and his base is bigger than ever, the majority of the country wanted him back as president and now he is. That just shows you how terrible the Democrat party has been, they can't beat Trump, it's time to look in the mirror and come back to the center.
People love to hate
By lying to them !! 😢
News from the Illuminati Network?
Kanal: After Skool
Titel: MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population becomes mentally ill
(A Killing of the mind)
Kanal: Hazards and catastrophes
Titel: Illuminati: Myths and realities of a parrallel world documentary
Kanal: Silberjunge Thorsten Schulte
Titel: Entschleierung beginnt: John F. Kennedy, Nixon, Freimaurer, Putin, Bel Lazar, Vatikandokumente
German YouTube Channels:
Aktien mit Kopf, Actuarium, Gerwin Lovrecki, Nachdenkseiten, Alexander Raue, Anti Spiegel, CompactTV, Clownswelt, Deutschland Kurier, Die Weltwoche, Russische Welt TV, Gegenpol, Dr Seuch, Hoss & Hopf, Ignaz Bearth, Ketzer der Neuzeit, Grenzgänger Studios, Ketzerkirche, Krissy Rieger, Marc Friedrich, Matthias von Gersdorff, Nius, Oli, Parralax, Prof. Dr. Christian Rick, Radio München, Silberjunge Thorsten Schulte, Weichreite TV, ShowToGo, BorisReitschuster, AchtungReichelt, DrBerninger, Achse:ostwest, Daniele Ganser, GedichteGedankenZukunft, Tim Kellner, Kapitän_Klausi, Lovelockhighlights, RealitaetIslam, MuslimInteraktiv, GenerationIslam
English YouTube Channels
David Icke, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, ThePodcastOfTheLotusEaters, @-anonymous, RealCandaceO
Kotz Dich aus
John Kahn Fighter (Official Music Video)
Kanal: basterecords
Apokalipsa – Wstań Polsko wstań
Product of pain
I'm voting for trump on the basis of what Hulk Hogan Wants and I like when trump was firing people on that TV show!
Actually I am voting for trump because Kamala suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssss
Bunch of nuts
Christian nationalist
How the child dismemberment Racist Democrat Party built their Nazi like base.
These people are fucking deluded…
"people love to hate" Evidence that Donald understands completely how to control his cult. Conservatives are controlled with fear and anger so he stokes those emotions as much as possible.
MAGArbage Trump 😂
All the poor trumpers in rural areas will learn a hard lesson when their SSI checks disappear.
History will record that the evangelicals, were major contributors to the dissolution of the
American Constitution/Democracy.
Paula white??? True believers???? 😅😅😅
Please look into the Egypt, Trump, Connection
The golfing grifter insurrectionist conman at motel Mara Lago loves watching television. When it was president it watched tv at least 7 hours a day, calling the wasted hours " executive time". Never forget America, it is the creature, nothing more. MAGA666
Don't be nonsense…
This old aging man.
He is mad and unstable mindset..
He is weak physically and unfit…
Love or hate ? What’s your choice ? for 2024 elections ..
Trump is most dangerous devil, liar, liar, liar. Nothing good are expected if Trump will be elected second time.
On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., was attacked by Trumps troops. God Bless America.
Many Americans patriot was injured, many died. One reason he wants to be a tsar and tyran to the Americans, just like his Russian friend Putin.
All Paula White does is “play” with God..She’s a woman pastor even though the Bible forbids it
Show me you don’t like someone without showing me…as for the alternate video on Kamala that was an embarrassing puff piece. How can anyone view any of your other normally credible reporting as unbiased from now on? Unfollowed.
Welcome to my world. Here's the mentality in a nutshell: "We say 'God is in control' but we really don't believe it. So since we really don't believe, we need this "anointed" politician to help us (help God out)." If this were such a good idea, why didn't Jesus think of it? The Bible calls this, "spiritual adultery." Billy Graham warned against this. It is a breaking of the first and second of the Ten Commandments.. just for starters..
A conwoman helped a conman. Using god’s name to help themselves. Truly if you are religious there is a special place in hell for people like these two awful human beings. Manipulation through the faith of many is truly evil.
The most important way that the base was built and me being one of them being gravitated pulled or push or even ort into his political party was the media portraying him as Hitler and the media saying he is a threat, and all these lies brought a lot of us to him
Democrats hate Donald Trump because he does not get bought. I voted for Donal Trump. About time a candidate brings religion back to the country. This is an act of desperation from Kamala Harris😂😂😂😂😂.She Is CLUELESS!!