With their long working hours, cultural obsession with work, and high-stakes schooling system, South Koreans live life in the fast …
It’s very sad how they push those kids to the brink. It’s no surprise how negatively their mental and physical health suffers smh do better parents.
This is so toxic
Some parts of this made me sick. Especially the old lady picking up paper and the young student.
Asians repping
Sad the lifestyle of this country, i was born in Soul and adopted to a big Itialian military family in America! In a very short time this country did come from rags to riches but at what cost! Its sad the older generation isnt being helped, even in America we help our elderly as much as we can and we still lead in technology and everything else!😢
If your interested viwers, look at the adoption scandal in south Korea!
So he's unthankful for what God gave them already ??? He decided to go and play God ???😢
When the mum said that they invest in their brains as most precious resource, I just thought…my god you must be really dumb to put up with ruining your own or your family's happiness. They seem like robots rather than humas, but that's perfect for corporations for the bottom workers. I'd never hire however someone who can't revolt or find another solution for anything more senior.
Imagine living in a country where u have to change your face just to get a job…. that's Korea
Imagine living in a country where u have to get a job just to change your face …. that's USA
North Korea is the worst manifestation of communism while South Korea is the worst manifestation of capitalism
I understand each country has it's own culture, religion and way of living but all i know is people try to impress their boss by doing good work performance so they can get a raise not doing surgery. This the first time I heard.
this video is so old
the old lady ..so sad!!😢
A brutal law of Nature is the concept of SCARCITY; there not being enough for everyone.
That leads to another law of Nature, Survival Of The Fittest,
[or how organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.]
To improve humans' chances of survival, we have turned to Technology, to High Tech, to AI,
[all of which requires Fossil Fuel for power and energy, which has brought us to Climate Change.]
You can see where all this is headed.
Finally, we can google "Sixth Mass Extinction" which refers to the Current Ongoing Extinction event on Earth,
[primarily driven by Human Activities like habitat destruction, climate change, and overexploitation.]
because of increasing Air and Water Toxicity and pollution,
because of increasing Ocean Dead Zones where fish/life cannot survive,
because of Rising Temperatures, etc., etc.
If you find this too upsetting, you can always call this FAKE NEWS!!
But we're way past the point of no return, way past Earth's inflection point, if truth be told.
Time will tell. It always does.
Now that is pet obsession. 80k for a pet is crazy when people are literally starving.
My takeaway in this docu is that no matter how hard to study, if you don't fit the "image" of the company you're applying, you're screwed. You study to the death so a smug ass company can tell you you're not qualified for the job because your face don't represent them. That's diabolical and predatory.
Imagine your mother telling the TV she's proud of you because you are playing video games
A mother of a new born child is more objective w.r.t. her bayby's beauty, than this author w.r.t. anything within this documentary. From the typical western arrogance (I say this as a Germany – we are by far the worst at it) to the nonstop parading how businesses dare to do everything just for making more money (no shit Sherlock).
Soulless humans.
I write this to You to bring You Eternal Hope from far away."The Rapture"- is A Truly Real Future Biblical Christian Worldwide Event in which Millions of Living True Christian Believers shall be "Transported" into Heaven to meet The Creator Of The World/The Maker Of The World/The Lord Himself and they shall be with him Forever and ever.Also in addition to "The Rapture" another Truly Real Future Biblical Christian Worldwide Event called "The First Resurrection" will also take place,which will "Resurrect" All-Dead True Christian Believers and will also "Transport" them into Heaven to meet The Creator Of The World/The Maker Of The World/The Lord Himself and they shall be with him Forever and ever!
"The Rapture" collects All-Living True Christian Believers,while "The First Resurrection" collects All-Dead True Christian Believers.The Dead True Christian Believers shall rise first and then both:The Dead and The Living True Christian Believers shall Together be Transported into Heaven to be Together with The Christian God and to be Rewarded accordingly by The Christian God!
This is not a joke.I have seen "The Signs" and these words are "True and Correct".Remember!Jesus Christ said:“You don’t have to wait for the End.I am right now,Resurrection and Life.The one who believes in me,even though he or she dies,will live.And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all.Do you believe this?”
When I went there only children and elderly had normal non surgery faces, truly a hellhole for even the rich to live in. You can live well but can you truly live amongst those shallow degenerates and oligarchy? It is a fucked up society and not all are as bad truly. What society expect you to change your face just to get a job over 100k? at least in Australia you don't.
North korea is the best.🇰🇵
I have been to Korea and it's a beautiful country and the people are very friendly. I had no idea they were under this kind of pressure. I also found them all to be very good-looking people. That poor guy changed his look, and in my eyes, he was already nice looking.
I found even in India, the darker skinned were considered unattractive, and to me, they were gorgeous. Their coal black hair and pretty brown skin were mesmerizing. Yet they were considered to be the bottom of the barrel until they get to other countries.
How is online gaming a sport? Also, comparing these video gaming geeks to athletes🤦🏾♂️
What a sick world
modern age slavery
This is living hell. The worst part is they did this to themselves. 😐
And they wonder why South Korea's birthrate is falling
I tried to watch this from Korea but for some reason you made this video unavailable in Korea? Why?
If you think that we don't have that corporate dystopia in Europe – visit Waldorf, the SAP headquarters
Americans dont know how good they got it, until they live in other countries
I'm completely against the grueling school hours in S. Korea, but looking at what public schooling in Europe has become, I do not think teaching effort, grit, and discipline hurts. All in the right amounts.
That poor boy hope an employer will give him a job
I lived in South Korea during 2013 until 2023. Age 23 until 33. I'm not saying South Korea is a heaven, but it's not as terrible as they make it sound.
It's more of a unique situations that they try to generalize in this video.
52:00 really? I will go into a "trance" and bless anyone's business for the low low price of $10,000.
Sir, you forgot to talk about taxes. It's really important for me too, as a fellow freelancer
Man I thought working 8 – 3:30 5 days a week was wage slavery. This is on another scale. Why no revolution? China has "lay flat" won't be too long in Korea
stay your country where you at. living in South Korea is not easy. I been there.
Modern Slavery
To be honest a little gym session at the morning is not a bad idea. Sometimes it feels like i have a body of a 50 year old. But to be pressured to do overtime is just bad
This country sounds like a nightmare to live in. At least they have food and no work camps?
South Korea will soon be populated with AI looking people. They all strive for the same looks and same ambitions.
Educação é tudo na vida,mas não em excesso.
Crazy that guy has to get surgery on his face to get a job. It really is a dystopian world.
These are the needs that beats your ass while your play a normal round during your brakes. Worst are the ones from Philippines and Malaysia since majority of them don't work all day so they game. Literally that's all you se these 3rd country do.
Korea looks so competitive society which is hard to survive. I went to school in Japan, and there were sports clubs activities and student life was fun. I think I would get depressed if I went to school in Korea.
South Korean govenment is corrupt. It is heavily influenced by large conglomerates like Samsung, LG, and Hyundai. The education system prioritizes conformity, shaping students into a workforce primarily serving corporate interests. Meanwhile, the work culture demands long hours and relentless dedication, leaving little time or energy for individuals to pursue personal freedom or challenge the system.
Old video.