British sensation Duffy sings her hit single, “Mercy” off of her new album “Rockferry”.
One of a kind for sure. It's such a shame we lost her. All those prime years gone. She's my favorite all time singer. Peace
your one of the best singer out there duffy with love from jeff
reminds me of dolly parton for some reason (her looks — not voice)
check out what i call Mercy on my Page.
Thats why i love Duffy Gin Wigmore and Adele They are real artists
@SirAndrewII If ignorant=truth sure. and i would have ignorance im not British. and if by ignorance you mean stereotypes then let me remind you that stereotypes are patterns in culture and i will assume this pattern until proven differently.
@elizarock69 Lol, I think that's the definition of ignorant.
the best of the new Brit soul sound
NO autotune or shittyass keyboard shit ITS CALLED TALLENT
both duffy and adele sound southern. i cant ever tell that they are british. she looks 40 not 27 what?!
She good, but she's no Nikka Costa (neither was Amy)
15 trolls got no mercy
Dyffy…. not mutch to say then. u are one of the few in the world that have so perfect voice. Love listen to u..
I love her. the first i saw her was on SNL doing this song. It was tremendous. good show 'ol girl. š
she so classy and her voice is so tight i thot she was like 30 something
thats LIVE???? Wow officially in Love
So talented!
Commercials on youtube suck.
wow, i LOVE her voice. i heard of her a couple years ago, but had never heard her music and i honestly, going off of her looks and the title of her cd "rock ferry" kind of wrote her off as being this lame sort of punk rockish blonde bimbo……..i accidentally heard this song the other day and checked the artist singing and was ASTONISHED to find out it's HER….how i have been missing out for years! she's got some talent! she has herself a new dedicated fan.
Wow, this is proof that you don't need to be naked to get the attention
@cordedpoodle Um, no? I'm saying she doesn't sound fake or completely different live unlike most modern day singers. She doesn't editing to make her sound good, so that is pure talent. But okay?
@iSadiee14 So you are saying she's as talented as a CD player? or a machine… because she can make an exact reproduction? and that is the point of music?
Oh yeah those swingers on the CBS early show are incredibly knowledgeable about music. You could learn a lot from them.
High standards of standardization.
Sweet lord she sounds exactly like the CD! Pure talent.
did anyone else think the was an older song with a young african american singing?
I love this song and her unique pronunciations.
Brilliant – she`s gorgeous. What a voice