A statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky saying a deal to end the war with Russia was “very far away” has drawn …
Stop with your fraudulent headlines Trump is not attacking zelensky nor has he ever. When a democrat attacks and you call it just speaking but when trump talks you call it attacking it shows you have a ental problem an that you need to go get some help.
Go to hell zelensky !!! ..zelensky has dug a grave for ukraine and himself..because of his stupidity. and he is an arrogant president who cares about his own ego. even though he is in a position to beg for help, why is he so stubborn?
I can only tell you, as an American, I'm appalled at this excuse of a Democratc president!
How many hour's a day does trump practice to be this stupid.
Thanks trump
Trump as been a Russian "Asset' since the eighties. All of his money comes from the Russian Mob.
Why aren't our news outlets reporting on all of the protest marches(1000s) against trump, in major US cities?
Gave up nuclear weapons to be recognized..? Fuck no
How much does Pres. Zelenski need to grovel in order to please trump? Pres. Zelenski did thank trump over & over! trump needs to apologize to Pres. Zelenski for yelling @ him, & for his total verbal abuse of him! Also, Trump & all of his minions need to apologize to Pres. Zelenski for trying to shame him for not wearing a suit! The people who participated in this bullying should be
ashamed of themselves, but people like that never are! Donna
Land Stellar Gaza Is Not For sale Al Aqsa Is Belong To Muslims
End the war. I refuse to fund the Ukraine war anymore.
The only right decision is for USA to help Russia on the battlefront and stop the war
WAR is the unfinish mission of men so every time there is a WAR NOBODY WINS ALL are LOOSER. GOD bless the people who died in this misunderstanding of this two nations. Amen
Liberals when Trump doesnt want War: 😡
We dont want to leave nato but our people are struggling to get by propping up a lot of other economies under the guise of fairness but to most of us it just looks like criminals acted against the interests of their owm citizens for their own personal gain or some not so hidden goal of world domination
This is absolute bullshit!!!! Trump has taken Zelenskyy cards from him. And given Putin everything Putin is wishing for. Zelenskyy don't weaken and sign the minerals deal. TRAITORS GET ASSASSINATED!!!! BE PATIENT….ITS GOING TO HAPPEN!!
For Mother Russia!! Good work Comrade
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I was very disappointed with Uncle Trump. Until now, I thought he was a good person. (sorry)💔
Trump need not punish Ukraine people because of that President, stop the war and save innocent men, women and children- only America can make the deal.
Broiggscvgcvfccccç disconnectedness
Trump is taking the path of least resistance. He is “seeking” peace between Ukraine and Russia in the simplest way at all costs. Let the weaker Ukraine give in to Russia, let it take as much of its territory as Putin wants. Why would he (Trump) try and force Russia to stop attacking Ukraine? Either he is afraid of Putin and prefers to put pressure on Zelensky, or he prefers to plunder the war-torn country together with Russia, taking over its natural resources. The Ukrainian people themselves do not count in this game at all. Two tyrants: one clever and ruthless – Putin, and the other stupid, short-sighted – Trump wants to jointly destroy Ukraine, destroy President Zelensky and their three-year efforts in the fight against the Russian occupier.
But BBC I thought Ukrainine is wining…. 😂
Europe as a whole should be thankful that America is part of NATO. Clearly the comments do not really see the importance of America in this theater. Americans should backup The Presidency. Without America footing all of Europe has to put an effort to replace what America is funding. Literally half is what America sends in aid. Europe as a whole depends on America not America depending on Europe.
If the European Union were to surround and attack Russia, Russia would likely resort to using nuclear weapons.
When a dog is cornered and attacked, even if it knows it can't win, it will still fight back. If people enjoy seeing others die, then go ahead and do it. However, Donald Trump always thinks about how to prevent people from dying and suffering in this world. If biological weapons are used, a disaster even worse than COVID-19 could occur.
Therefore, the actions of Europe are destructive and bring no benefits to humanity. Hatred, revenge, retaliation, and ego-driven conflicts will not lead to peace.
It is better to cease hostilities and engage in dialogue until a resolution is reached. Please translate the above text into English from start to finish.
This delusional russia puppet just announced sanctions against its master for just killing innocent civilians in Ukraine again..what an idiot
WTF IS GOING ON U.K.??!! My god, King Charles will look horrible if he has that monster Trump visit the U.K. until the war is over, with a free Ukraine and Europe is secure, with Putin defeated in prison or dead. Your reporter had it wrong! The U.K.'s Prime Minister Sir John Major, signed The Budapest Memorandum, right on the dotted line to come to Ukraine's defense if their borders were threatened, with the US and russia. I am shocked and very disappointed in Prime Minister Sir Keir Rodney Starmer and the UK, for chickening out and reneging on that agreement, only because the US did. So what , the U.K. wants to be in the donald dumb trump club? SHAME ON THE U.K. NOW Right now the US is being run by a bunch of liars, cheats and crooks and russia is, russia. If you ask anyone on the street who was the champion against the the Nazis in WW2, they will say Sir Winston Churchill. You ask anyone on the street who the American president was in WW2 and 95% will not know. The U.K. championed to keep Europe from falling then and you Prime Minister Keir Starmer, need to be the next champion of Europe to get soldiers with weapons and air support in Ukraine to stop Putin once and for all. You saying everyone doesn't want to see our young men and women on the ground. Do you have any idea what President Zelenskyy said right in front of the world? If you don't realize that the only thing between you and you sucking up only borscht in you local cafes. If that butcher manages to beat the Ukraine army and Kiev falls, he will suck up all those battle hardened troops and add them to his battle hardened troops you are going to be history. The combined Russian/Ukraine military will mow down your individual military's down and Putin won't stop until he dips his toes in his new Spanish beachfront development. The European governments need to get Turkiye into the EU and every single country needs to first ask their military personnel if they will volunteer to join along side of the Ukrainians to defend their families and their country from the communist power that is Putin. If their is a lack of enthusiasm to join them then each country is going to have to make a list of young and experienced troops with or without kids that each country will deploy to fight in Ukraine. PERIOD You DO NOT have the luxury of "umming and ahhing" because time is your enemy. The Ukrainians need as much hardware as you can send them and every country who wants to remain free needs to get men and women to battle beside the Ukrainians so that Putin is defeated. That is your only options. It is maddening to watch every country's leader dancing and weaving around the dance floor because like I said "Time is your enemy!" Ukraine must not fall or be worn down or you are all toast. I am disabled and almost in a wheelchair or I would be volunteering to be there because both my Grandmother and Grandfather fought in England so that I am free.
I think the Queen Mother, bless her, would be very unhappy with the current government for not staying true to their word.
Trump keeps insisting that when he took office in 2017, the world entered a period of peace, and wars only resumed under Biden, just as they did under Obama. But he either fails to understand or deliberately ignores the obvious: there was no real peace under him—only a lull before the storm. Russia used those years to prepare for a full-scale war, infiltrating Ukrainian media, placing its operatives close to political power, and analyzing potential invasion scenarios.
Now, Trump is once again pushing for a so-called “peace deal” that would, in reality, be nothing more than a pause for Putin. If the deal goes through, Russia will have at least four years to correct the mistakes it made in 2022. The Kremlin will strengthen its military, adapt to modern warfare conditions, and replace its aging Soviet-era missile and tactical nuclear arsenals with new, more advanced weapons.
Trump’s version of “peace” is not peace—it’s surrender to an aggressor who, like Hitler in 1938, will merely use the time to regroup and strike even harder. This is not peacemaking; it is complicity. Trump is not preventing war—he is helping Putin prepare for an even more brutal and devastating one.
Trump is acting like such a little b*tch. What happened? I thought he was meant to be a pillar of strength?
U.S bipolar tendencies are dangerous.
How do Americans feel about their country forsaking everything they once stood for? Its okay if America has forgotten. NATO remembers.
IMPOSSIBLE is to méa – culpa by attempting to leak your own arse standing erect upright😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂
Zelensky stubbornness to Trump's blackmail(to share rare earth)and his deman for US SECURITY after war peace deal made cracked Trumps failed evilish cheat scheme after Zelen nose-thumped Trump's low-brow scam
I still dont get how we havent seen a European stand off with russia lik this isnt possibly going to be their country after Ukraine 😐
There is no way to end the war in ukraine rather topple or overwhelmed Russia out of ukrainen soil .Putin is not crazy enough to surrender or gave way of putin liability or accountability for the war damage he has made in his attempt to envade ukraine Trump is a hard headed resident of america who hardly understand everything what happened to ukraine trump trickery is an old style like him.