Rep. Jasmine Crockett sends a message to Elon Musk: F*** Off #trump #liberal #musk #doge #maga #progressive #democrat …
These crooked politicians like Crockett knows their demise is coming..all these millionaires in government are.alarming. your lies are being uncovered..that's why she doesn't like him
Did she say S_ _ :off or F _ _off?!? Either one is as funny as it gets. Go Jazz, you ROCK❤
She is fabulous and potential President, also drop dead gorgeous
As a U.S. Representative, Jasmine Crockett earns an annual salary of $174,000.
Regarding her net worth, estimates vary. Some sources suggest it ranges between $1 million and $5 million, while others propose figures between $2 million and $9 million.
Explain to me how she got in the millions.
Look at the party of tolerance being tolerant
Good talk. Thats why they lost. Zero policy ideas. Just embezzle our money for themselves lol
No class!
Love you rep Jasmine Crockett ❤️❤️❤️
What a racist loser that should not be in office. A piece of garbage that has no substance whatsoever.
On repeat for me. Love this woman!
I am just waiting for her to run for president!!!!;💯
I ❤ her! 😃😃😃😃😃
Can I get an Amen!!!!
How classy.
Perfectly pronounced 👌 👏 🙌 ❤️ 😂
Thank you, Congresswoman Crockett
She said what she said! Point blank PERIOD!
That is what Elon musk said to Disney when Disney blackmailed him a couple of years ago.. seems like she took a leaf out of his book.
Why didn't she criticize Biden & their Administration when he was obviously senile ?
I wouldn't expect anyone corrupted to say anything else
Lol democrats love failing
I am in love
🔥 🔥 🔥
Very foul language… no respect no class…Musk is an appointee of Executive branch…Legally….Crockett is concerned now….Where was she when BidenHarris administration hid his cognitive dissonance and lied all four years of who ran the country? Their policies were destructive and caused this dilemma we face now..Bureaucrats aren’t elected employees. They should be held accountable for their lack of transparency and misappropriation of taxpayers money
I love her ❤❤ she's awesome
Never trust a dude with fake hair and fake eyelashes and he’s looking a little nappy!!!!!!🤷🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
Funny and accurate as fuck.
What you said Soror! Stand on business luv.
She is not one of us.she is not black.
I thought she was going to say "please, don't stop our money-flow!". Fantastic educated role model this so called "congress-woman"
No class from this woman. At all
Champion 🏆
What a delicate flower she is 🤮
Thanks Rep Crockett for representing
Jasmine is our John Hancock Patriot! I love and support her in every way! She's a stand-up woman and first class American!
Says the lady lying in her pockets and probably laundering the money that has come up missing that’s why you want to say things like that to Elon😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a loser this woman is she’s an example to everyone how not to act when you’re a loser and she’s a sore loser at that which with a B
Says the lady lying in her pockets and probably laundering the money that has come up missing that’s why you want to say things like that to Elon😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a loser this woman is she’s an example to everyone how not to act when you’re a loser and she’s a sore loser at that which with a B
i hope she runs for president so dems lose again
Yezzzz Jazzzyyy! Finally a Democrat who speaks to MAGA in their language. No more playing Mr. Nice Guy, Dems!
Lower than a spineless goob of spit.
She has the mind and emotional maturity of a very young and very stupid child.
I agree Jasmine
ELON, WE LOVE & APPRECIATE YOU! Anyone with a functioning brain understands what you are doing. Tech support is a great way to explain it. & the death threats are unacceptable!
Black women, here's your role model. Now ask me why I have issue with you.