Three years ago 5-year-old Dulce Alavez went missing from a New Jersey park, it is suspected she was lured into a van by a man.
Caring much for her child.
Bright mother
I have a feeling someone 😮knock down his ice cream and she probably went running after him,after her Demise😢
God bless her God be with her may she be Surrounded by angels.
I don't understand how it hasn't clicked into anyone's brain that there are so many wooden areas along with ponds and lakes and I have yet to hear that the Police Department has scheduled a search in lakes, ponds, rivers, or any wooden areas in Bridgeton NJ. You have Mary Elmer Lake, Sunset Lake, Jeddys Pond, Conhansey River, and all those little lands for sale surrounded by woods and ponds and so forth. Why hasn't anyone dug in deeper? Has anyone looked into the map to even notice the surroundings of the area where she was kidnapped or what are the possibilities? Do you mean to tell me that no red vehicle was noticed on any camera in that area or highways, turnpikes, or any gas stations? No one knows the man in the sketch? None of this is making any sense. The police department needs to seriously dig in deeper and start scheduling searches in all these areas and in places where they won't even imagine. This is so disturbing!!!!!
The leads NOT shared with public would have gotten Dulce back in late 2019, or early 2020
I heard it was a white van and a red car but regardless there's a red vehicle behind her in that video
Not many children have gone missing in that area . Isn’t that fucking strange ?
So let me get this straight you took your daughter to a park let her out of your sight and she got snatched up ? Do you hate the father ? What mother allows this to happen ?
The mom seems pretty emotionless during that last bit
CCTVs should be installed all around parks where children are
Yeah there’s a red van behind her when she laughing , maybe her dad took her or send someone to kidnapped her . Her mom said her dad doesn’t care about her supposedly. And happens to call her to know what happen .. maybe he call her so they won’t have suspicious on him .
a sick fuck got her who knows what this girl is going through or went through
The guy was know to her school.. staff members know who he is.. hes talked to dulce in front of her school.. skinny about 5 10. You wouldnt suspect him.. he might been a volunteer at her school..
A psychic said that she is in the woods behind one of the hospitals in the city she lives in. She also mention the person who took her knows the family, and mention the name Humberto.
She said the male who took her always wears a hat and like to dress like a cowboy sometimes. They should really go use psychic clues they won’t loose anything with trying.
Don’t give up on this girl. Don’t forget her y’all, keep her name alive. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
How adults can cause so much harm to innocent children is incomprehensible.
I do not believe the mother, she didn't seem to be devastated when calling cops. She was very matter of fact. In another report it said she waited 40 minutes to call cops.I see she bought tinted blue contact lenses where did that money come from? I believe she sold her child. I wonder what experts in body language analysis have to say about her demeanor. The lady sitting next to her, her mother maybe, seems awfully quiet. To me this lady seems to be lying.
I hear no emotion in his voice
She's gorgeous 👼🏻god please wrap this princess in a golden blanket of love and protection I feel child trafficking is a possiblity or father had her kidnapped
I believe her father took her to Mexico
5 years already 🤯🤯🤯🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This is the only cold case I'll never forget and always check up on. Something about it really gets to me and bothers me more than other cases.
The father worked for lipman produce in west depford, nj about 25 mins away from bridgeton nj, he also worked at lipman produce in Hendersonville nc, both locations are big Mexican communities.
Justice for Dulce.
The kidnapper defiantly got lucky and his or her moves were just way too clean.
Those age progressions does not look like her. She clearly has her mother’s hairline.
You DONT CALL FILIPINOS “SPANISH “ do u ?? No so why try to insinuate these are “SPANISH” they are obviously indigenous native Americans!
The first part of the video where dulce is laughing there’s a red van behind her 😳
I remember this case, so sad
Still thinking of you Dulce
Please keep her name alive.
Whoever has that little girl … just let her go home… please I got a 8 year old and just couldn't comprehend the pain that family is going through… prayers for you and your family
Mom was scratching off lottery tickets in the car, not paying attention to her kids. She knows so much more than she has told the police, and she was only 14 or 15 when she had the girl. That says everything. Unfortunately that girl is gone forever
I really hope they find her. I love my daughter grown now but I would feel terrible and do over anything like this. If you see anyone acting or doing anything unusual to 🤙 call
Prayers churches.I wouldn't want to be lost as a child!
Sounds like they trafficked her..whoever took her grrrrrrr
Parks are just a setup
Sooo heartbreaking. I pray she is alive. Keep praying 🙏.
Is it possible she was taking over the border? This is scary and I won't wish this on anyone
Her mother is involved w/the disappearance of Dulce – I bet the farm
And a comment to "April":. You must not have or even care for children by the way you talk! Shame on you. That is a little girl who people loved, + tucked into bed at night.
It discuss me how people are so cold,
UNcaring and calloused nowadays.
I'm not going to read any more of this as the way "some people" are today ( try 2nd Timothy 3:1-5….. by the way that's in New World Translation of the BIBLE ) …. I speak more AND READ NO MORE.
Please refer to the missing Summer Wells case thru the TBI. Your suspect picture looks a wicked lot ( to me) like a person mentioned on a YT site: Michelle After Dark. The young man mentioned was arrested for possession of many pics of CP but has not yet gone to court pertaining to these charges. His name totally avails me but his dad is an ex or retired law enforcement related person. God Bless.
She is in Mexico
They didn't explain in this coverage but she had her minor sister there too, and she was helping her do homework in the car, which was in the parking lot just off to the side. The kids had gotten ice cream at the store minutes beforehand – so those wondering about cameras, they checked them. Mom said they were only playing 5-10 mins when her and her little sister finished up and walked down to the swings. The brother was staring at his ice cream on the ground crying. There was a group of girls who said they saw Dolce go behind a shed. And she never came back out. They also saw a red van. And possibly a younger male. There was also another man and kid that had been at the park when they arrived, and they never came forward.
So this all happened with mom a few feet away and other people in the park. Scary.
Hmm like another commenter mentioned where are the cameras? Why aren't police looking at all cctv camera's round the park and beyond. Ask people to come forward who were at the park who may have taken cellphone photo's
I remember her so sad 😞 🙏🏽 some creep has this child or killed her
I hate to say it but if the child isn’t recovered within 24hrs it’s majority of the time deceased. Thugs aren’t going to feed it, and it could have been sold into human trafficking.
Prayers for her safe return 🙏 ❤️