High inflation. Fear of recession. Disruptions, like the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. How did the U.S. economy get here?
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I agree with easy money
Stop your war machine stop your imperialism your colonialism
and stop governing for the rich and start governing for the American Citizen start investing in the country reinstate the new deal invest in public services educational health environment. this will be the start of the rebuilding of the country.
Frontline you are unbelievable
Bapak pamudjiid
So the Fed basically blames everything on incomplete regulatory policy. This is like mixing the state and religion.
With the current economic crisis around the world 🌍consider investing in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. This sector offers significant profit potential with no risk than cryptocurrency which can be highly volatile
Go ahead brother
good advice
18:08 is that Steve Balmer lol
After dr. Shivin classes 😊
How much did Nancy make off “Air BNB” stock, a company based on illegal commercial use of homes in nanny states like California where you need a building permit to hang a picture on the wall.
Frontline under current DEI management is a typical PBS subsidiary. only criticizing Trump never criticizing Obama for the exact same thing
Frontline under current DEI management is a typical PBS subsidiary. only criticizing Trump never criticizing Obama for the exact same thing
Obama’s infrastructure spending was limited to “shovel ready” projects. What a joke, but Frontline says nothing and blames Trump only. Biased cause afraid Trump will cut their funding by cutting gov subsidy of PBS
Stupid feds, to lower inflation
Stop printing fake money and pay off the fake money that the corrupt pollations spent and stoll
USA: Talk, talk, talk. China: Action.
++I can donate to PBS Buffalo but can't watch in Canada?
Don't seem right..
There all full of shit
Lower gas prices and arrest price gougers then you WILL end inflation.
We don’t really have a slow or failing economy if you can just become creative. The future is certain, we are just slow in readjusting to the economic trends. With Inflation, bank collapse, natural disasters and so on all coming together, it will lead to a bigger disaster sooner. Inflation is currently soaring, your primary concerns should be how to maximize your savings/retirement funds. I have been able to do just that and I feel fulfilled. These billionaires and ultra-wealthy (as the caption called them), don't think like average people do. I've learnt not to envy them anymore but to think, invest and risk like they do. In summary, my once sitting 100k is now about 9% away from turning into a million, thanks to my curiosity and to my manager Katherine Ann McGrath. If a collapse begin and all banks crash, I may not even be aware of it. I owe it all to Katherine Ann McGrath. You can look her up to know more about her. She's the best and will be of great benefit to anyone wishing to make a fruitful leap. Life should get softer after retiring, it all depends on how prepared you were for it.
Biden administration is to blame and the flood of illegal migrants that Americans tax money was thrown at draining the funds.
good job
Let Elon audit fort Knox and see were we really stand in America's gold reserves. Here it comes America!
The best TV
This is the beat TV in the world!
After watchin this documentary I realize ( more then ever) that America's financial and economic language is incredibly vague, misleading and constantly creating strange slang. And no one even wants to clarify it , because if anyone did so, we would be forced to hear the sound of a train blasting it's horn as it has no more track at the edge of a cliff. We are like the spouse that knows they have an unfaithful partner, but can't understand why our partner wont just be honest for once and tell us, and this is because they have never been honest, they don't know how to do that. The cheating partner imagines they will suddenly stop cheating either tomorrow or really soon and then, it will be as though it never happened. Stop waiting for government to come clean they can't, it will never happen. We need to start a new colony without the political parties.We don't need representation anymore.We have mass communication amongst ourselfs, think about it.
Pbs is controlled by the CIA they even brag about it on pbs this government propaganda must end the world rejects global government it is slavery
Who is here after Dr Shivin lecture? 😊
What’s crazy is how politicians and big banks have used culture wars to distract and divide us while they rob us blind. I don’t think most people care if you’re a gun owner, trans, Christian, gay, whatever but they’ve successfully divided us and blame each other while Wall Street continues to rob us blind.
I’m sorry .. but he TRuSt the Americans have in their independence monetary authority? No
Frontline could do a segment on crocheting and I’d somehow end up fully invested in watching every second.😂❤❤
We are no longer the dominant power there is no return to that
Money is on the brinks of collapse 😂😂😂, under the guidance of Money Global Empire ruled by by Gangsters, religion, government, united nations… suffering by the people, with out knowing that they are all SLAVES!!!
All lies 😂
One of the most important documentaries produced in the last decade. This should be required viewing for every US citizen. Sad that the comments section is littered with advertisements from so many grifters.
The banks all lie to everyone then Ben B. Gave them money back. We the people were the victims we should have been given the money to pay the mortgage they got lie to that they could afford they they for closed on everyone and to there house back and resold it again to someone else another sucker. The money they should have paid the home owners back would have shot the economy to the moon.
when the board game monopoly became a big hit, they created another similar one and called it Easy Money. in it you did less n earned more. that was in the 1960s. just like it did to board games, one act by a drunken leader let money flow without constraints. then decades later another drunken leader let the whole economy run like an auto on idle. and so here we are.
The Age Of Oligarchy.
I thought Putin did it.
This doc runs circles around the solution……… Taxing the oligarchs up the ass. End of!
The Federal Reserver destroyed this country forever. They caused inflation and asset prices are so high that young people can no longer afford them.
Funny how all the financial people lost their minds when Robin Hood groups screwed the shorts of Game Stop. They screamed so loud we need regulation!!!! Not until then, huh?????
~ O…Ya ~ America is Out ( BRICS is in ) = What did U Expect when you Elected a Felon for the President of Your Country ? That the world would just welcome U with Open Arms ?
This video scares the crap out of me….We are screwed….We have morons voting for morons leading this country..
Stimulus checks did NOTHING no matter who sent them. We already knew they did nothing after Obama did it. Then the government did it again!!! People being broke for a while would have forced prices down. Where are all of the corrections from MSNBC and CNN??? Everyone is such an expert after the fact. 😂
the tea party forgot it was the REPUBLICANS that gave us the crash.