Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Wednesday that Democrats will not support a House Republican-passed bill …
Senator Schumer, you must change your mind, Trump has already closed the government with his dangerous actions across the board. VOTE NO on Cloture & VOTE NO on CR
Schumer you coward..bending the knee to Trump..what are we afraid of? Trump & his court jesters are already shutting down the govt! Voting for this bill will hand over more of congressional power of the purse to Trump & Elon..vote NO
Then he says he will keep the government open. Loser
republicans are in complete control
They can fill the illegal alien jobs
It absolutely wouldn’t matter if it’s the greatest bill they’ve ever seen. Like Trump said: I could cure the deadliest disease known to man and they still wouldn’t clap or smile..! They just hate Trump. So A One pill Cancer Cure would get voted against!!
What a scam, what a stinking democratic party! You lost me when you wasted my taxes on condoms for Gaza, you losers
Schumer is a disgusting treasonous disgrace!
Schumer shutdown.
You do not deserve ANY IMPUT
No federal spending during a shut down!!!!!!!!!
Musk does not get a check!!!! Keep the cuts coming Elon!
Are you all aware that this bill is reported to be the same bill that they passed for Biden.
Wake up, people. They're lying.
Old Bent Neck Schumer at his best a f in clown show
Its been negative negative negative since 2016.
Shut it down permanently. If Schumer permanently sends workers home it makes Elon's job easier.
Senate Democrats need to ask themselves whether continuing to listen to terrorist supporting ex Jew, Chuck “the schmuck” Schumer is a wise move.
Now is the time for moderate Democrats to step up and be recognized! Now is the time for emergence of the Traditional Democrat Party of yesteryear before it became radicalized by the far left.
It’s time for moderate Democrats to take their seats at the table and work across the aisle to contribute to the success of our country! 🇺🇸
To be practical- Remove filibuster that way Republicans can move unilaterally, which Republicans can do. If they do not want to do that then, get bipartisan bill if dems vote is required. Why would dems vote on Republicans bill unless they agree? Simple example- Will you sign on something that you do not agree with in your daily life too? Answer is straight No. lol. So, stop blame game and work to get things done, that is why we sent you to senate.
0 seconds ago
Chuck Schumer going to unalive Grandma, veterans and poor people
Chuck, you make me (and others quite ill).
Chuck Schumer is the creature that lives beneath the silt and muck at the BOTTOM OF THE SWAMP
who wants democrat support for anything? The numb nuts known as the democrat party are deranged.
Schumer doesn't know what reconciliation means now, he knew when democrats had the majority.
SHUT IT DOWN>>>> stop Trump and his team of thiefs from taking the American Tax Payer's money. When they stop Medicad what are you going to do and went they take away the Vets SS it will be to late to recover it back. Watch the right News People looking in to what Trump and Elon Musk wants to do it will destroy America and i am a Real Republican i will not vote for them now but i will stay Republican. We need to come together, this is really going to hurt the children aswell , big cuts to Education. End these Tariffs it will hurt all American Citizens .
If support trump than you are monster
Schumer is older than dirt and outta touch with most of the country. I've got only 2 words…"Term Limits".
Schumer's been advocating stupidity his entire career.
✅ 🇺🇸 TRUMP 🇺🇸
Chuck Schumer is nothing but a liar. The man does not ever tell the truth about anything. He is a Jew, but he will not help his own people. What a disgrace What a piece of c***
So they said they'll stop a government shutdown before but now they say they will do it themselves?
Trump is a national disgrace.
Well done!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Oust the demoncrats. Hypocrisy is their philosophy.
Democrats proved to the people for 4 yrs how great they are in running our country! They totally F ed it up!!!!!. Dems just step aside!
Then Democrats will be responsible for government shutdown, not the Republicans . Why don't Democrats join Republicans to pass the bill?