On the docks of New Bedford, whispers about a rogue police officer harassing fishermen and stealing drugs come to a head …
This disgusts me. Good job pd/da/fbi. Losers
Well at least officer Pill isn’t shaking down people, well not in New Bedford anyways
I live in New Bedford with longstanding familial ties to the city. First off, I want to salute the courage and integrity of Officer Raposo. He’s a real life hero. A local Serpico. He should be held up as the standard to which all officers should aspire to. Secondly, I want to compliment the reporter for his outstanding work on this piece. I can see Mark Wahlberg or Ben Affleck or Matt Damon making a feature film out of this story.
When the “good ones” do nothing it’s quickly paramount to an “Acting in Concert” charge! 🍎 Make no mistake!
Like Karen Read case
NEW BEDFORD — A former city police officer was arraigned yesterday on heroin charges after police chased him in circles, literally, around a fishing pier over the weekend.
It is the second time in five years that Osvaldo V. Bermudez, 45, of Maple Street, New Bedford, was arrested on heroin possession with intent to distribute. Standard times
August 1996
Probably reading my mind too for no reason i know that for sure telepathy on news fucking radio being harassed psychology
The Finest Kind is a good watch about a NB fishing boat with actor Tommy Jones
For the Record
This page provides information regarding major developments and news reports about the New Bedford Police Department. Our goal is to ensure that our residents and the general public are fully informed. We encourage you to check back often; we update For the Record regularly.
Boston Globe Article Published March 12, 2025
This is important information that was not included or was decontextualized in the Boston Globe article and accompanying podcast. This information provides important context to the narrative. Documentation was provided to the Boston Globe before the story was published that support the facts below.
It’s important to note that much of the Boston Globe’s reporting is based on interviews with questionable or unnamed sources, terminated employees, and convicted criminals.
On April 9, 2018, the department received a vague report that then-Officer Santos may have been engaged in misconduct (improper or illegal searches and seizure of drugs). Nevertheless, then-Deputy Chief Olivera directed a narcotics detective to work to get more information and notified then Chief Joseph Cordeiro. The Chief then told Deputy Chief Olivera that he wanted to conduct an undercover sting operation with Santos as the target and he explained that he would contact an outside agency to assist.
On the evening of June 21, 2018, Officer Santos, while off-duty, illegally and improperly attempted to board a fishing vessel. Police were notified via 911 calls. This incident provided the department with viable complainants, witnesses and victims, about potential misconduct. A formal administrative investigation and a criminal investigation were opened the next day.
The department took the following disciplinary action against Santos:
He was immediately placed on Administrative Leave and an Internal Affairs File was opened on June 22.
There was a Reasonable Suspicion Hearing (a requirement of State law and the NBPD union contract) on June 23 to compel Santos to be drug tested.
In addition to the internal affairs investigation that was opened on June 22, the NBPD simultaneously opened a criminal investigation and specifically requested an independent, third-party Massachusetts State Trooper assigned to the District Attorney’s Office be involved in the probe. The District Attorney’s Office was heavily involved throughout the criminal investigation (this information was provided to the Boston Globe).
The criminal investigation was completed and presented to the District Attorney. During 2019, it is our understanding that the case was presented to the Grand Jury. On December 20, 2019, the DA notified the department that no action had been taken by the Grand Jury and the prosecutor had decided not to pursue the case.
On January 29, 2020, then Chief Cordeiro informed Mayor Mitchell of his recommendation to terminate Santos.
On January 30, 2020, Mayor Mitchell issued a letter to Santos of his intention to terminate and provided a hearing date as required by law. That date was moved at the request of the union attorney.
On February 19, 2020, Santos resigned before the hearing could take place, so no further action could be taken by the department regarding the Internal Affairs (administrative) investigation.
I remember something about a New Bedford detective dealing drugs out of his unmarked cruiser back in the nineties but I can't find anything on the net.
NEW BEDFORD — Two off-duty New Bedford police officers were arrested on Acushnet Avenue Friday night on charges of possession of cocaine.
One of those officers was Scott Greany, 31, the brother of Stephen Greany, a former city detective now serving a 10-year federal prison sentence for soliciting bribes from a local cocaine dealer. Standard times September 30, 2001
Police are just a gang themselves.
.they use to say don’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch..nowadays ur lucky to find a good apple at each department
All i can say is that this Raposa cop is one of the good ones. When cops are dirty, they are just criminals with badges and are worse than the criminals .
C.i. are notoriously unreliable , dirty , currupt , and self serving .
New Bedford isnt the only corrupt police. Maine has them to and im sure thats the case all over the nation. You see it on YouTube videos all the time of police officers breaking the same laws the swore and oath to uphold
It's a story that can be told about every police department in America. The police truly are the biggest and most corrupt gang in this country. Thanks to video capabilities nowadays the public is learning they are liars and bullies not to be trusted. And the wonder why people hate them.
Scandalous Squadron
You should put the same effort into a more worthwhile venture such as the indoctrination of children by radical trans activists.
Response to Boston Globe’s Coverage on New Bedford
Calling New Bedford “Snitch City” is both disrespectful and disingenuous. Throughout the podcast, small, petty comments reveal the journalist's lack of understanding and connection to the city. It’s clear they’re not from New Bedford. Two years of “investigation” have yielded little new insight. Fishermen’s struggles with addiction have been known for decades—this isn’t breaking news.
Before criticizing the community, I’d suggest the journalist step onto a boat for just one day. It’s easy to make sweeping judgments from afar, but the complexities of New Bedford, both the fishing industry and its police force, deserve more respect. A few bad cops should not tarnish the entire department. In my experience, the New Bedford Police have treated me better than the police in Providence or Newport.
Now that the Boston Globe has a stated focus on transparency, it’s time to ask: will they dig deeper into the larger, systemic issues that affect Massachusetts, or continue focusing on narrow, sensational stories? The recent coverage hardly offers any new revelations. Many of the stories are rehashes of what’s already been reported by Internal Affairs and the FBI—issues that have already been dealt with by the courts. Local outlets, like The Standard Times, have already covered most of these incidents. So, why spend two years on stories that don’t break new ground?
To be honest, I could have covered these stories in a matter of months, unless, of course, the time was spent making podcasts instead of digging into the real issues.
My frustration is not only with the lack of urgency in these investigations but also with the lack of focus on systemic issues. Low-income communities, especially gateway cities, are often easy targets for sensational reporting, while the broader, more impactful issues go unexamined. Where are the stories on corruption in large state projects? Where’s the investigative reporting into the roles that key politicians like Charlie Baker, Elizabeth Warren, and Maura Healey have played in Massachusetts’ financial troubles?
Investigative journalism should be about tackling significant public issues—like government waste, mismanagement, and corruption in major projects. Yet, the Boston Globe often seems focused on minor stories that avoid addressing these larger, more important matters.
There’s also a troubling trend of overlooking large-scale corruption, especially within the Democratic establishment. As a powerful media outlet in Massachusetts, the Globe has failed to seriously investigate these issues, and it’s fair to ask if special interests are influencing their editorial decisions. It’s worth noting that the Globe endorsed Democratic presidential candidates, including Joe Biden in 2020—could this be why they are reluctant to tackle deeper systemic problems within the state?
At a time when transparency should be a priority, the Globe should focus on exposing the real issues affecting the residents of Massachusetts—issues that have a broad impact, not just on the few easiest targets.
Thank you to The Standard Times for covering these stories. And please, cite your sources.
At the End of the day. That guy was another Junkie the onky difference he had a badge
Now it's a crack epidemic
The FBI was crooked from the top down. With the new leadership in place, things will change. As far as local police, there’s rarely a good one at the top, especially here in Massachusetts, which I believe is one of the most corrupt states in the union.
/his is awosem
Kirk minihanes got nothing on this ground breaking pod cast! Wow. Just amazing. Please tell me Kevin Cullen is involved!!! God he’s amazing!
By tight nit he means all Portuguese are in control there
The cod father another story of dirty dealings at the dock
Eew good job BG you got Mayor Mitchell upset lol. Crimes down is one of the things residents laugh about when he says that all the time. Look at the numbers he says. Well yea makes total sense.
I was there that day catching the ropes for the boat at crystal ice for that boat. That cop was corrupt he tried to pull me over and question me and was harassing all the fisherman. Even heard he followed one of my friends wife back to the hotel and she reported him.
Dear Mr. Arnett, very few occasions in my life have earned the word "breathtaking", but your report certainly has. Many thanks to you and the other staff members who carefully constructed this episode. It beggars belief, but I know it's all true and presented cogently and is frightening. But it also highlights the bravery of all involved in the reporting. Again, many thanks for an unflinching look at crimes being openly committed and the officers who are putting their lives on the line to stop them and solve them. 🦜
Stats😂😂😂😂you mean organized corruption within the hierarchy of the police dept.
I notice that a lot of these corrupt officers almost always are from a particular demographic
Dude said MassaTwoShits
They claim to be helping clean up the drug problem… who's looking out for c.is .They use them without regard for their addictions. So its ok they use as long as police can use them. Its Lazy policing .
New Bedford and Fall River had HUGE herroin problem decades before the rest of the country.
He was tipped off by the name of the boat.
Good old Fuzzy Dunlop.
They’d do that in Chelsea too. Not that we had a fishing community but the pulling over for no reason and getting grilled
I'm in New Hampshire it's happening to me it happened to my brother it happens to my friends everybody's a rat it's disgusting there is no more loyalty
What did I just watch what is supposed to have happened
This cop culture of protecting criminals with a badge is EVERYWHERE…
THIS Podcast was great .. 😂
Love my city there snitches everywhere lol
Ah ah ah. Shoutout New Bedford Mass.
Retaliation at the hands of upper ranks and IA is real. You know who you are. No one currently from NBPD should be named Chief
What an incredibly brave officer Mark Raposo is for speaking up. Blessings and Continued Safety to him as he journeys forward.
37:09 Santos was obviously being shady and crooked with his apparent "informants"…
They never existed!! He went rogue against police policies and did whatever he wanted to do knowing he was protected by Top Brass I.E. Paul Oliveria!!
Paul: your time is coming to an end in policing!! There are way too many bad scars under your watch as New Bedford Police Chief!
And if you attend a New Bedford City Board Meeting with questions about Oliveria the Mayor shuts down public comments and no one gets to speak FREELY like our constitution says….
The Mayor has folks physically removed from the public comments podium and in some cases even jailed!!
Ty Globe for doing this highly educational Story on corrupt Police Chief Paul Oliveria!
10:40 You learn something new everyday! I had NO CLUE New Bedford was the largest fishing port in the whole 🌐 and i live 35mins away north..
Who'd a thunk!!