A federal jury on Wednesday convicted R. Kelly of several child pornography and sex abuse charges in his hometown of Chicago, …
Maybe they should lock up those who viewed the video next. So many people have blood on their hands in this.
I am a DJ and over the years I have played plenty of his music. Over the years I have wondered what to do about these musical artist who commit terrible crimes. I wonder if I should keep playing them or ban them. I know of several DJs that have banned certain artist. In the past I did nothing mainly because the list was getting big and most were accused but not convicted.
The list would have included Kelly, C. Brown, Michael and many others.
A strange thing has happened. Without me doing anything the audiences have stopped requesting their songs for the most part. The audiences have moved on to other artist with less baggage. Also many of the songs by acts like Michael, Prince and others sound really dated, not just the music but the topics and themes.
I am sure they will always have their fans and I will occasionally play them. But yes, audiences have tired of the nonsense surrounding many musical artist.
True story … I once lived in Chicago in the 1980s for a year and was in the subway and saw a talented guy on a keyboard doing Stevie Wonder songs. I gave him a dollar. Years later I saw him again it was R. Kelly!
Dang they burying Kells, sad man he so takented
I believe ill be gone…. I believe ill be gone a long time..
Life you done
R kelly the narcissists is disgusting and a disgrace to all people. In my opinion he didn't get enough time. He is finished as he should be. 😡😡😡😡😡
What about the Catholic priest
So what!!! Hes already serving 30 yrs!!
So a documentary can get you thrown in jail on “mob boss” style charges, and on shit you already have been tried for in court already? Smh
And the catholic church have millions of rapist..
I predict he will be given a pardon by the next 47th president he will do about 6 years.
You people only report a small portion of what's really going on.
"Aksed" speak English mfr
He still has a 30 year sentence on the New York case .
On a 30 year federal case he's going to have to do 85 percent of his time so I'll be locked up for about 26 years .
I'm not with all that twenty and that thirty year delayed reaction ish….
Everyone that LIED from the start will have KARMA soon
Y’all a disgrace for reporting this BS . It’s funny how the 2 white men got off that was the plan from the start
Y’all gonna be pissed when all this get overturned ….y’all celebrating and making fun but it’s gonna get overturned then let’s see the jokes
90 years plus 30 years equals life he's looking at 90 years in Chicago R Kelly f*** up bumping and grinding
One of the key witness in R Kelly's trial house was shot up and he decided not to testify R Kelly is looking at a total of 90 years in Chicago plus 30 years that's life he won't f*** another child
He's not a disgrace singer watch what you say about other it can come back on you
He’ll be singing in Jail where he belongs. Put him and all the other pigs in the den where they all belong! Shame on All these despicable dirty evil predators.
PS. Hope they do the same to all these higher Hollywood Producers and Executives. I hope they catch them all! He should’ve gotten more then 30 yrs.
R Kelly didn't lose justice system lost big time I got a lot of questions like why was he convicted on the same thing he was acquitted for in 2008 and why was it proven that he didn't commit obstruction in 2008 why was almost all the of the so called victims not believed in this case why were the victim given deals such as Section 8 ect and immunity but no one asked to be placed in protective custody this case has left me with more WHY than answers
He can rap to his cellie. 🎶
Biased headline from professionals, I thought he was found not guilty of some of the charges
Not sure whether that reporter says the truth or not reffered "the sex tapes that were shown in court", but that's why most people are disguised. Nice people would never tried to see it. Even employees working at law enforcement seem to want to watch it. Ironically
I don't care what these demonic people say Robert syvaster Kelly Aka R.kelly is innocent 🙏
Fix your title Not guilty of 7 charges guilty of 6. Maybe your news channel news to be investigated. Report all the truth.