In France, Senator Claude Malhuret went viral after criticizing the United States’ changing policy toward Ukraine and taking aim at …
Send him and Macron to Ukraine and fight for Zelenesky.
Найкраща промова!
Слава вільній Україні!
Хай живе демократична Європа!
I agree with his criticisms of both USA and Russia, but his take on China and Taiwan is demonstrably wrong.
He talks about how Russia and USA doesn't follow the rules, breaks international agreements and deals and even ignore written accords and alliances. This is true. Both nations have again and again, including for decades before Trump's regime, broken international laws and ignored international agreements.
Yet at the same time, Senator Malhuret IGNORES the clear written resolutions signed by almost the entire world, including France, recognizing Taiwan as PART of the sovereign territory of China.
How can he with one breath condemn Russia and USA for not keeping their word in international relations and in the very next breath insinuate that the "UN General Assembly Resolution 2758" from 1971 which was signed by a majority of countries, including France, doesn't exist. This resolution clearly recognizes that there is only one China and its capital is Beijing. The so-called "Republic of China" lost recognition as a national entity and the world recognized the People's Republic as the only governing body of all of China.
Leadership as well as representation in the UN for the mainland as well as the province of Taiwan is solely held by the People's Republic of China with the capital in Beijing… and not the (fascists) of Taiwan.
Reunification of an internationally recognized part of China can NEVER be compared to the illegal annexation of the Donbass or Crimea, which has no international recognition as part of Russia. Same as Panama, Canada and Greenland has zero recognition as being part of USA.
Stop lying, and maybe the "global south" would start respecting Europe and the "west".
This is exactly why you see China being careful in their relation to Europe. We are showing signs that we cannot be trusted in the exact same way as the americans and russians are showing.
If we want USA and Russia to respect resolutions, agreements, alliances, deals and accords, then so must we with regards to China.
I hope China doesn't force the reunification by military intervention, but even if they do, they are reconnecting with their internationally recognized territories. And I will NOT accept anyone pretending that such an action is even remotely comparable to Russia annexing Ukraine or USA annexing Canada, Panama or Greenland.
We either respect international rules, or we don't. You can't have it both ways, senator.
I couldn’t agree more with this man. He has talked more truth in a few minutes than most politicians have in a lifetime. 👍
Coming from a Napoleon country that invaded Russia . France is a joke.Trump and JD 2025!
Bravo Senator!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏💪💪💪🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
More than half of Americans are against this. Decades of advertising by billionaires convinced too many people that their votes don't matter, and they didn't bother. We can only hope we still have real elections by the time the next ones come around…
C’est magnifique
Merci Monsieur. We are aware and speaking the same Truth more and more. Now, I see fierce hearted American and Canadian People becoming pro-active and as peaceable as possible. They need guidance and encouragement from all around the world…. People like you and I who remember the atrocities of WWII. This is a new age, we are in transformation… It is a great opportunity to save many lives. I try to keep my heart and mind on the possible excellent outcome after this Global housecleaning. We can be grateful that the enemies of freedom, health, prosperity and justice are out of the shadows and arrogantly identifying themselves. Je t'aime beaucoup. Merci tout le mondes. ( Did I spell that correctly? ) From A Canadian Warrior Grandmother. 🙏⚖️🕵️🇺🇸💪🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
Imagine caring what some smelly Frenchman thinks. Your country is cooked – deal with it and let us try to prosper.
A speech for the ages! Bravo, M. Malhuret!
And he was soft-spoken and kind towards this "Make America Go Away" circus.
Thank you Monsieur Malhuret! ❤
Vive la France! 🇫🇷
Take note World
France has become a joke. Same with the most of Europe. What a shame..
And you are speaking French oui oui, not Deutschland. Don't forget.
@TheLastHiccup. you can switch from French to English.
Bravo senator. We need
Ore people to stand up to the orange bully.
I agree.
❤ Thanks ❤
Phenomenal speech! Clarity wisdom truth👏👏👏👏 I am American and I approve these sentiments. 🇺🇸 🇫🇷
L'Amérique a mis le pied sur la gorge de la Russie avec les sanctions que nous lui imposons actuellement. Elles représentent moins de la moitié de ce qu'elle peut faire si elle ne cesse pas les combats et les massacres. Ne vous y trompez pas, il n'y a qu'un seul pays au monde qui peut faire cela, l'Amérique ! La question est de savoir ce que nous devons faire avec les pays européens qui continuent d'acheter de l'énergie russe ? Hmm… leur faire payer leur propre sécurité ?
the truth
Incredible speech
Why is Europe not fight or paying for that war ..why is always America gotta pay for it ?
I wish some Head of Government whose country has been insulted by Trumps childish behaviour would return the favour and start addressing Trump has Mr Trump, or Representative Trump, Senator Trump or Congressman Trump.
Better still Comrade Trump.
If Trump and Elon Musk are amazing that both of them the greatest businessmen of universe, but as the present performance concluded that both are too poor professionals of the world.
Potatoes and eggs for breakfast. Coffee of course!
Please stop with these crappy vertical videos!
Do professional horizontal ones!
Thank for Telling the world about President Trumps disgraceful wait he and his Vice President double teamed the President of Ukraine. Also, the fact that Trump is giving America and the rest of the free world over to the mad dog Putin. I fought in the Korean War and was proud that my country stood up to the dictators, but now we have one as a president, so very sad.
I'm Canadian!!
France needs to remember one thing they would be speaking German if it was not for the American and now they're trying to threaten Donald Trump in the United States 🙏🙏🇺🇸
I'm sorry. Europe has been free loading too long from the US 70 years straight.
Beautiful honest brilliant speech. Well done france. Canada stands with you
Yes, yes, yes.