Trump supporters kicked out of Chatterbox Jazz Club in Indianapolis over MAGA hat are being accused of harassment.
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Regardless of how this plays out, there is an innocent Chatterbox Tavern in Tennessee that is suffering the wrath of this tomfoolery. So sad that this business has been caught up in unjustified threats, hate, and disrespectful actions.
The place was fairly empty, you’d think any business that relies on customer dollars to thrive would put political biases aside.. but not these geniuses…go ahead, put yourselves out of business.
Yeah. We do hate each other. Look at the horrible things that are being done in Washington right now. When your grandma loses her social security. That's on you to take care of her.
That dude is lying. I know people that were THERE.
I can confirm that Indianapolis is a blue hell hole in a beautiful sea of red. Most of the people in this city are literally brain dead.
Stand out frount. If the police show up. "We're protesters." The violent tolerance of the left.
A business has the right to refuse service for any reason. Look, I voted for Trump. It's their business, though.
Look at that joint. Who would want to drink in that dump to begin with?
Twink bartender and his wussy voice…
be a nazi, get treated like a nazi
what's the problem?
Guarantee. you if a lib was kicked out of a bar for being a lib. They would cry and scream for racism and discrimination. The party of love and acceptance
MAGA Snowflake tears
A man in a dress……. W.T.F.
These idiots are the only ones that don't respect anyone that don't share their delusional mindset. At least the ones on the right don't kick people out that don't share their ideology . Its called live and let live…… The fact that they are so hateful is just nasty behavior. The just let the hate drive their actions catching things on fire. Ruining the county we live in because your throwing a tantrum. Stop being so hateful to fellow American's.
They r nutz, people need to stop putting up with it.
"That's discrimination." Stop whining you're representing the Discriminator in Chief. You people are liars and projectors.
Science, politics, religion. Two of these things you're allowed to question and debate, but one of them, one of them really is not open for questions and debate. One of them doesn't really have room for compromise. The left is not about the science, the left it's not really a political party, the left is religious zealotry.
Fake ass video
Ok but there was a man with them. A black man. The woman stated that. In trying to figure out why she made a point about that maybe why the bartender picked up a bat. Ummm I’ve heard the right use that defense so much over the years event now. So why would it be any different now maybe discriminate against the bartender.
And before you guys said people have right to refuse service for beliefs but in this case it’s wrong. You can’t have it both ways
Why every time we see these freaks, they have to be in Indiana. For now on, I'm from Goergia.
The bartender doesn't need a reason to tell a patron to leave. This patron had a choice and determined that returning weilding a recording device and again interrupting the bartender during her shift was the right response. Child's play. Go find a more suitable establishment where you can act a fool. We don't need this in Indy.
The person looks hella gay too 😅😅😅 that bartender
Why they at a Gaay bar?
Nobody like maga
When have liberal democrats ever told the truth?
What a bs statement. Disgusting lies as usual
The party of tolerance and love… Yeah right. The rainbow PDF File crew has gone too far
Samantha, if you think the Colorado case is justified, this is justified as well. Your posts demonizing the transgender community are seriously not helping.
Discrimination at its finest!! Trump is your President. There is no such thing as misgendering. You are either man or woman. Your feelings doesn't count as a Gender. But that wasn't the issue to begin with. The MAGA hat was.
Indiana is the most MAGA state ever. I live there. They're all wearing the hats and they're really proud of it. And they think it means they're in a special privilege club. If you say you disagree, you are OPRESSING them. If you don't let them bully you, you're attacking their free speech. Indiana is SO MAGA, we have our own DOGE. When Mike Pence was the governor he wanted to force women who miscarried to pay for a funeral for the baby or be arrested. Our current gov just put a cap on Medicaid at 500,000 people when we currently have 1.8 million people using it. My point is… there is no more MAGA friendly state in the north. The MAGA people really love playing the victim. But then they'll tell you that "8 people complimented my dark MAGA hat today" like anyone GAF.
Good for that bartender! Hell yeah.
Diminishing someone to their hat? You mean like the majority of the right does to anyone a part of the lgbtq+ on the regular based solely on their sexuality? If the rights get to harass the left for their beliefs then don’t be surprised when the left starts doing it. You’re saying this like people don’t get harassed by homophobes for simply having something with a rainbow on it. You’re acting like the right doesn’t discriminate against the left as well. This is a thing that started to happen during the 2016 election. The same person who divided us is the person who’s in office now. Now everywhere you look is a battle of right vs left instead of a choice to choose from. What we need is acceptance and love not more divide which is exactly what you’re doing with videos like this. All those jabs at democrats while talking about how there shouldn’t be a divide as you’re dividing people? I’m hoping to get out of America because I can’t deal with it from either side anymore.
Ok, I support a private businesse's right to deny service to any person for any reason.
When they do stupid things, you make the business famous on social media.
That said, grabbing the bat is likely legal violation and there may be criminal and civil issues.
LOL! You people are pathetic. How about telling the truth about what happened? Or is this those alternate facts you people seem to like so much?
I miss the old days when the unspoken rule in bars was, you don't discuss politics or religion.
Alphabet Mafia is too nice of a name. I call them the "alphabet soup group".😊
When did they reboot The Walking Dead? and man of course they wokeified Negan and Lucille in casting. 🤣