Maine could rein in super PACs and put limits on donations for the first time. Unlimited billionaire and corporate spending on …
Dirigo. Look it up.
Climate change derangement syndrome. Total scam. Total hoax
Citizens United needs to be rescinded. The money flows in (100% tax deductible because it was declared a “non-profit.” The rich elect the politicians to suit their needs and the rest of us are flushed down the toilet.
I could believe this if southern Maine was not mostly democratic. And the capital was not controlled by the Democratic Party . Almost a 100 % . How come this didn’t come up 4 years ago. How about a good reason for that. How about that gov and secretary and cabinet.
This is awful, a channel did an entire video on why this is incorrectly portrayed
Get rid of the superpacs!
Limit continutions!!!
Nice report.
Quid pro quo bigest thing about money in politics, it buy lying media!
A good example of Quid Pro Qo working like this “if I offered you a million dollars cash on the spot. Would you sell your car as is. Just like that.”
In Canada ,wealthy people are only allowed to donate no more than 3,300 .That is all. The US should adopt this.
2010. Obama. The world changed. Just like so many other things that changed during the Obama, for the entire world. The world is worse because of this one toothless, spineless man. Immigration, emigration, Patriot act, drones, trans, retard libs..
Logic informs me that, If a Corporation is a person. 'A' meaning one, one person, then a Corporation should be restricted to the donation limits of ONE PERSON. Thus because of Stare Decisis , the Speech Now decision should be held invalid. Does my logic hold up? Subscribing. Great Channel and Topic. ❤
Where are the people writing the new law to challenge and stop this? Would love to sign a petition….
Good information, but I couldn't tolerate the background noise (music?). Please rethink that.
Stop money controlling elections…first primaries and conventions held in August. 90 day maximum for all campaigns to general election
Too late.
For what I was hoping was a relatively non biased news source. Every video they have on political corruption never once mentions anything leveled at Biden/Harris. Which unfortunately for me hurts this sources credibility. You play favorites once you will do it again and again. I did genuinely like some videos from this source. But I’m just so tired of these biases in every form of media.
We also need to change our laws regarding “charitable foundations”. The wealthy are basically using “charitable foundations” to AVOID paying taxes while creating a war chest for political and social influence. This is NOT charitable donations. Even donations to religious, educational and medical institutions should not come with strings attached. There must be strict rules to ensure they cannot use donations to bribe these institutions.
Let’s gooooooo!!!!
We need an update video
How good is the mainstream media now? The FIRST time I even HEARD of this was NOW, 1/18/25, THREE MONTHS after this. Mainstream media has ZERO interest in reporting anything that could upset their money, instead of what's good for Americans.
(Ironically, Trump gave $25,000 to then- FL AG Bondi just before she declined to join the multi-state class action suit against Trump "University." As you might have guessed, she took the money, refused to join, and cost Trump's victims in HER state — ya know, the people she REPRESENTS and PROTECTS — the chance to recoup some of their losses when YET ANOTHER fraud case was lost by Don Trump. The karmic penalty for that is that corrupt Bondi had to then report that money for the illegal contribution that it was and pay tax on the illegal contribution that this corrupt, election-denying piece of 💩 traitor illegally took to put her thumb on the scale of justice FOR TRUMP against her state's victims. So yeah, money corrupts politics, especially among the most ALREADY corrupt.)
Let's hope this DOES NOT go the Supremely Corrupt Court: considering all the MILLIONS in bribes …sorry, 'gifts'… to Clarence and Alito, and Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavenaugh and Barrett being in thrall to Trump (even going so far as to coronate him as King above American laws!), I can't imagine they will suddenly decide to be loyal to our Constitution and its intent, or the American PEOPLE instead of the corrupt money they are bribed — uh, 'gifted' — by their puppeteers.
Woot my state!!!!
Our biggest problem with billionaires is that we allow them to be billionaires in the first place. We must return to a very progressive income tax that makes exceptions for no one and that makes it impossible for income over a thousand times the national average to exist, and that makes estates worth more than a thousand times an average person's savings to exist. That is still plenty of money for any rational person to live in luxury on but eliminates people who are their own nation states.
Update: Maine voters passed this very necessary bill into law. Now every other state plus the federal government must pass this as well.
Yall weren't complaining when it was just benefiting the democratic one world order elites. Satan doesn't like when he casts himself out.
I like japanese ways. They eat from the toilet bowls in their restaurants. In your polite way, everything sounds like heaven but it's all hell-given but satans criminals cooked thieves rapists have skyscrapers thousands of rooms for a family of Donald and crooks.
Brilliant plan, except that the current supreme court is incredibly corrupt with untold conflicts of interest.
That’s what happens when we don’t actually have taxation without representation. Greed runs amok and takes over.
The idiocy of trump supporters holding “you’re fired” signs, like it’s not devastating when it happens to you.
This video should watched by every American.
Seems like Maine immediately suspended the law.
Here's an idea:
ALL campaign donations to a particular candidate go to the FEC. Half of that donation goes to the intended recipient, then the other half is divided among all other candidates.
I have two questions: How can I help/support the efforts of these amazing people in Maine? And, how can we get our states to do the same?
That’s incredible but I have literally never heard anyone say “so Maine goes so goes the nation” 😂
Don't fool yourself. Donations to PACs and Super PACs have been going on since the late 80s, early 90s. Bill Clinton engineered this donor owned rigged plutocracy. I can remember him say he encourages donations to campaign PACs. All of this bribery was made legal, secret, and unlimited by Heritage Foundation's SCOTUS in 2010, 2012, and 2014. We have not had a functioning representative form of democracy since 1996. Bill Clinton got paid $150 million into his foundation for the tireless and permanent damage he did to the people of the USA. He sold the entire populace out for a measly $150 million. Saying this about Bill Clinton is in no way a partisan statement, it only illustrates how both the GOP and Democratic parties are owned and operated by the donors.
So what happened Nov 5?
If the systemic crises in the United States—economic inequality, political polarization, climate change, and infrastructure decay—are approached through the lens of short-term profitability, the trajectory shifts dramatically. In this scenario, decisions prioritize immediate financial gain over long-term stability, exacerbating systemic issues and accelerating societal decline. While such an approach might yield temporary rewards for certain groups, it ultimately compounds risks across economic, political, environmental, and cultural domains.
Economic inequality, when viewed through the lens of profitability, incentivizes the concentration of wealth and the exploitation of labor. Policies favoring deregulation, tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, and minimal investment in social programs are highly lucrative in the short term. These measures drive stock market gains and corporate profits while suppressing wages and benefits for workers. However, this strategy reduces consumer spending power, undermining the broader economy over time. Wealth concentration benefits a narrow elite, but the resulting economic stagnation and social discontent create fertile ground for unrest, threatening even the most profitable enterprises in the long term.
In politics, short-term profitability drives polarization and the commodification of outrage. Political parties and media outlets profit by deepening divisions, as conflict and sensationalism increase engagement and revenue. Corporate lobbying ensures favorable policies for industries, from fossil fuels to pharmaceuticals, while undermining public trust in governance. This approach maximizes profits for those in power but paralyzes the legislative process, preventing the government from addressing systemic issues. The rise of extremist movements and authoritarian rhetoric, though destabilizing, can also be profitable in the short term, as they fuel donations, media attention, and consolidation of political power.
Climate change presents a stark example of profit-driven decision-making. Fossil fuel companies and other polluting industries prioritize short-term gains by resisting environmental regulations and promoting continued reliance on nonrenewable energy sources. While this strategy ensures high profits for these sectors, it exacerbates environmental degradation and the long-term costs of disaster recovery. Investments in renewable energy and climate resilience, though economically and environmentally sound in the long run, are deprioritized because their returns are slower and less concentrated in the hands of existing power structures.
Culturally, short-term profit incentives erode social trust and cohesion. The commodification of identity politics and social division through targeted advertising, algorithm-driven media, and consumer branding creates lucrative opportunities for corporations. However, this approach deepens cultural fragmentation, as individuals are encouraged to prioritize consumption over community. Social alienation and mistrust may reduce collective action, making it easier for corporations to dominate political and economic systems. While profitable in the short term, this strategy undermines the social fabric needed for sustainable economic growth and governance.
Globally, the prioritization of short-term profitability undermines the U.S.’s long-term strategic position. Military-industrial investments and exploitative trade practices generate immediate economic gains, but they alienate allies and exacerbate geopolitical tensions. The refusal to engage in meaningful climate or trade cooperation positions the U.S. as a short-term winner but a long-term loser in an increasingly multipolar world. Rising powers like China capitalize on these failures, expanding their influence while the U.S. remains focused on extracting profits from outdated systems.
In sum, a profit-first approach to these crises accelerates societal fragmentation, governance paralysis, environmental collapse, and global isolation. While individual actors and industries reap significant short-term benefits, the broader system becomes increasingly unsustainable. The pursuit of immediate gains leaves no room for long-term planning or resilience, creating a vicious cycle where the consequences of today’s profits become tomorrow’s catastrophes. This approach ensures that while profits may rise in the short term, the collapse of the broader system ultimately undermines even the most profitable ventures.
Elon: controls our elections by giving people a voice
Isn't it funny how they only mentioned the republican donors and not the george soros and the one point five billion kamala harris spent