Und diese Rede gehalten in dem Heimatland des Aggressors, des Strippenziehers, dem großen Nutznießer dieses fabrizierten Konflikts ! 😂😂 Krieg ist 💩 Scheiße, warum müssen immer wieder US Schergen hinter diesen Aktionen stehen ??? Und danke nochmal für die Sprengung von NS , von mir gäbe es eine Retourkutsche !🖕
Ukraine needs to negotiate a ceasefire because this war needs to stop. Ukrainian people are innocent, but the Russians and the Ukrainian dictator are not. Ukraine is not a democracy, so why should the American pay for its war. No more wasting lives. Ukra😢is running out of soldiers. This must stop.
The best movie ever!
Thank you for documenting this horrible truth!
Slava Ukraini ! ❤❤❤❤❤
Great job 👏 🎉💙✌🏽👌🏾💪🏽💪🏽🇺🇦
I agree I wish this documentary was never made. I wish you freedom dear Ukrainians! Heroyam Slava!🇺🇦
From the UK, now and for as long as it takes 🇺🇦🇬🇧💛💙
Slava Ukraini!💪🇺🇦💪
I cried when I heard his speech. I believe his wishes are all Ukrainian’s wishes. Glory to Ukraine❤
Und diese Rede gehalten in dem Heimatland des Aggressors, des Strippenziehers, dem großen Nutznießer dieses fabrizierten Konflikts ! 😂😂
Krieg ist 💩 Scheiße, warum müssen immer wieder US Schergen hinter diesen Aktionen stehen ???
Und danke nochmal für die Sprengung von NS , von mir gäbe es eine Retourkutsche !🖕
When oscar aren't about movies or actors but for propaganda 🙄
Staring a war you cannot win, sorry for your lies and funding the Biden criminal family
Пропаганда 404
Noone cares about oscar
Ukraine needs to negotiate a ceasefire because this war needs to stop. Ukrainian people are innocent, but the Russians and the Ukrainian dictator are not. Ukraine is not a democracy, so why should the American pay for its war. No more wasting lives. Ukra😢is running out of soldiers. This must stop.
And the most deserved ever!!! Glory to beautiful people of Ukraine 🇺🇦 ❤
Love from Randers denmark
😭😭😭👏👏👏👏💪💪💪🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🌻🌻🌻 I wish the same for you and all Ukrainians. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💪💪💪