Michael Fanone, a former DC police officer who was on duty during the insurrection at the Capitol, joins CNN’s Anderson Cooper …
Bg5 over it. I'm grateful for your service but you most. No the hell. You demon rats. Are. Quick to to call him out. HE took a. Bullet. Fo4 this country. And. Went through. Hell at the. Hands. And I'm sorry if u got hurt but I'll pray. For you but no matter wat how they. 2here treated was. Not patriot. And again. Thanku but he did the rite thing God bless and will pray for you
Remove the Administration!… Gandhi?…
All this was planned! Our vote never mattered! Think I’m lying! You all better go back and look at American horror story : THE CULT! and pay close attention to the intro to the show! It even shows Donald trump face!
What about all the kids that died in Waco
Is there anyway of getting Trump out of office?
It's really funny to. As soon as this cry baby heard Trump won, he talks about buying buns and hiding in his house. Well Mr. Danone, you aren't even a consideration. Corrupt pig? Who cares.
Im vibrating all over
dont forget 'KRAZNOV'.. the Russian sleeper agent recruited by KGB .
Trump voters talked about economy. How is that going so far.
OMG!! I'm just sitting up here crying. I am praying for you and your Family. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Are there any Men left in America?
Prevent Hitler takeover!!!!!
I feel so badly for these officers. If the public was angry about the violent protesters getting a free “get out of jail” card, imagine what the victims of these attacks feels. What an embarrassment Trump brought to this Country. SHAME ON TRUMP! SHAME!
I guess it isn't crying when it's a cop whining about America.
UVA professor compares Kamala Harris loss to ‘violence of chattel slavery’
Megan Rosevear – Brigham Young University •February 18, 2025
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‘We’re a nation that’s plagued with misogyny and sexism … to deny that would be to deny reality,’ one scholar said
A panel of scholars recently discussing the 2024 presidential election outcome at the University of Virginia largely blamed racism and sexism for President Donald Trump’s reelection, with one scholar arguing the Kamala Harris’ loss harkens back to “the violence of chattel slavery.”
“Viewed through the lens of the history of African American women in the United States, the defeat of the first black woman nominee [of] a major party for the presidency by an openly racist and misogynistic candidate seemed to recall the voicelessness and vulnerability of black women during the eras of slavery and segregation, particularly in the Jim Crow south,” said Kevin Gaines, a UVA professor of civil rights and social justice.
Gaines, moderator for the “Race, Gender and the American Electorate” event at UVA’s Miller Center, continued that “enslaved black women endured the violence of chattel slavery and the exploitation of their labor and reproductive sexuality.”
Extending the Trump Tax Cuts
Long-term extension of the 2017 Trump tax cuts will fuel significant economic growth and prosperity.
1 million new jobs created by small businesses if the 20 percent small business deduction is made permanent.
$150 billion in economic growth from permanent extension of the 20 percent small business deduction.
$284 billion of new economic growth from American manufacturers.
$50 billion in new investment in Opportunity Zones, which represent the poorest neighborhoods and communities in the country.
Key Policies from the Trump Tax Cuts Set to Expire if Congress Fails to Act:
6 million jobs will be lost if the tax cuts are not extended.
The average taxpayer would see a 22 percent tax hike if the Trump tax cuts expire.
A family of four making $80,610, the median income in the United States, would see a $1,695 tax increase if the Trump tax cuts expire.
This is worth about 9 weeks of groceries to a typical family of four across the country.
40 million families would see their household’s Child Tax Credit cut in half.
91 percent of all taxpayers would see their guaranteed deduction slashed in half.
26 million small businesses would be hit with a 43.4 percent top tax rate if the Section 199A Small Business Deduction expires.
7 million taxpayers would be impacted by the return of the Alternative Minimum Tax.
2 million family-owned farms would have their Death Tax Exemption slashed in half next year.
Suit the administrators of the government of today America needs to wake up to itself you cannot have offices in killed on the job and nobody is coming to there aid
The title says ex-Capitol police. But he’s actually an ex DC Metro P.O.
Criminal help criminals
Where is Blue Lives Matter?
Promising pardoning and once elected you pardoned these crinals makes TRUMP GUILTY. The problem is that he pardoned himself thanks to his MAGA VOTERS😢😢😢😢😢😢
Criminals free criminals and make Putin their friend and call Canada an enemy. Time to boycott USA totally until criminal is out of office.
JUSTICE for the policemen who were attacked on January 6th and for the policemen who lost their lives! Account for the President who called on the ATTACKS. 😐
Hey Mr. Police Officer, the democrats hate you until you want to talk shit about Trump. The other person they hate. You’re a pawn moron!
I am disgusted by this and am so sorry that you and your family have to endure further trauma.
Don't worry he made up for it by given pardons to police on the whole law enforcement accountability database stuff so… Yeah, firm but fair overall as a whole y'all's community and dominant white supremacists society win remember they gotta be able to make white sacrifices in order to appease the masses give and take lose and win but even when y'all lose you win and even when we win we lose so there's a balance pardon the rioters raiders those who committed acts of treason then pardon the abusive corrupt bad apple police and kinda keep it firm but fair when playing all sides in politics nothing but chess moves that seem to still benefit some more than others the few sacrificed for the many because it's way more than 1%!!!!!!!!
Im glad youre less safe.
Not sure why American's are allowing this.
Fanone is a liar and a perjury expert who lied under oath. I hope he finds true justice soon.
Noam Chomsky correctly stated that the Republican Party 'most dangerous organisation on earth'
Donald Trump is a loser and failure in life. It’s that simple….nothing more needs to be said on the matter. He’ll get what is coming to him later. What an embarrassment he is in life and in the USA 🇺🇸. Bottom 3 worst presidents all time. Him and James Buchanan.
Lâche pas des américains comme toi qui fait que la démocratie est la justice triomphe rat ❤🫶🤝👮♂️
Jan 6ers will get their due, guaranteed
If you're terrified for your family's safety you wouldn't be on national TV talking trash on more than half of the country's voters. Lmao
Michael Fanone is a friend of Hunter Biden. He is full of Sht. Cry baby! He is a Biden crime family friend! Let that sink in!!! Thank you President Trump for doing a wonderful job draining the swamp and exposing all the crimes and waste of our tax dollars!!!
Wait wait wait wait wait wait. A moment. The proud boys are an anti immigrant can’t stand immigrants!!!!! Correct. 👍 ok they don’t like immigrants ok, but YET the proud boys is controlled by an immigrant. wtf ENRIQUE WTF 🤬 what’s is going on in that cult. White supremacy control by a brown person. wtf. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this world is going to krap I heard enough. I’m out
This man is obviously destruct by what this criminals done to him.
He's a liar
Fanone is a LIAR and an American TRAITOR!!! Take Maxine's advice and GET IN HIS FACE if you see him in public!! Let him know that he is NOT wanted here!! Make his life MISERABLE!! Follow Maxine's advice!!!!
some not all.
This guy voted for Trump. He liked him, and now he knows the truth!
Cnn, that's all i needed to see, moving along.
This cop is a criminal and should be in jail
Know that the Police that stand with this PB’s behavior are those that are Corrupt and ……..