Fox News host Jesse Watters highlights how President Biden has been trying to ‘play politics’ with Hurricane Milton on ‘Jesse …
There is one shining light at the end of this tunnel. These people are more entertaining than Saturday Night Live, talkshows, and comedians. We can save money on movie tickets, cable TV, and live shows. Just turn on the news and watch Obama, Sharpton, Carville, and CNN. Absolutely hysterical.
Chuck from federal employees government and social officers federal employees government from NASA Hollywood Pentagon UFO and 51 and federal employees (?) Big maybe irs p books Tax and maybe from federal government personnel Pentagon State 52 USA and America from federal employees government NASA and all poaple in state 52 federal employees military people right By law for help with beds and maybe they cotton and recycle and clean 🪥 water and change badys kids milk and cheese and maybe more cotton for cop's cotton cuhgn
BY the way you said p books Tax on the vote for voters US owners government people too
Maybe check more too
For all people and right military people right By law 💯🙏🙏 charges cotton and recycle and the other people right 💯
Obama has never, ever had coattails. Not surprising. He lost house and senate while in office.
Onama, after you became president, the black gentlemen realized they need to live right, so they're watching their backs they're saying all lives matter.
Nothing changed
Your dreams are drawing, like he said. Your America dreams are scary VHS
Joseph Biden just spoke saying that trump is to help the weather victims? Does that mean Joseph Biden doesn't want to help clean up save lives hand out insurance plans due to weather problems and spoke with hatred at the thought?
Biden only enjoyed talking about war zones here and there, like hes a cyclone, doesn't feel the need to help homeless people but only spend their money? Sounds like what happened to my residential school settlement, they used my name to scam the cheque and spend the money then makes trump do all the work and trump does. Gets bullied
shame harris way you doing
harris you cause the proble in this
quit lieing about Trump
TRUMP Is the old azz wipe using the Hurricane to spreads bullshet false claims. He stated v ery clearly that the governor of Georgia could not get in contact with Pres Biden??? That is a lie and Fox Fake New knows this. Georgia Governor Kemp stated he did in fact talk to President Biden and was assured he would get all the help possible ASAP
You’re a fool. You guys want civil war.
Boii if Trump was having a beer at that time.. they’d be on his a**, even if he’s not in the office
The passage of time ? Another day older deeper in debt !
D Party can do better? We just had 4 yrs of try?
Failures !
She's not black! Indians are not black!! WTMF
Obama get out of politics and stay out of them.
Alabama get out of politics and stay out of them.
Omamy is a homosexul
I am trying to watch but if they are bringinhg Obummer back again ( 7:52
You are so sick. This bag wants to do nothing for one thing she’s to lazy and knows nothing she wants too be leader but fed like only so she can sit and be fed.. qaqn legllq taken care of.qqqqqqqq. Obama needs too get out and stay out of qpoliticqs. All that piece of nothing is just round to make Trumps life miserable.
Watters–Trump gets a free pass!
Liars always get caught in their habitual web of lies in their demonic rats Liars club of democrats
Liars always get caught in their habitual web of lies in their demonic rats Liars club of democrats
Obama is the one who started the division in the country!
Kamala has an earpice in her ear. Didn’t anyone notice? Kamala is doing all the right things to lose the race.
Colbert is s moron
Trump shook up a lot over Obama
Harris is about as black as Obama is straight
Obama and Harriss sound just alike when they speak to people.
Oh rudder
……………….."Democrats' = "DANGOUSE", for & A TRAP's for "AMERICA"….!!
I got dog smart then her
I won’t know how she got out some word lol😂
Kamala is from Lou Lou woorld