48 Hours” reports on cases involving crimes during holidays. Watch the YouTube mini-marathon, which includes “The Suzanne …
Folks instead of stepping out or committing a crime, get a DIVORCE or go your separate ways PLEASE! 🤦♀️
I totally feel for these girls and their dad and what they went through. It had to have been absolutely horrible and traumatizing. I am so glad that they both are alive and well today. I’m so sorry that they also lost their dad. My only irritation is do we have to have microphones that catch every little phlegm sound, lip smack and throat gulp when they talk? That is so annoying!
That last story should be made into a movie. What unbelievable courage, love and stamina that father had to save his girls. A true hero.
He did it! I’m in the addiction business and unless she was wasted everyday, hardcore guzzling all day, she did not die of alcoholism
"Running around the yard shooting chipmunks" – hardest I have laughed in a long time.
Why didn't someone see the smoke from the house being set on 🔥 in the Mountains?? RIP victims of these Monster's!🙏🏽
I don’t believe Curtis. There was no alcohol or drugs found and this is one of the early things a coroner checks for. With the position of her hands, there was a pillow over her face. So the question is who put it over her face? Was there someone else in the house? The kids, all 3, probably were coached to say they saw her that day when in fact it was a day or days before.
i just have to say that the defense in the second case was CRAZY that man is definiely good at his job and knows what he is doing
Wow that computer even told them when he opened and shut the tailgate to his truck. Technology sure is something.
The ex wife of Lovelace is a drama Queen and I can't believe a word she says…
Second story-so he knew about her eating disorder and alcoholism and did nothing to help her
I just want to say I am new to Youtube Premium and all I gotta say is if you don’t have premium you are missing out! It makes watching any and all videos so much better. It was to the point I couldn’t hardly stand being on YouTube anymore because of the so many commercials! Having no commercials is amazing. Highly recommend for anyone that spends a lot of time on this app!
That first story is so dam sad. What a beautiful family with what appeared to be a beautiful life. Crazy how social media can portray such a perfect life. That is a shame she cheated on him. No reason for her to die but it’s just a shame. If she was that concerned about her safety she could have left him while he was out somewhere which she claimed he was all the time. People in these comments say he cheated as well… I’m sure if that were true we would of heard about it on this show. The whole thing sucks and is sad as hell. The children are who always lose the most in these situations
Makes you wonder who the murderer knows if a judge recuses himself AND another judge throws out all evidence. Weird.
Wow I cannot stop crying
About the forgiveness I want to tell you that when Jesus was on the cross with pain did you cannot imagine he said father forgive them they don't know what they doing you did right and you said right don't forget God bless you our hard with you I mean all your family😢😢😢
I cannot stop my tears the Israeli Secret Service all of us praying for you
I'm from Israel I saw it today yes he's a hero any I telling you that I know what I sing to you both of you Heroes and your uncle God bless you
He did it for sure
What a beautiful family
She looks like Natalie Wood in one of those pictures . Terribly sad!
Did you all see that women faking crying 😮
The last story was incredible!
Peace and strength for healing, forever ♥️
i find it VERY ALARMING & CONCERNING that LE can track a persons movements in and around their house !
I kept hearing love less, instead of Lovelace. I was like no kidding, the Loveless marriage was really love less!
it sounds like chris watts story.
Prosecutors are ridiculous now adays.
Dirty Suzanne deep down in the sand.
Another Chris watts crime….. 😮
Barry wants to know where Suzanne is, she’s right where you put her Barry
How can a marriage woman exchanged naked video and went vacation with other man and having sex while leaving her husband at home
she didnot derserved to die but cheating your husband is a major point here!
My condolences to Taylor’s family and friends 🙏🏾🙏🏾 sometimes death sentence is an easy option, he will spend every day for 30years thinking about his crimes.
Mother is heart ❤️ of the House and now she gone 💔 ❤❤,
LOL getting caught having an affair by the very instrument you tried to catch your husband with
in last case the sister with twogirls, short hair one, her husband missing?
Over produced, too much music ams stupid noises added. Intro too spun out.
I'm here for information not that