One of these things is not like the other… (one of these things is part of an authoritarian coup of our government )
Projection – Projection – Projection
This guy, along with many other MAGA idiots, live in a world of delusion and ignorance!
Now he's made a jackass of himself he can slink away.
They're hackers, I fixed it for you
This guy is a complete fraud.
deflection is all they got
Did that faker just say Dadgum? How stupid…. I fought for 8 years solid combat. that doesn't make me or the causes I fought for righteous. And this little bookworm never fought in any wars for the USA. He's a punk.
Talk about stolen valor!
He has a lot of nerve evoking the memory of the people who fought the same fascism he's bowing to.
His evoking his father's service is so cringeworthy.
How f***ing dare you , "sir" ??
Your own father must be rolling in his grave.
His sister and mother are the same person
kissing da ring
This man doesn't answer anything. Just blames others and bring up things 80 years ago.
Deflect deflect deflect
I hate these old monuments we call Tennessee representatives
Burchett is A JOKE!
DOGE lays off VA nurses that take care of veterans and yet when someone asks about what they're doing he grandstands about young soldiers.
Where do these idiots come from and why are there so many of them?
Your a Punk to Veterans how dare you put services members in harm ways with a incompetent Administration!!!!!
The nonsense that these idiots come up with is mind boggling.
He is one of biggest idiots in TN 🙄
He typical cowardly cowardly Republican
My grandfather was 17 when he joined the marines and fought the japanese as a tank gunner in WWII. This congressman is disgracing all vets with this comparison. He can go F himself. BTW my grandfather is still alive, he just turned 100.
Republicans are traitors
So dumb
What arguement is this?
Who is that guy who is betraying his father and our country?
You said "dadgum" so you're now officially irrelevant Jethro
He’s a white man… he doesn’t have to do oversight
Another Trump stooge doing the work of the dear leader while he plays golf.
His moronic face says it all. What a disgrace of a 'human being"
Burchett is one of the worst.
My dad was twenty twenty one years old, and I bet that guy in this video is only just riding his father's coat tails, what a piece of s***
G o p hates veterans, and I really wish they would stop claiming that they are, and they're voting records, prove it
Tim Burchett is an embarrassment to us here in Tennessee.
As usual always going off subject.
This is what you have come to expect from Establishment Politicians .
Comparing DOGE Dipshits to people who fight actual Wars for us .
Of course hes a Republican .
The difference between Democrats and Republicans is this .
All Republicans are Establishment Politicians .
The DNC has Establishment Politicians but it also has people who know how the Working Class feels.
Thetes no Bernie Sanders in the GOP .
There's no AOC , Mathew Fox , Jasmine Crocket , Rashida Tlaib , Ayanna Pressley , Ilhan Omar , the DNC in Congress is 60% Caucasian 40% is split of diverse ethnicities .
The GOP is 89% Caucasian, and 11% split wirh other ethnicities . .
Worse yet the US Congress has very few members who come from a Working Class Background . Its 2 oercent . Less than one percent of Republicans in Congress hail from the working class. So the working ckass representation is in the DNC .
If you look at the top 50 wealthiest members of Congress 18 of them are Democrats .
32 are Republican .
This is pathetic .
Our Representatives in Congress need more Working Class people .
We need more Middle Class in Congress .