See who’s headed to the star-studded AGT Finale next week on 11Alive.
See who’s headed to the star-studded AGT Finale next week on 11Alive.
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In case of Eliza Fletcher, I believe, it is time to finally call the things as they are.
Yes, it was Cleotha Abston who allegedly assaulted and killed her. But he, or whoever the perpetrator of this horrific crime is, is not the only one, who is responsible for this unbelievably cruel and really unhuman event.
If you let someone steal as much as he or she can, do you really think that they will stop stealing one day? Or if you let someone lie and believe in his or her lies (or pretend to believe) instead of subjecting a liar to consequences of their lies, do you really believe that one day they will stop lying? Does anyone really believe that these people one day will tell themselves: "OK, I have already stolen or lied enough in my life and I will not do it anymore"? I do not think so. And nobody does. So let us stop pretending that we believe it or that we think that someone else might believe it. Nobody believes it and nobody believes that anyone else might believe such outrageous nonsense.
What would happen if we "defunded" vs. "abolished" vs. "dismantled" vs. "reimagined" Police? What would happen to us, our families, our lives? How long would we last? A day? Two weeks? Or maybe an hour or two? Does anyone really think that anyone might honestly, but just only incorrectly, believe that if there were no Police, all of a sudden all murderers, all sexual predators, all drug-dealers and any other wild and conscienceless inhuman beasts in human body, would all of a sudden become righteous and virtuous citizens?
Yes, there are people who make mistakes. In fact, who does not? I would not be the one to cast the first stone, and nobody would. People do deserve the second chance, and the third. After they pay for their mistake, obviously. But as the saying goes, paraphrasing original quote from the 1600's: "Fool me once, that's not nice. Fool me two, shame on you. Fool me three, shame on me", if someone has already been given adequate chance to improve themselves, and has wasted this chance, this is it. Giving him another chance over and over again is against any common sense and against any logic. Not mentioning, that it would be also against one's own safety.
Why is the crime skyrocketing and all of these criminal acts around us are not only taking place all the time, but also are getting exponentially even more frequent and much worse? And why these unhuman and cruel creatures are getting more and more bold? Who empowers these barbaric and ruthless criminals? Not mentioning all the stores, which are being constantly plundered.
If anyone thinks, they will be safe if they refuse to defend themselves, they should go for slow, quiet, relaxing walk, not necessarily in the middle of the night, but just at dusk, in West Garfield Park in Chicago, IL, or maybe in Hunts Point, NYC, or in Quigley Park, Albuquerque, NM, or, which might be at present most representative and most current, in South Memphis, Parkway Village or Frayser in Memphis, TN.
So who is responsible for what all the gruesome and horrific nightmare, that we currently have to go through? Who wants the Police to be "defunded", "abolished", "dismantled", "reimagined" etc.? Who downgrades the charges for crimes committed or completely refuse to bring charges? Who releases the most cruel and hardened criminals with no bail or shortens their prison terms? Who was outraged, when President Donald Trump called MS-13 gang members “animals”? Who established bail fund to help incarcerated criminals go free, encouraging them to commit even more heinous crimes, like for instance Shawn Michael Tillman, a repeat felon? Who opened the border for everybody, including the worst and the most unscrupulous criminals on our planet, refusing to even pretend that they vet these people? Who calls people who want to protect themselves and their loved ones against fentanyl, "threat to this country”? Who calls the Police "the enemy of people"?
Who might then be responsible, apart from allegedly Cleotha Abston, for Eliza Fletcher death?
Don't you think that maybe the criminals became so bold and so much more cruel, because not only on a subconscious level, but also consciously, they might believe that it is OK, that it is safe for them to do more and more?
You bet, that this is the case.
Thank you for your attention.
Should anyone wonder whether I have not posted the same remarks before, with only minor and insignificant changes, I will agree with them. It happens occasionally, that my comments are somehow removed (or, using George Orwell's language: "vaporized"), and sometimes kind of really fast. I do not believe, anyone could offer me a clue, how and why it happens. However, when I notice that, I post my observations again, changing just a few words, to make it hopefully more difficult to remove them again. Moreover, if I want to communicate my breakthrough ideas and observations to the whole universe, I post them in different places, not just one. This is because of occasionally fast turnover of appearing and disappearing comments of mine.