Authorities in Summit County, Utah, had been hearing about a young man wandering the area with a shopping cart for several …
I wonder what was going through his mind during that time
Why we ran away
What baffles my mind is how can you MOVE while your child is missing and especially a child with special needs? Something is not right with this couple. Nonsense, they abandoned thier child.
That family will need to have a family meeting as to who will check in on him from now on. His safety is priority if he is impaired. He deserves a safe home environment not being out in the harsh elements where he was unimaginably abused and endangered.
I Can Only Imagine why he left knowing what he knew about his family life and that's something that isn't readily noticed. Nobody deserves a life out in the harsh elements and where there is very dangerous situations happening all hours of the day.
That biological father doesn't seem to be in his life at all, and the way he talked didn't sound like a dad. The way he describe him was like a puppy who wandered away and he couldn't believe how far he had gone. Something happened within that family to cause this to happen to the Son. This will need the help of a therapist and trained social worker to enable him to restart his life. This is traumatizing on such a young person's life.
One rainy day I went to my local laundromat there I seen a youngman sitting on the bench trying to stay dry taking a nap with his arms crossed. I asked him if he was hungy and would like a hot drink he said yes so I walked down a few stores down to a yum Yums got him a hot chocolate and a sandwich with chips. We talked for a hit I listened to him talk about his journey from the mid west to California he said he was coming out to California because of the weather. I gave him some extra money and a business card for a resource center and wished him luck on his journey and to take care. He got up and told me he was leaving once the rain cleared. Another lady seen him and gave him some money she told me he looked so young and he did I know in my heart he Is ok.
Maybe the stepfather drove the autistic son to utah to get rid of him? Knowing he can’t communicate? Then moved the family to Idaho
Is there a video of him reuniting with his family?
Glad you found your little boy , glad you're a family again, Enjoy life to the fullest!
When law enforcement works, it's freaking amazing.
Thanks God he still has a family and a place to return.
Thank God he's alive and well ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹. God is Good!
Anyone ask why he left ?
Or did they possibly put him back in an abusive situation
Maybe he ran away because his parents named him ConnorJack
Thank god for those officers and dispatch.
Something is wrong 🤔
Amazing 👏
When your down stare at a clown. Oh that's Joe dirt
Wowhe disappeared right before pandemic. Where was he? Can't imagine what he's been through. I hope he can recover.
Mom’s less than ecstatic reaction definitely not what I would have expected… even sounded a little nervous. “Is it him? Oh my gosh hehe.” And this, after they moved states even though they say they “never stopped looking”? I hope he wasn’t put right back into a situation that made him run away to begin with.
If he spoke I wonder about all the things he would to say during all this time by himself. Those dark cold nights underneath bridges or god knows where.
Can’t blame the kid for leaving Commiefornia.
Thankyou Jesus Christ for protect this boy.
I'm crying with the family…so happy they found him.Thank you deputies
So great that he is alive. I hope they get him into some therapy right away to help him process & recover from everything that happened to him.
To God be the glory. As the mom of an autistic son, I am screaming hallelujah! I plead the blood of Jesus over this child and his family. Let the healing begin.
Wow major news 😂😆😂😆😂😆
Wow!!! Praise God!
Being a mom of 6 children two of which are autistic I can’t fathom what this family has went through! I’m so happy that this was a happy ending. My heart was broken seeing him shivering. Well done to these deputies!!!
Something is very wrong here. Bad vibes…
Somthing doesn’t add up.
u got his age wrong he was 17 when he went missing I know this cuz I was born in 2003 and my 16th bday is in was in 2019 my birthday is May 10th 2003. 2019-2002=17 not 16 only way he would've been 16 was him going missing before his bday May 23rd but he went missing September 28 2019 there for he 17
Now that's good law enforcement work!
God's hand all over that!
Hes just gonna run off again!!!
When I first heard about this story , Absolutely nowhere did it say that he was Autistic ‼️Media Must Do Better Reporting. ‼️
From somebody who's on the spectrum and they have kids on the spectrum proud of these officers for going the extra mile doing a little research and helping that young man.