Clayton Morris of Redacted on Brigitte Macron, false flags and how the world really works. Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal de …
Mayorkas, Mayorkas, Mayorkas, ohh where Oh Where is HE ❓NOW ❓ He's been ALL over the news & at several Congress Committee Hearings etc. it's March 19, 2025, when are U who are responsible for putting this EVIL 👿 MAN away & put in Prison 4 LIFE, for human trafficking and destroying our country. PERIOD.
W I L L This H A P P E N❓
Wow…. My eyes were open way b4 C’’’d. .. no uni degrees needed …. Just pure common sense
After watching you both through Covid to now it is so cool to see you both in the same room together sharing truth! Love it
I’ve been watching redacted since day 1 and only disagreed with Clayton once maybe twice…. I was wrong… same with Tucker… what a win for all with real news people like these guys. Thank you both 🙏🏼
As a Portuguese, I agree with Tucker. Portugal needs a revolution. People are too dermal and plunged into a stagnation. I hope that my country, someday will rise up.
It’s too late. Europe never stopped being Socialist and statist. It is in their DNA. Brussels simply evolved from that natural aspect.
Manifest Destiny was a 19th-century belief that the United States had a divinely ordained right and duty to expand its territory across North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and was coined by journalist John L. O'Sullivan in 1845.
Manifest Destiny was a 19th-century belief that the United States had a divinely ordained right and duty to expand its territory across North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and was coined by journalist John L. O'Sullivan in 1845.
Israel a ttacked USSLIBERTY.LBJ was telegraphing to Egypt this super spy ship 's locale.Reparations one day for the crew?
What would be good places to get unbiased/ uncensored news in Europe (Netherlands) All news is totally captured and at the very least twisted to make u think a certain way. Im sick of it. I want clear unbiased news wich i can read and find myself. Hope anyone has any suggestions
Oh, Ann Applebaum! Quite a cookie. We have a misfortune to experience her malice. The woman did so much missinformation about Poland in media.
Very eye opening interview. Thanks for sharing Tucker
About failied persons. The can be applied to notorious Kaja Kallas. She failed in the own country also.
Would like see more debates on these shows I watch redacted and it’s very one sided on the Ukraine war I also watch Jake broe who is quite the other side would like to see these on one show debating the differences
22:36 I got 3 covid shots and I regret it.
Будь добр на русский переведи)))
Funny how all of these conspiracies involve Israel.
"Failing up" shouldn't be misconstrued as such. They were successfully doing what they were told and/or paid to do. With their allegiance reinforced they are given positions of greater power because they are compliant to external enterprises.
Great to see/hear these 2 together again.
Females have more to prove, and the embrace competing with masculinity instead of bringing feminine attributes to leadership job, position, etc. Female bosses are the worst.
My dear sirs, the Soviets were not interested in invading any Western "DEMOCRACY" ever. The same is true for nowadays Russia. That is my deep belief.
protect this man and candace at all cost! they are only free media now
Fanny Willis is a Terrorist 😂😂😂😂
We gonna talk about Isreal bombing the USS liberty or just LBJ?
We have forgiven other enemy countries why are we still afaird of Russia a county. I get China and several Eastern countries they have been attacking us in different ways. But we fear them less.
Im starting to hate you because of your lies
You're a liar
Thanks to express VPN, now only Express VPN has access to my data.
Michelle Obama, Brigitte Macron, Jacinda Ardern, and Iris Weinshall are all men who pretend to be women. It's some demonic thing. It's not normal trans stuff. I don't understand it.