A convicted felon is back in jail and is now facing more than 100 felony counts of child exploitation. The full story: …
Not a black mans crime LMFAO especially one that bulky 😂😂😂
Typical demoncrat voters
Stick a fork in him, he's done
Meanwhile Hunter Biden gets away with it despite being in the pics himself.
Hunter Biden laptop.
Chop it off. Cant fix these sick people
Oops. Where all the hoes saying "but only wyt ppls do dis!"?
The mother's genes determine the intellect of male children cause them genes be on the (X) chromosome and males get that chromosome from mother's only which explains Chicago and Detroit
Point blank pedophile they got him with video and other.
Y’all locking him up just for watching pornography? It’s not like he is out victimizing children. They love locking black people up.
He will be out again
😡😡😡 black, again!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡
Death Penalty
Do we taxpayers owe that pervert a reparation payment as well?
Very disgusting kids man leave them alone sick nasty ppl
WHYYYYYYYY 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡
I smell set up
I smell some 🐂 💩
Why is this kind of material even available online? The cops obviously are in cahoots with the site owners and bait folks. Then the have your IP address and secure warrants. No warrants for the ones who create the website, right? Of course not because if they wipe the problem out completely then it will stop generating revenue for the city.
The rental location did not properly screen him…smh
We must protect ourselves.
Chopper city for him✂️
Wheres Al Sharpton?
He’s going to make lots of new intimate friends in prison to satisfy he’s perverse mindset
C I say it time and time again you cannot help these people. There’s no help for a sex offender lock all them up for life. I don’t care what they have done if you have a sexual charge, lock them up for life.
why is every video so quiet?
They are going to have a field day with this guy behind bars.
Woodchipper feet first.
Wait…if he downloaded the images and/or data, why is that kind of material even available online?
You never truly know who people ate deep down. This is just sick.
Remember everybody: the sex offender registry is available for everyone to look up online. I recommend you do it.
just low down to the ground
Why dont we go after the makers of the porn
😡."FACT" . you can't cure this condition. Jail time only leads them to be put back out on the street with the same desires. California has even gone so far as to house them all in a separate neighborhood development after release … Better to know where they are and monitor them
Over 100 counts. He will be out in a few days.
Death penalty
Lock him up YES but what about the creators ???! y'all will arrest the ones downloading it but there are people RESPONSIBLE for the VIDEOS !!! LOCK THE CREATORS UP DO THE RESEARCH GET ALL THESE PERVERTS OFF THE STREET and neow they have become TOO comfortable. Find ALL of them and let us watch they FRY !! we must protect our kids no matter you race or the hate in you're heart for a race this world is wicked and we should always protect each other's kids … !!!!
Child molester should get the death penalty
Man people are so weird 🤢🤢🤢 keep him in jail please
The reporter said they talk to the neighbor who don’t want to be identified 😂. Maybe I’m wrong, but that was quite foolish to see that it was a neighbor and she don’t want to be identified. Did anybody else see that?
Another shocker!
Why was he out of jail????
Lock him up and throw away the key!