Donnah Winger, a young mother, returned from a trip and told her husband, Mark, that the airport shuttle driver, Roger Harrington, …
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The insurance industry is really something else, Man. 9 times out of 10, these stories are about an insurance policy.
I seen this story on another program, as horrific as what he did , The Husband was also sleeping with his wife’s BEST FRIEND!!! They interviewed the Best friend and she claims to know nothing about marks intentions of murder. I believe Dateline had the story.
This was such a sad situation. A beautiful woman and an innocent young man lost their life due to the actions of an evil, conniving man who went on to live a comfortable life for years. People seem to forget there is always retribution waiting right around the corner. God sees everything! We need to look up sometimes!!!
An idiot for a measley amount of money. Now he has way less than what he thought he needed money to improve. He will never know freedom again and will be locked up with criminal rapist men for the rest of his life. An evil fool.
Roger also left a note that he was going to Mark's house because Mark wanted to talk with him. Not sure if Roger was aware of why Mark wanted to talk him. But that note left in Roger's car sealed the deal for Mark. 🙄