Progress does not need tribes…progress is all we want, we dont care if you are a frog or god eti sijui you came from this or that linage …..Progress!!!
Raila must not be in the opposition for the government to continue. Raila being in the opposition has earned him names like priest of poverty and other cringy names. Let Raila breath clean air in his retirement path.
Fred does not make sense. The truth is, the government has failed. Period! All these objectives in the 10 point agenda is the mandate of the government. To hell with this government!! Hats off to Senator Onyonka. We need soberness in our great country of Kenya.
Ruto is like a spouse who has been beating you and cheating on you then calls his parents,now baba to come live with you promising never to mistreat you again because his parent's are staying with you. Kenyans please run away from this relationship. We need a 2002 moment in 2027 let them have this two remaining years, let them loot but lets have alot of genz in parliament so we bring all this people into account.
This idiots should be somewhere in their constituency doing things can somebody please tell me what a sanate seat means for Kenyans kama hiyo sio kuchoma pesa bure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wao kazi yao ni mushene tu on media houses maumbwa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
These political leaders should read the label…Kenyans dont want them! Why do they have to figure out how to keep staying in the office im the name of voters. I wish Kenyans can make sound judgement and vote all these people out in 2027. We need to have clear minds…all of us.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👉👉👉this idiots are busy rapping the constitution daily on a honest mid sunshine and nobody is opening the mouth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anything concerning Kenyan document changes should undergo referendum mpende msipende The rapping that is on going in the house unchecked will not reach far trust me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂😂dude jumping a simple question beating about the bush for nothing who wrote the m.o.u a clear question 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Did that m.o.u underwent due legal processes kubaf haiwezi jibu hiyo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👉👉haki ya ngai nyasae konya tumekwisa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The coming together between Raila and Ruto is a convergence of two bad spirits.
The MOU signed last week is a trojan horse with sweeteners. It itemises additional NG-CDF to entise the legislators to pass the NADCO report with utmost speed.
The ten items in the MOU can be achieved without signing anything on paper. Corruption, Democracy, inclusivity and government expenditure are already captured in the constitution that govern this country.
Why is Raila and Ruto trying to look for cowdung where a cow never browsed? It only a fool who can walk down that trajectory.
These ten items can be achieved without interference with our morphology and infrastructure of our constitution.
Was there any public participation? This is a joke.
What happened to Fred? I no longer understand what he is saying
Senator Segai knows he is lying and he is even ashamed of his lies.
Huyu Fred kwani ananyesha 😂😂😂
This looks like a very tribal line-up! And before you judge know that I am a Kipsigis
I'm perturbed by the double speak by the principals of ODM and UDA and its affiliations.
Some political leaders gave a wide berth in the agreement.
They were not called on the table. In normal English, it's said that if you are not on the table, you are part of the menu.
Wetangula and Mudavadi are part of the menu 😋
Progress does not need tribes…progress is all we want, we dont care if you are a frog or god eti sijui you came from this or that linage …..Progress!!!
😂😂😂😂Is this MP okay?
Raila must not be in the opposition for the government to continue. Raila being in the opposition has earned him names like priest of poverty and other cringy names. Let Raila breath clean air in his retirement path.
Very soon Political enemies are going to be friends to expose Ruto "s rich lifestyle.The tables are turning for Kenya 's Ruto
Fred does not make sense. The truth is, the government has failed. Period! All these objectives in the 10 point agenda is the mandate of the government. To hell with this government!!
Hats off to Senator Onyonka. We need soberness in our great country of Kenya.
So in simple terms what you mean is that Raila trusts that Ruto will do what is in the MOU and if he doesn't life will move on 😂😂waaaah
Haters aside Ruto a reward of Kenyans’ patience
He is a competent leader
Nakuambia iyo ndo bass yote ya kindiki…na akiongea nko sure alinyamba coz alifinya tumbo sana ndo iyo bass itoke
We are cooked us Kenyans
Onyonka Must leave ODM.
Sigei is another useless praise team,we elected incompetent senators and m pigs,mou my ass
Sigei is a clown 🤡😂
Bread based government 😂😂
Ruto is like a spouse who has been beating you and cheating on you then calls his parents,now baba to come live with you promising never to mistreat you again because his parent's are staying with you. Kenyans please run away from this relationship. We need a 2002 moment in 2027 let them have this two remaining years, let them loot but lets have alot of genz in parliament so we bring all this people into account.
Both Ruto and Raila must go home 2027. Matiang'i is coming for them 😂
We sober debate onyoka is nice only man i understand and mp but this two other sijui what are they saying
What perks comes with Raila being in the government and what is citizens of kenya profit
Do we Raila to implement what the government is supposed to do.
This idiots should be somewhere in their constituency doing things can somebody please tell me what a sanate seat means for Kenyans kama hiyo sio kuchoma pesa bure
Wao kazi yao ni mushene tu on media houses maumbwa
Tooo much talking and no action 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nyinyi endeleeni na hiyo porojo yenyu
maisha mafupi haya na muda wazidi kuyoyoma
These political leaders should read the label…Kenyans dont want them! Why do they have to figure out how to keep staying in the office im the name of voters. I wish Kenyans can make sound judgement and vote all these people out in 2027. We need to have clear minds…all of us.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👉👉👉this idiots are busy rapping the constitution daily on a honest mid sunshine and nobody is opening the mouth
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anything concerning Kenyan document changes should undergo referendum mpende msipende
The rapping that is on going in the house unchecked will not reach far trust me
😂😂😂😂dude jumping a simple question beating about the bush for nothing
who wrote the m.o.u a clear question 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Did that m.o.u underwent due legal processes kubaf haiwezi jibu hiyo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👉👉haki ya ngai nyasae konya tumekwisa
5:12 a simple question, who wrote it!! Does that need all day to answer???? Bure kabisa.
Clueless Sigei
The coming together between Raila and Ruto is a convergence of two bad spirits.
The MOU signed last week is a trojan horse with sweeteners. It itemises additional NG-CDF to entise the legislators to pass the NADCO report with utmost speed.
The ten items in the MOU can be achieved without signing anything on paper. Corruption, Democracy, inclusivity and government expenditure are already captured in the constitution that govern this country.
Why is Raila and Ruto trying to look for cowdung where a cow never browsed? It only a fool who can walk down that trajectory.
These ten items can be achieved without interference with our morphology and infrastructure of our constitution.
When does this guy actually work?
He does not even know who wrote it,,,he wants to put Sifuna in the mix…funda
Ukitetea Ruto unakaa TU mafi😢