Singer Denise Wilkinson of the group The Legendary Ladies of Skyy speaks on her upbringing in New York, how she got into …
Smart strong women were a threat to the music business that is why they introduced hip hop
Love Skyy‼️❤️❤️❤️
Is she in HERE´S TO YOU main voice ?
Here’s to you, Ms. Denise ❤
This was a " bad"! group
Ever since I saw her amazing performance of “Real Love” on Soul Train I’ve always felt she was someone especially gifted with so much engaging power and intelligence. Such a great range of feeling and persona. I always felt like she would be a great storyteller. She seems like a magnificent and radiant soul.
She lived in my building 411 2nd floor thry was still legendary living legend
Although I missed most of SKYY while serving my country I was a fan of your music and will always be
Yes very proud women the Ladies of Skyy.
Denise has a unique and legendary voice in R&B. ❤️
Real Love & Real Talk thank you Ms Denise. May continue to bless you.
She speaks very well and is on point
This lady was a stone cold Fox back in her day. Very sexy.
"Real Love" she nailed it !!
Well said!!!!!
Well said.
Denise made an excellent point. The socio-economic disparities of any community have a direct affect upon it's artistic pulse.
it me Nika hey I know her