As Europeans head to the polls this weekend, Douglas Murray speaks to John Connolly about how the continent has shifted to the …
What are the long-term consequences for Europe of a wave pf political populism?
Don't speak too soon. Germany just aligned with the center-left party.
The right have been brainwashed by the billionaires unfortunately thats why fascism is on the rise, look at the state of the US
Those WEF Goons are destroying Europe!
Nice herringbone on that jacket.
Come to trump Europe if you want normalcy
The Liberal elites and media are so far left, the centre seems far right.
"Far right" these days just seems to mean indigenous rights, standing up for working people, supporting your community and culture. Seems unreasonable NOT to support these things.
Power prayers HUMANITY. Please and thankyou. Truth REVEALED to all warriors of truth !!! Save the generations future,past and present !!! Thankyou. Prayers.
Yeah it's very simple. People don't want their countries turned into other countries.
Praying that your people will come together and vote out the Liberals who don't really care about the people.
So that'll be the Common Sense Party. What do they expect, we are governed by fools that don't have to live closely by their decisions.
Amazing how the left like to label everyone that has a different view to theirs.
It’s better to be far right then far wrong!! 😂 and don’t forget Jesus said He would put His sheep on his RIGHT, and the goats on his LEFT. Don’t be LEFT behind! 🥹
The liberals want to shame the West into extinction.
Douglas is the sharpest and bravest mind the UK has produced this generation
Douglas is very wise and knowledgeable. He has the freedom though to speak his mind (which i 100% agree with) whereas many others including the extremely harshly treated by our political and justice system Tommy R aren't afforded the same respect. Douglas has talked about TR, his background etc and basically agrees that he is treated appallingly. 🇬🇧🏴🏴🏴NI🇺🇲🇮🇱. REFORM badly needed.
That guy from The Netherlands is evil looking. I like it. Like an adult version of the kids in VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED.
Doing the same thing America has done to Trump
We don't want more children raped…….well I guess that makes me right……far right so be it. I will never stand up for rapists
Very good!
Is not far right is far correct
The mother failed to lead and know want to call the father a fascist tyrant because strong measures are needed to fix her mistakes it's a fight for male and female leadership the entire political left right paradigm is a feminism struggle against male competent leadership sometime a father must make the children learn their lesson and force them to take accountability
Heey… immigration is always the problem apart from the immigration is there any other concerns ? May be Russia …what the hell are you doing in those countries if you don't want their people to come over there ?
I have no doubt LePen WON last time!
We are coming home.❤
Thank you for your moral clarity, Douglas Murray ❤
Europe has fallen
GOD bless Douglas Murray! Your country needs you son.
The Dalia Lama said it.
“Europe for the Europeans.”
Family 1st. Community 2nd. Friends?
As long as they don’t move in and attempt to disintegrate all which previous and successive generations have sacrificed everything for!
Labour are pathetic – throwing around the term far right like confetti. Idiots.
Ppl who march against Islam are not far right…they are just correct
Seems people are scared to even consider anything different than the normal. Oddly, even when it's an old way that works.
They label these partys as populist. Does that mean that their policies are in the majority popular.
Douglas you are a legend. Enough is enough of this invasion , before it is too late. The mainstream media is are disgrace.
Sorry England. They will out breed you. Soon it will be Anglanistan.
Douglas, when would you like to start your history lesson? To think that the Europeans were only going to extract the wealth and labour for the continent and retreat from the rest of the world was for the birds. Call it what you like conservatives or centrists. Actions have consequences.
' Dominated by poltical parties that centrist Conservatives and the Labour party in this country have demonieed as being outrageous '
Never forget that the Labour party had 100 of it's collegues go to America to interfer in the US electionscand canvas ad vote for Kamala Harris against Donald Trump. A blatent attempt at foreign election intereference in historically our strongest and until closest ally. When asked about the situation Starmer and Rayner both said that the people involved 'did it during their free time' as if somehow that makes it more forgivable. I find the lack of morarlity and indecency of the Labour Party outrageous.
Marching will be happening if nothing changes
Life should be about right and wrong not right and left
All of their own creation yet to nieve or stupid to realise it. Failed to listen. I'm politically left leaning as all tests I've done state. I'm voting right. The left have a sickness that is rife and running through our governments and establishments
Douglas is always spot on.👍👍👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Far right = right so far
Long over due ! This is protection of a nation!
Europe invited the enemy into their country, and now they will understand why MultiCulturalism only benefits the Hordes!