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0:48 – Ethan Klein
23:29 – Mahmoud Khalil Arrest
49:45 – More Danisha Carter Victims
1:02:15 – Transphobic Female Gym
1:38:33 – Vegan Stuff
In California you are not allowed to report to CPS anonymously. CPS told him it was someone he knows. He went on livestream and stated as a fact that Olive Sunny and Hila all had Giardia and that he was having diarrhea too. The crew asked how can they avoid getting it and he responded they would have to eat his shit to catch it. Sooooo imagine seeing someone you know clearly having a mental health crisis for months then go on stream and make light of dogs having bowel movements in the house and the kids catching parasites from crawling where they pooped. If i knew them personally i would have called too, especially if they have refused anyone else's suggestions to get some help. We have all seen what happens when people have breakdowns. Cps going out to the house is much better than the coroner having to go.
CPS should not have been called, but Ethan literally said that he thought his kids might’ve gotten sick for crawling in dog shit, tried to get a group banned, but ended up getting his snark page banned for being even more vile. Ethan is absolutely the worst and karma will do karma. But kids prolly didn’t get cps called for the dog shit thing by strangers on the internet
Michael Levin would say that rocks actually do have a cognitive light cone which means rocks have their own intelligence. They are made up of atoms interacting with each other.
I’m sooo glad you said what you said about cis women being predators because that was my question, is there going to be screening for all predators not just being weary or excluding trans women just because of cis men
before he starts blaming the snark, he says he thinks i was someone who worked for him. that would make more sense. a CPS report needs to include like the address, details about what you saw, etc. trolls can make up the latter but i don't think they have his address? if it's someone who worked for him i believe it could be a legitimate call. we don't really know what is going on in their house. we all are mandated reporters if we suspect there is abuse going on. CPS isn't generally going to come investigate on one anonymous tip.
Brittany, these days is becoming really hard to recognize when to be compassionate and when to set boundaries. How do I know I’m not being cruel or dismissive in the name of my perceived sanity? Or how do I know I’m not overextending for someone who would never show me the same kindness and should that even matter? I don’t like it here.
You don't really seem to care or understand this point of view, you gave her no sympathy and just paused to talk about your point (oh its understandable because of trauma, but but but.) Really important to pay attention to and harrass the people who have gone through the worst thing possible, who arent being hateful but are trying to navigate a very nuanced situation.
There are more issues around people being bigoted and vitriolic to transexuals than the women who are hiding from men because of severe trauma, I'm not talking about TERFS, I'm talking about women that just want a space that they don't have to have any fear what so ever, Becoming so angry at those women create TERFS, cant you see that? Why do cis women not get the same sympathy to how much repression, shame, shun, and human trafficking threat they go through? There are still entire countries where women are enslaved and being trans is a death sentence, built into religion, culture, and government but you're getting angry at some sad gym owner? How about fighting for those human rights too?
These places are not the battles that should be had, women have only had 40 years to start creating their own businesses, creating safe spaces for the constant threat of violence that trans women should completely understand.
Create your own gym in the same area, or there are other gyms to go to, this isn't a boys club that bans women because they are truly sexist, this is a woman who has gone through trauma and wanted to make her OWN safe space. You are doing so much more harm to the cause, to people learning to respect and love each other, all you are doing is looking cold and unsympathetic to something all women go through. Being bigoted through fear should be handled MUCH MUCH DIFFERENTLY than being bigoted through hate. Ugh this makes me so angry, talk about things that actually damage people, this cis only gym isn't going after people or doxxing people or sending hate. Just leave them alone and focus on something actually destroying trans lives, because all this is doing is making people more aggressive to the cause.
25:17 Yeah i am a green card holder and i would not go to protests for that reason, if they arrest me and i have criminal record it will jeopardize my stay here, green card it s temporary stay and they can revoke or refuse to extend it any time
PS. Signed the petition. This is little that I can do and do all the time
PPS. I moved to US from Russian, because i could not take it anymore and seems there is nowehere to go from horrible government and people believing in bad actors 😂
Ethan is not only blaming them him and hila are blaming Adam McIntyre again and harassing him again
I really would not be surprised if he made it up. Because i get what you are saying that it's not his MO however he was never in this situation where almost everybody is against him and he is losing his own fans. He seems so desperate. Both of them actually. The way Hela was talking how Adam should disapear was AWFUL. They never been so low so yeah, I don't know.
The way Ethan is blaming Trysha, Hasan and Adam McIntyre is bizarre
Love your streams.
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
All i have to say is that ethan is reaping what he sow. The CPS thing is whack, but he did try to ruin the careers of a bunch of palestinian creators for no reason, ao maybe he could introspect & understand WHY this all happened.
I think the whole Ethan situation is a case of malice intent and harassment but Ethan himself really needs to take responsibility for the things he says.
Wheter he wants to admit it or not he did for a fact, on his podcast, say that his new born child contracted giardia and in the same episode say that it could only be contracted through ingesting feces but then at a later date reveal that he had seen a doctor and it wasn't giardia. Like you know there is a sub Reddit that hangs on your every word, twisting it in the worst way possible and has been doing so for the past 2 years and you just make a conscious decision to be insanely neglegent discussing your children's health?????
Im sorry but I just have to correct some misinformation here. What Phil said was not accurate to how CPS works AT ALL. It’s extremely rare for them to take anonymous tips from randoms online, especially when against a controversial media personality. Their primary goal is getting resources to families who lack them and keeping the family together. It’s been a persistent cultural narrative that CPS will try to take your kids away when they usually exhaust all other options before it gets to that point. Even when the child is removed from the home, the focus is on reunification and rehabilitation for the parents.
Bad Empanada strikes me as an insensitive asshole, but I think it’s a stretch to claim he is encouraging people to make false CPS calls because he is willing to mock this situation. Tbh I’m highly skeptical of Ethan’s version of events due to prior situations I’ve witnessed with internet celebrities who have had malicious calls on them. One example being Onision. He had several visits from CPS because of reports made my anonymous people online. And CPS did not remove his children from the home or take any punitive action against him, which makes sense given the source of the reports. Even though we know now that the call was very much warranted when not too long after, his toddler aged daughter fell out of a second story window after being left unattended and sustained serious injuries. The child was still not removed from the home after this.
Ethan said himself the agent claimed it was someone they know, which is probably why they were willing to investigate the report at all. Which makes it extremely frustrating that people keep repeating this harassment/swatting narrative when it appears to not apply to this situation. Idk if Ethan and Hila are using the term “investigation” to refer to the initial visit itself, but if they are in fact referring to a proper investigation then that means the agent found something of concern. We have multiple videos of Ethan letting his dogs poop on the floor and leaving it there until someone else picks it up. There’s even a video of him discovering dog shit on his carpet right below his feet, then proceeding to roll it around with his foot and play with it. That is disgusting and unsanitary and I don’t think it’s crazy to think CPS would note that. They wouldn’t take away his kids for it though. They’d just educate him on sanitary practices and probably require a few follow ups to make sure they’re keeping up good habits.
I agree with you that deliberately false and malicious CPS reports are wrong, but please do not discourage people from calling CPS if they are worried about children in their life. Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem bad enough for the kids to be taken away. It only needs to be bad enough for outside intervention to be involved. Usually that intervention comes in the form of connecting them to charities and resources where they can get real help. CPS is not like how it’s portrayed in media at all and I’ve watched it turn so many family’s lives around for the better. Just something to consider.
the way the world right now is mimicking history pre-ww2 is so scary. the politics, the propaganda, the actions…
4:53 ummmmmmm ethan has said time and time again that it is a genocide, that netanyahu is a war criminal that should be Imprisoned, that his hearts go out to palestinians etc etc etc etc but he said that telaviv is beautiful and very diverse and wanted to show everyone is too much? lets not lose focus on what is important, ethan is pro palestine and is being targeted on a hate campaign
I think this is the first time I've seen that jacket on you? It's so cool!!!