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Farage's main problem is that he's still breathing…
Farage will crawl into donnies diaper any time
Trump’s actions are indefensible. This wrecks Farage’s credibility with me and many others I suspect.
Two pigs dressed in suits each claiming they have the answers and who is to blame one says Tariffs and migrants the other just migrants.
US citize s appear to beike Turkeys voting for xmas voting in Trump its gonna end badly for Turkeys and xmas
I was just thinking the other day that Farage might suffer due to Trump’s presidency, and I’m glad I was correct.
After the Brexit debacle Farage ought not to show his face.
02:55 "I've got friends…" another lie.
It all started when Desantes the Nominee in the American Election Process, was expected to Win the Presidency and Trump was going to be Jailed. Nigel spent all his time with Desantes until he dropped down to only 7% and had to quit the Race. Nigel Magically Back Flipped to the Trump Camp calling him his "best friend". Obviously, Trump realised Nigel's disloyalty and that he can't be trusted. Probably Elon learnt about this just before his decision to "release" his money in Nigel's direction.
a very weak man with a very glib tongue
Him championing the awful failure that is Brexit alone should have made this turd irrelevant. Why give him any more of you town, how dumb can his supporters be?
In his support for Trump Farage seems to be breaking his own rule. He has spoken of how Enoch Powell, with his violent language, lost the middle. He is doing the same – but the problem for him is that he's on the payroll.
Farage brought down the UK economy with his Brexit lies, and would bankrupt the UK and destroy its sovereignty and standing in the world with his Trumpian ideology
Glad to see the general public in this country is not as dumb and stupid as America
Surely more proof that his credentials for the PM job are laughable. So predicable that this was always sooner rather than later going to be a massive problem for him. He's had 4 years to craftily distance himself from his close association with Trump (seeing he was doing well in the polls without it), but hasn't obviously seen it as the car crash that so many predicted. And the great news is that it's only going to get harder still to justify as Trump gets more and more crazy as the US ecomomy tanks and the true cost of his isolationism policies become clearer.
For Tories like myself am very happy to tactical vote labour to make sure he doesn't win the next election, as I switched off from all his polictical messaging once this became clear many years ago.
I wonder how much the history books would water all this craziness down?
All I remember of Farage is speeding off as soon as it was time to implement Leave.
Honestly, anyone who vlaims Trump is a dictator or facist, should not be listend too. They vlearly don't know what those words mean and are suffering from TDS and only listen to the MSM or biased media like this channel.
There are certainly things to criticize Trump about, but yhose calling him a facist have no idea about this topic.
You can bet that if anyone on the left or centre, or even centre right said something nice about Hitler, Mussolini or Starlin Farage would make a big deal about it, but, when it's one of his fanboys.."it doesn't matter"- such a grifter and self serving narcissist.
To paraphrase the old saying "Turds of a feather float together" 😀
To be fair to Farage, he's now trying to distance himself from Trump
Close relationship. He wasn't invited to his inauguration 😂
This seems to be before it all kicked off with Rupert Lowe. It must be worse for Farage now.
The guy holding the speaker on his head, that face, the determination 😀
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Liz Truss was shown just as long as she was PM.
9 minutes is too long for TLDR News video.
Usually when Farage takes a controversial stance on something, long enough the public opinion changes in his favor because he's a good public speaker. You are severely underestimating the man who singlehandedly caused Brexit without even being in parlement.
Fukage's main problem is how to remove his grifting tongue from Trump's posterior now that it is uncomfortably frozen in that position and, thick as he is, he has come to realise that it will avail him naught from Trump and, contrarywise, being seen as a Trump adherent is like being seen eating cowdung as far as Brits are concerned.
Notice how the maga supporters never give actual reasons.
It's pleasant but makin a 10 minute video of a sentence is the opposite of TLDR 😀
Ultimately the big thing that will shape this is next election, which theoretically would be for a Prime Minister not serving with Trump (having no prospect of return).And who knows how the MAGA movement will adapt post Trump and how pro-Trump individuals outside the US will react to it.
considering how frighteningly high amount of Reform supporters don't actually know what policies the party stands for, i wouldn't be surprised if Farage's alignment with Trump is that detrimental for him in the grand scheme of things
"None of it matters"
The fact the whole world keeps talking about these things would suggest it does matter and you have your finger firmly off the pulse Nigel
Orban, Farage, Trump… the treacherous trio
Reform Party (which is not a political party, but a limited company, of which Farage is a Director) which I understand funded by big oil being climate skeptics? Shocked.
Trump and Co. Are doing wonders for left wing and centrists around the world lol
Farage is cooked, he is a total weasel
But Zelensky is CLEARLY a dictator. That's truthful regardless what you think about Trump. Zelensky has:
1. Banned elections (he would lose massively based on current polling).
2. Banned media outlets that aren't sufficiently pro-Zelensky.
3. Banned the Orthodox church.
If anyone did those things, we would call them a dictator, so we shouldn't be hypocritical here.
Whatever farage say the British will support him cos the britsh are stupid and suck up to the Americans like lapdogs they are
“Nothing matters”???
What the FUCK kind of answer is that?
😂😂😂😂 Hopefully this shit will ruin him.
fake….trump boot licker
Not wearing a suit to meet Trump was a mistake, but it shouldnt have been raise in front of the press.
He's a literal Putin backed traitor and he's thankfully outed himself, yet again, although I'm sure Murdochs propaganda machine will try and make everyone forget in 6 months.
The guy with a speaker on his head 0:01
As much as I think Trump has been terrible so far, any journalist who calls him a fascist should get another career, they clearly can't be trusted to be objective. He's a nationalist who thinks globalism has occurred to the detriment of America, he's wrong, they've been the biggest beneficiaries of it, but he's not a fascist. Fucks sake.
Farage is talented infront of the camera but i think he lacks strategically. He takes a maga base but then betrays them on things like tommy robinson and the like.
Britain really has been heroic in supporting Ukraine, hats off to you mates! 🇺🇦 🇬🇧
Farage is great at articulating voter concerns, but very poor at articulating his policies to address those concerns.
Not an expert, but it seems to me Farage's entire career has been predicated on being the voice for a small enough group of people that he never actually achieves power and so never has to answer for the failures and chaos he would cause. And he's chosen an outrageous and hateful group of people, because that allows him to punch way above his weight in the attention market. In short, he's a parasite.
So I reject the idea that making himself unpopular to the British public is a bad thing for him.