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Eiiish, 😢😢 the part where the car kept moving after the guard rails had already gone through his pelvic
My goodness so much pain he must have felt
May he rest in peace
Mr Ahmed should help train bodyguards… Yaani despite his injury, he ensured ako next to boss wake….
This accident keeps people talking because a governor endured what normal Kenyans go through everytime.
In accidents the first responders are the public, public emergency services are slow, public hospitals are poorly staffed and poorly equipped etc.
This was an accident handled the Kenyan way.
The issue here is people should have learnt why senior government officials in developed countries have an emergency services vehicle always in tow.
Politricks,okay politics in Kenya is just a matter of life and d*ath 😢
Thats cut through the rail for 40 meters is what makes me feel blood down my spine!
There is something odd and awful about the family advocate.
hearing about the details of the accident sends shivers all over my body. Just thinking about it, too horrific
Ive never healed from this…even though am not from nyeri..they finish the people who are smart and a threat esp for presidential seat.
'A man of that caliber" our leaders should make emergency resue and local health care a priority in development, it not always they can run to developed countries and big hospitals, they never know when they will need them.
all in all, ajali haina kinga.
What is this lawyer trying to say 😠” ati everyone was taken to the hospital and he was left there with common wananchi “ those common wananchi tried their best to save his life.. it’s unfortunate he lost his life but ujinga ya he should be first priority because he is a governor . Wale wengine pia ni binadamu
Why is this coming up now? It's clear he was murdered
This guy was terribly injured. Thika level 5 should have the strongest facility to take care of emergencies I still remember George Thuo 😢😢
From the story, this driver was hired to kill the governor!
Hey governor thea was nothing completely you would have done a person who was your governor and you wer his
deputy not even to support the family
I hate the excuses from the current governor 😢😢 IPO siku
Could this be one of the many reasons why Gachiega wants NIS chief out???
This is Kenya for you. Na zile ma kesi hatujui ni ngapi.
Kama mwenye anafaa kukaa backleft anaogopa kukaa hapo? kwani wewe hupendi maisha yako unaenda kukaa backleft? Na ukikula risasi? Guys lets love our lives before loving others.
Why was Benz removed? Did someone repair the breaks?
A wake up call for politicians to make sure public hospitals are equipped to their levels as required
I thought a Governor is also a Kenya.
Ati a person of this caliber?and she is an advocate!!!who should know much better that Governor is just a Kenyan just like any other
that's why you need a change in using your resoures jion the change and build your own hospitals follow Barkino Faso
Why was he taken to Thika level 5, whereas we have major private hospital in kenol, Naidu at the entrance of Thika, Dr wachira hospital, the 3 hospital are major and doctors available not like in public hospitals, all three were nearer than Thika level 5, am left with questions
This is painful to watch and listen to.
Continue resting in peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️ you were the best doctor
It was just an accident… it's difficult, but everything shouldn't be politicised.
What Kahiga did to that Islamic Bodyguard, is a prove of how Mt Kenyans are severely tribal..
That was an accident because if the car was faulty it wouldn't have made it all the way to the point where the accident happened and also as a driver I wouldn't drive a car which I know is faulty in a way that would harm me or anyone in the car.
Systems should work for everyone, however lowly in society one is
Ati the wrecked Benz was transferred to Nakuru?
Being ploughed on the pelvic area for 48.80metres, required a miracle to survive.
That Benz must've been doing in excess of 160KPH.
Getting him out of the rail would have required hacksaws.
The governor was neglected.
They created such situation they dnt want to invest in our health care cz they get treated abroad where was that abroad on that day
One day, God will judge anyone behind his death.
A minute is enough to save a life..a big hospital like Thika level 5 should not lack senior doctors/surgeons 24/7 even if its 1 only… Sasa mgonjwa anakufa anagojea aje Daktari surely