Gina is partnering with Cleveland Hope Exchange for a Walk for Freedom. Her Center for Missing, Abducted and Exploited …
Gina is so cold towards Michelle and I can tell she's messed up for the rest of her life though but she should not have turned her back on Michelle and she didn't Amanda
Jamal Smith Gina DeJesus I focus on us being couples why keeps being shy to me not giving me no call or text or message me back I can't do this alone if you don't respond back to me just be honest if you you wants to date me or not I can find someone else that will talk back to me I not on no others stuff I giving you what you asking for I not on you keeps ignore me… I gave you many chances to ask me out that you don't even respond to me acourse i angry that you Gina keeps ignore me that I not shy no more about loving someone…trying to better you and makes you very glad the way you wants if you wants to be alone single I am not gonna be alone single having no love in my life that I will find someone if you don't I don't likes my emotions played with…
Jamal Smith Gina DeJesus I hopely you have a blessing new year that I did pray for your mother health and healing her eyes sight back to vision so she can see again that I don't hurt anyone feelings or put down on nobody because I could be in trouble when I will needs help whenever I be sick or dangerous situations that someone would took away my life that acourse I don't take breath away from granted that God gives me for sleeping keeps alive that I will always respect everyone enemies backstabbers that we all will fall apart someday…. that Gina DeJesus I respect you be the same way what I saying that Areil Castro made did wrong but don't keeps bring back or saying harmful things about him that is not good judgement on the enemies that wrongly us just pray for them likes God jesus says that wants help at all when fighting with evil but instead fight evildoers with goodness of heart that if I sees my ex girlfriend that I will speak to her and no disrespect for me chosen who I likes to be with that my believes don't includes no demons destruction satan will not make me feel violence or humiliation feelings about being in love that my ex girlfriend is cool with me having you as my spouse
Romans 7:1 – 4 if he still alive breathing well in good health if she put her husband away she and get another husband she is called adulteress that she is bound down to the law if he is dead then she can find another husband then she is free from the law of God jesus the same for the man if she still living he is adulterers as well but if she be dead then he can find another wife that he is loose from the law with God jesus…..
Mark 10:10 11 12 who so ever put a his wife he have committed adultery if she put away her husband she committed adultery if he or she got another that the way God punishes them… next will be if he or she be dead then they are free from the law of God jesus the bible verses I will show Gina my lover
Knows let me talk about being adulatory relationships with the bible God jesus commandments also that means someone man woman being married before with that person maybe a year or many decades that they have file for a divorce that he or she got another husband or wife that what adulatory means….
Let me preach little about being married or not to be married fornication relationships means In the bible with God jesus commandments that a man woman being boyfriend girlfriend just making love with the person that with sexual orientation that is not married yet that what fornication means….
Gina DeJesus I feeling little bless right now Jamal Smith I your spouse lover husband to be soon doing the lord God jesus works by reading study the bible on a daily basis it is wonderful great for living and being safe when trouble is going on in the world that I only can count on the most high that nobody can never beat God or jesus that he is with his father
Jamal Smith Gina DeJesus that is my goal preacher man motive speak er I trying to be clean as a man of God I don't smoke or drink alcohol or steal murder rapes womens trust me Gina when I be 30 years old next month I will be more more likely into the bible and stays away from the wickedness lifestyles
Jamal Smith Gina DeJesus I truly to be becoming a man of God jesus by being a preacher man I study bible and seeing the world what it is sinful lifestyles are really getting out of hand that why God jesus is coming very soon some people will be left behind in darkness with satan in hell the ones on God jesus side will be lights fresh air with God jesus
Where did she get the money
Yes!! Gina a cutie
Wow this so great. What a lovely young Lady. Bless you Gina.
Get It Gina!!!