America’s judges are not the only ones showing that they are willing to stand up to President Donald Trump and the Republican …
The "American people" have something to say. You know what? THEY are the problem! Trump is just a symptom of the cancer within American society – own the libs! Do anything to own the libs! Hate those "scary" people who aren't just like us! Hate science! Woke is bad! These uneducated buffoons VOTED for Donald Trump! They swooned over his self-congratulatory arrogance, narcisissm, divisiveness and hate! They were smitten with that! Their vote was based soley on hatred and now that it's hitting home (threatening their own personal lives?) it's unacceptable! How DARE this happen! What about my medicare?! What about my social security?!
How about voting on a weekend or a national holiday like most democratic countries to give everyone the chance to participate. Role back infinite corporate money in elections. Abolish gerrymandering and only use the popular vote… If the US ever gets to vote again.
are we 100% positive Harriot Hageman isn't transgender? i mean she looks like a man in drag to me
What's bizarre is just how off the rails this woman is from the reality of the situation. SILLY WOMAN, THE GOVERNMENT IS US!!!
Exactly, we need someone for the people, both parties are screwing us!
Angry at Dems as they roll over in these desperate times
She "took" Liz Cheney's seat in the House.
The old cow from Wyoming – Put her out to pasture – what a sow
Senator Jim Banks offended people attending an empty chair gathering by sending donuts. Tried calling his office – busy lines. He doesn't care.
I am over 70 years old. I remember taking a test on the Constitution. I remember our teachers explaining the branches of the government and how it was every Americans duty to see what our government is doing and vote accordingly. This lady who got elected needs her head examined. Its because of what the government is doing, that people are concerned. And it is not just Democrats. It's also Republicans and Independents.
They elected her!
Hegman is a nauseating person
Town Halls are for ALL residents!!!!💪
I'm thinking Hageman lost the crowd 😅
Well what do they expect Democrats to do?
Oh wow and yet, they voted for them knowing who and what they are and will again.
Imagine telling people that men can spontaneously become a woman, or there are no genders; and your weak voters are so pathetic they agree, so mental health needing liberals dont attack you.
Oh media, you still believe you can create these moronic narratives by paying unemployed Marxists to attend these town halls and then pretend they're actual constituents. Its why the media has a trust among Americans of 11%.
Labelling her "Tone Deaf" would be an insult to the deaf.
She's one messed-up woman.