Simon Gronowski is a lawyer, jazz pianist and author who escaped the Holocaust in Nazi Germany during the World War II.
No.The man from the movie The Pianist was Polish,and he passed away.
Dear Mr Simon Gronowski,
Thank you for your confidence in the future with an inviting smile, thank you for your testimonies which mean a lot to people of mine and the younger generations, thank you so much(!) for being the voice of those who did not survive the brutalities of a cruel oppressor and his regime …
With respect and best regards,
Walter Cami, M.S.M.
i have seen this man in real life telling his story i almost started crying he has such a kind heart i love him! <3
Kindly do remember Afghanistan 🇦🇫please.
Oh United Nations🇺🇳🤗
and yes-.
# Cop 26
'' we are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to '' -why?
Thank you.
Thank you so much 🇺🇳
United Nations | الأمـــــمُ المتّـحــــدَة
for your tolerance between people 🌏!.
That is the spirit we need today!.
People in every country should be free★★ to choose and live their faith
based upon the persuasion of the mind and the heart and the soul.
This TOLERANCE │ is essential for religion to thrive, but it's being challenged in
many different ways.
Among some muslims, there's a disturbing tendency to measure one's own faith by the rejection of somebody else's faith.
FEEDOM of RELIGION │ is central to the ability of peoples to live TOGETHER✓.
We must always examine the ways in which we protect it✓.
Ramadan Kareem !.
Thank you.
And may God's peace be upon you.
In karnataka state day by day fear of communal clashes law and order is totally collapsed. Democracy in danger peoples are feared.please to impose the President rule in the state and to protect the peoples in karnataka state
Liars liars…. u r killers of humanity.
Is this the guy from the movie the pianist?