A 12-year-old paperboy’s disappearance during his Sunday morning route shocks a peaceful Iowa city. Panic sets in when a …
How heartbreaking. beautiful ad strong mother. what an awesome lady. Police should be ashamed.
I thought there was more to the story. Something like she had received strange phone calls after warning her to stop what she was doing in terms of drawing attention to the case. I thought also there was something about somebody messing with her porch light as well.
The police are responsible for not investigating this from the beginning. Too many old men , getting in fights with the mother really so pathetic.
Think about Johnny next time you comment “Millennials and Gen Z are so CODDLED!! In my day, we had PAPER ROUTES and we weren’t allowed at home until the street lights were on!!”
Johnny isn’t the only child who fell victim to generational neglect. Boomers and Gen X, it wasn’t “better” for you.
The second one was taken before Jonny was taken and at the same exact spot Jonny was taken but there was no story on the boy
Its always been a rumor that the parents of Johnny were involved. I dont believe it.
It goes deeper than most documentaries. Watch Ted Gunderson, previous head of fbi LA. Who started his own investigation firm to investigate unsolved fbi cases. Which led him to a whole shit load of corruption in the U.S, led by prominent heads in all departments, famous socialites, famous well known people everywhere. Keep his videos alive. R.I.P T.G ❤
I'm confused about the story regarding the football game…made me wonder at first if he was missing from the football stadium or from the paper route 🤔
This was one of the cases that always made me so sad. I know he’s most likely dead by now but hopefully, they can find him and lay him to rest.
That sorry attitude right there with the scumbag pogs is the very reason I hate cops!!!!!!!!!!!! I had something bad happen to me when I was in middle school during the summer and the cops found out who it was that had tried to hate me, but the family of the dirtbag would not tell them where he lived abd that was it, they never caught that POS because they just didn't care!!!!!!!!! >:( screw cops!!!!!!!
Some criminals enjoy toying with investigators, prolonging their reign of terror. 😨
What a great dad
What’s up with the Wikipedia page claiming that johnnys mother Noreen claimed that Johnny visited her with an unknown man at one point in time. Claiming that he was a victim of a pedophillia ring?
This is heartbreaking. The parents are so strong. To live through that not knowing must be absolutey awful. Its a shame that its not taking seriously straight away especially when its a kid
Never give up.
I pray that closure comes in some way or another.
So this is were The Black Phone came from ?
"dont teach my kids about strangers!! theyre too young!! youre going to scare them!!"
history repeats itself.
an educated, informed child is a protected child.
Her saying “he won’t be here for Thanksgiving” was a tale tell sign in my opinion
This is horrible…
what great parents tho i would never let a kid deliver papers to many hunters out there
Another case fucked up cause of lazy incompetent police? What a shock, I wouldn’t trust these bozos to cut my grass
Morons were using stupid phrases like " a climate of fear" way back then? Wow
Shame on the law enforcement. They should have given them all the help
Offer a million dollar reward.
Then don't pay it.
Someone knows what happened.
They will only talk for big money.