Single father Kendal Fenwick is the 295th homicide in Baltimore in 2015. Family and investigators wonder whether his efforts to …
20:36 Kendall became an angel in his neighborhood, making sure nobody else loses their life for just wanting to live in peace and protect their own. Rest in peace Kendall, I’m so sorry, I hope you’re wrapped in the arms of the Lord and Ancestors 💕💕
These poor babies
R.i.p., Kendal.
The good die young 😢
Im not crying 🫣 very tragic
Park Heights has been responsible for so many young black men lives taken.. I had a guy friend whose life was cut short in front of his (at the time 1992,) daughter who was only 2 years old .. so sad
Obvs the subject matter is awful but i like the way u do these documentsries. Theyre really well done.
The saddest most ironic thing about this whole situation is that the people of Baltimore continue to vote for a government that does this to them. It’s okay to admire and elevate a not great guy because he was killed by a cop, but who cares about a good guy who was killed by a bad guy. Why are there no statues of Mr. Kendall? Why are there no statues of men who actually take care of their kids and their families? Why do these citizens continue to support policies that allow good men and women to be murdered on the streets?
My condolnces and. Praying
Every time I think about this, my heart drops. I feel so awful for this family. He did not deserve this at all.
What a courageous young man. You made your family proud. The world knows your story. What a senseless catastrophic loss.🙏🏽💔🕊🕊
It’s always the good ones that are to good for this world
This is so fucked up really😞
Got men who don't even wanna take care of there kids and they took 1 of the men who loved his kids dearly..so sad
This is what we have to go thru I’ve been where she has and ppl wanna say I don’t understand how black ppl kill each other WE FUCKING hate each other they killed that man because they Couldn’t recruit him like I said we fucking hate each other
It sucks so bad bc we always lose the great ones, the ones that are trying to live a wholesome normal life. Provide for their children, not desert them. Not make the neighborhood bad, trying to overcome the struggles of everyday living. Meanwhile the bums, bastards, menaces to society, the ones that choose that lifestyle, get to keep living. It’s not fair and it’s disgusting. I pray for this family and especially his children. I pray that they live a great life and find peace within from this madness that’s around them.
Crazy how when he passed away the street became safe❤
Replay… I know this happened some yrs ago but it's so so ridiculous how are people continue to hurt one another just because they want to rule the streets control yourself not other people and their families everybody does not want to do wrong everybody does not want to do evil people want happiness in life love care and raise their children to be great for whatever reason stop killing one another 🙏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
so sorry for your loss u raised a very handsome young man RIP Kendal x
If Kendall went to green spring I think I was in his class..
My heart breaks for his family. What a bright soul. I cried when they said the fence was finished.
OMGosh this is terrible, Kendal a young father taken in the blink of an eye, disgusting, is life SO cheap? Surely not? Where is this all heading, low mentality and certainly no BRAVERARY INVOLVED. take a close look at yourself, life is precious and you totally effed up! Curse you, live with the results.
What a great dad he was, always looking out for his kids. He didn’t deserve it at all. My prayers and condolences go to the poor parents. Don’t give up hope.
I’m from Baltimore. I remember this story real messed up situation.
What I never understood is How do someone go all the way out your way to kill somebody just because you thought they was snitching on you!!?? Only to get locked up for a murder on top of other charges!!The streets is a cold place to hangout these days!!!
A great guy rip Kendall 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Prison and jail don’t work!
I agree with what the dad said about not forgiving the shooter. I don’t buy this whole forgiving bs to move forward. Nah, you took someone’s life on purpose I wouldn’t forgive either
What a beautiful family. I'm so sorry❤