The House of Representatives is gearing up to vote on a budget bill, endorsed by President Trump, that would fulfill most of …
I wonder will they cut their own family social security Medicare Medicaid if they do, how will we know
That Mike Johnson lives in GOP-Districts with the most poor people is a proof of his perverted Christian believe. That means to me: No believe just a tool to cheat and lie at people. Disgusting, simply disgusting.
Democrat billionaires- Soros and Bill Gates- Good
Republican billionaires- musk -bad
big liear
We Seniors paid into our social security, now trump wants to steal it. GOP grow a pair and stand up to trump/musk presidency, thank you Mark Kelly
More lies coming from msnbc but what I heard loud and clear coming out Of Chucky boys mouth he just call every Republican a Baster why are you not reporting this
They're cutting payments that are going to millions of fake applicants! Not qualified us citizens. The US has gross government bloat by at least 50%. Government size and spending needs to be cut!
I am not an American i am looking in from the outside you need to get rid of musk.TRUMP well yous voted for him you will need to cure that .
Starving the poor to give to the super rich.
Dems r crooks
Trump is looking for fraud
Trump says the Obama care is bad..but offers no plans to make it better..
Now trump wants to destroy those who have Medicare..those who have federal funding to supplement their plans..
Estimated 36 million people and many with children will lose their healthcare..
If Congress approve the cuts..
Elon musk maybe the poorest guy , no one knows and why you don’t restore the workers yet , what talk is that
You elected a Clown now you have a circus.
Mr. Speaker: Mr. Trump may be suffering from Hereditary Dementia. He is 78. His father and his grandfather had Dementia. The entire house should know the media has advanced this condition,and a non-partisan effort should resolve this situation to its correct conclusion as soon as possible. Dementia only becomes more severe, and if true,Mr, Trump can no longer perform the duties of the presidency. Mr. Vance should be advised as well.
Well, this didn't age well!
Elon has enough money to give the entire world a million dollars and not even notice it missing. About 8 and a half billion.
All tallk. And Doge does what they want …….any way……and Dems lie down.
Trump is cursed🧟♂️
And that's it.
How many positions did Obama and Biden make up? A bunch. It is not wrong to fire people. It’s not illegal. What idiots!
You are delusional . Making up stories about cutting Medicare and SS.
When the American people get mad, Trump will blame everything on Elon Musk and then fires him.
THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hopefully they all will be voted out next time around. They have no one to blame but themselves, for supporting everthing that Trump has had them to do. Instead of defending the Constitution, they are defending a Putin's spy !
This clown is an effing liar, tell the truth you posterior orifice.
While it is still unclear exactly how the Energy and Commerce Committee would achieve $880 billion in Medicaid cuts, proposals previously floated have included adding burdensome work requirements to the program or shrinking the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) that provides states with significant support to help finance their Medicaid programs. An analysis by the Urban Institute estimates that a reduction in the FMAP rate for just those Medicaid enrollees eligible under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion option would lead to 15.9 million people losing Medicaid and CHIP coverage in 2026 if those states cannot make up the shortfall and drop their expansion, as a result. Urban’s coverage reduction estimates by congressional district for such a scenario are also shown in Table 1.
If REPUBLICANS going with TRUMP , You digging your own GRAVE
Remember MTG called Biden a liar when he said during his State of the Union address that the GOP wanted to sunlight Medicare and Social Security
ya know that has been going on forever, my boss would have work reviews and if it was not the standard at least you would ge fired and this guy calling out medicain is a sham. they already called out a bill the same way and it did not have the word medicaid in the whole bill. Dont msmbc have other worthy news or is this it? no wonder your going down hill.
another tall tell from the dems and of corsa msmbc got the scoop, get the popcorn and listen to the tall tells of the dems
The big issue that no one is speaking of is that Trump is ignoring the courts order. That is the issue we need to combat. How do we make him follow their order?
You can do better Americans. Vote your conscience. Remember that lie grew into trump.
I love the fear mongering of liberal media because they know their followers will blindly believe anything put in front of them.
This group is a racist gang
Its the fraudsters that are getting cuts.
Such lies are crazy. If you guys believe gop is doing something wrong your being lied too AGAIN STOP FALLING FOR THERE SCARE TACTICS F DEMOCRATS THEY ARE NOT FOOLING US THIS TIME
If is illegal what Musk is doing, why isn’t he stopped doing what he is doing.
MSNBC. Making Stupid News Broadcast Company.
Trump is doing the best job of any president in history facts.
Thank you for sharing this information . Give to the rich. We are heading to a sleazy state.
I swear Musk and Trump are plants from Putin.
Haha…. fear mongering is funny.
This is this administrations first month in office!
Four years from now THEY WILL NOT give up power.
They will be plotting away to stay put. And legally!
And NOBODY has the balls to do anything about it…