A new battle of faith is being driven by some pastors and politicians in the United States. Their central message is that the …
A new battle of faith is being driven by some pastors and politicians in the United States. Their central message is that the …
A message from twentieth century Europe; Beware of people who instruct you to “hate”, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing!
The stupidity, gullibility and ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me. I am not religious and never have been, but if you ask me I’d say Trump is more representative of the anti-Christ.
This kind of stuff terrifies me. It's incredible how many people actually take this to heart. This is the danger of having too much of a relationship between church and state.
Same thing has been goin on for a long time in Russia, Putin bolstering Christians. Religion is a great tool for a dictator.
What form of Christianity do these ignoramuses believe in. trump is about as good a Christian as bin laden was. Lock these idiots up and teach em the right version of the bible. These people are mentally unstable
It's like they can't accept that not everyone is or wants to be a Christian
Jesus didn't speak English he wasn't born in America. I don't get it why Americans think this way, that there's only one god.
I should mention that no matter how wrong they are about most things, they are absolutely right about being only 2 genders. I don't deny the rights of any person to live how they see fit. But completely unproven, and frankly, undefendable, misreasonned concepts should stay the province of those religious morons. Not coming from people who claim any respect for the Scientific Method and the ways of Reason.
If Jesus has ever existed, and he was indeed "the son of God", I am positively convinced that whenever He's looking at the religio-psychos down in the 'States, He is deeply, deeply ashamed that those people continue to corrupt, and profoundly misunderstand His message to this extent.
The Dude must in a constant state of painful cringing.
Trump was afraid to put his hand on that bible because he was afraid it would burn his hand
Being a Christian nationalist isn’t loving your country, it’s antithetical to loving our democratic country.
Every church Pope touching children at church stop bully people wake up
Mostly gay and lez and mostly look after dogs or cat also no one's marriage

19:26 “I’m preaching the Bible”. Whoa! Really?
I'm a Christian too but all Christians ain't smart the dummies voted for Trump they think he's God
Christian? LMFAO!!!!!!
5:15 : No (Math. 7:12; 1 Peter 2:17)!
The Religious Right is backing the most deceitful corrupt self serving nasty politician any democracy has ever had.
So called christians are a bloody disgrace. This demographic is as dangerous as fundamentalist muslims!
Teaching about God in school is not forcing people to believe it. God should have never been taken out of schools because that itself was un-American. Because that took away the learning of it and that takes away the choice of whether you believe in it.
Ex. We can allow Bible studies to happen at school but you are not required to attend. (No one is forcing you) but instead schools are not allowed to have these opportunities.
You think god chose trump
Trump wants to be Kim Jun un in America
Trump wants you to make him god
Twisted Trump twisted cross
Thats why i refuse to go to church!!!! If Jesus was here he would be appalled! Trump and your redneck crap is the antichrist!!!!!
US Christian Evangelism is a cancerous disease. Sola Scriptura is retarded.
BTW Trumps base is on steroids. Bros, we know. You never earn anything on merit. Take the pill or injections. Junckies.
These worthless men who have never been dynamic enough or have any gift to the world blame others with talent for their shortcomings. White men do not need to educate themselves. Elon proof in pudding. The blame on others for white mans laziness explains it all to me. Climate controllled babies. No wonder they are frightened by women.
Bunch of simpletons. And creeps
Scary shit….
6:39 : Fine, feel free to persecute me for sharing my faith, and please feel free to deny our freedom of speech!
4:40 : Why Anne Frank, if most people are upset with antisemitism, let alone Nazism (Isaiah 5:20)?
Not Christian!!!!!!!!!!
Uneducated deeply bigoted pile of losers
Evangelicals fear women and this means the Blessed Virgin, their wife, daughters, mother. The Bible doesn't want Armageddon. Evangelicals are twisting Jesus for power and greed.
GOP just want to evade tax and pretend Jesus was sexist and hateful. Oldest political tool to divide and conquer.
Christ is not a Nazi. Stop the maga threat.
Voters were tricked because Trump has them drunk on false prophecies Jesus would never approve. Whats going on with the topless nightclothed evangelical GOP Speaker Johnson is living with?
Keep your eye on the hateful Armageddon Christian National project 2025 and its clear we are definitely heading into the r eal deep state.
i shit in texas once, then i left.
Jan 6th was the democratic party It was not Trump or his supporters
get your banjos out
its yeee haw all the way.
Church and state vey much need to be separated. Religion and politics have no business mixing. I'm sick of this sh*t were each political side will not accept you if don't check all the boxes on their list of acceptance. I'm sick of churches/denominations requiring the same thing. Nobody is allowed to think for themselves anymore, to hell with all of them.
There’s nothing Christian about these people Jesus preached love thy neighbour and do unto others.These people hate everyone.