Most people don’t understand just HOW DEEP the ocean really is. If you put Mt. Everest into the water upside down, there would …
dont forget your glimmerfin suit
I think challenger deep is where Sponged Robert got stranded that one time
Mariana Trench is 12km deep.
What about the Mariana Trench?
Challengers deap lets get rotff
I do want to be a marine scientis
Like if you in challenger deep in fisch
That's not Titanic that's olimpic
Can you compare it to Russias deepest hole
Finally, an educational yt short! Without any brainrot 😊
Snap she’s hot
I've been down to challenger deep and I've been down to the Marianas Trench with my family
It was deep, I wonder why
Bruh 10m reaches fishmen island😌
Beautiful and excited about nature's wonders… I'm in love
When she said challengers deep I was thinking about fishc 😭
Challengers deep😶fisch
The next is abbysal zenith
POV what rozzum unit 7134 did in the wild robot protects
fisch player belike: i have challenger rod i OWN CHALLENGER DEEP
That’s one tiny creation of my creator ALLAH HU AKBAR ❤
challengers deep from fisch💀💀💀💀💀
Me thinking about sharks when i go to sea💀
At 10m your starting to die
This is very interesting
Then calm zone and veil of the forsaken
Abyssal Zenith is next