OPERATION NOT FORGOTTEN: “I didn’t know anybody cared.” The U.S. Marshall Service used its skills at finding fugitives to find …
OPERATION NOT FORGOTTEN: “I didn’t know anybody cared.” The U.S. Marshall Service used its skills at finding fugitives to find …
Men & Women that HELPED…..

This Topic is NOT covered in main Stream Media
. Millions of children go missing each year in our country 
What about the rest

This should be a continuous effort, they obviously have the talents and resources needed to make a difference in these children's lives.
Ya but now where r these children now? If they are in state care they are still in harms way.
Sounds like the children knew that the organization that had them was so high profile that nobody would go looking for them.
Hope they give those children extensive therapy and a lot of love
no details huh? strange……very vague story seems like it was crafted to distract us from other news or to make police look good for a moment
I want to know what happens to the children now Back to foster care?
When you didnt show something you need and able to show..there is either you are lying or hiding something
No..i just see one..where the others?no footage?why the suspect unidentified?
♥️ WWG1WGA ♥️
God bless this team of heroes!! This task force needs to continue.
I wonder if capturing gislain has any bearing in this
How is this not the biggest story on the news.
We should be focusing on living, breathing children who need help from adults who abuse them!!
This goes on all over the country (the world) and it is extremely difficult to get anyone to do anything about it. I lived near one of these houses for a while and could not get anyone to take action. Finally the landlord realized they were spotted and kicked them out.. Since the authorities would not do anything, all that happened was that they packed up all the kids and moved to some other unknown location. There were babies up to teen age involved. Unbearably sad.
For starters, read" The Franklin Cover-up" if you want to get some idea as to why it is so hard to get
anyone to do anything.
All I can say is God bless this team who managed to rescue these kids in this story !!!
Thank you!!!!!!
Keep it up!
I pray for all of these babies. Can not wrap my head around what that have seen,done, been exposed to and forced to do during their short lives. No NATIONAL COVERAGE on this…totally disgusting that this continues in ANY country, but here we are and it's happening in the good ol' USA

Glad to see the kids getting out of hell