FOX 26 Reporter Randy Wallace spoke with the mother about what happened. Subscribe to FOX 26 Houston: …
CPS……Govt trafficking agency
Its obvious the state can't raise "YOUR KID" You as the parent should have went and found treatment for your own daughter , if that didnt help get the courts involved to make her stay put but as a mother No way im asking cps to take custody of my kid. Some people just hand over the children to cps not knowing how freaking dangerous and traumatizing and who and what happens . The mother has a big part in this mess and her daughter probably was traumatized by being handing over to cps by her mom & we cant blame cps for ur daughter's drug use because she was on before u handed her over . Parents that hand kids over to cps need to take accountability. There is treatment centers and courts , cps is useless and aint no way im handing anything i birth to them ., i wouldn't let them watch my dog..
It’s a parent’s job to parent their child and teach them how to behave and how to have respect, for themselves and others.
You can’t expect anyone or any entity to parent your child better than you can or care more about their safety and quality of life than you can!
Don’t make excuses or blame others. Get the education/resources needed so YOU can make the changes needed to better your child’s life and future!
That young lady should be held accountable for her actions as well. CPS wasn't her sole caregiver. What responsibilities does teen mom and dad hold?
Was she missing or just didn't want to be found?
Sounds like parents need to stop counting on the government to take care of there kids where’s the father
Looks like CPS prostituted her.
The system is a slave trade. Period.
Look your daughter is your daughter! Your a single mom of 3 your daughter was just like you young wild
N free
That's right cps workers get paid for doing what most people go to prison for. Kidnapping and child endangerment
"Katy mom says daughter was missing for over two months while in CPS custody"
Me: So she was trafficked…I'm just going to wait for them say it.
They got her escorting, most likely
They hired my abusive ex husband. Not surprised anymore by cps
This is so sad! I pray and hope the girl is fine smfh!
That's crap
What are they gonna do with the inflow of kids in the future, now that abortion illegal.
Cps definitely fails many children, but I also have to say the mother did as well. She was a child, her mother should have been able to handle the situation better.
The system failed the child. The mother failed the child first and is only upset and being vocal in an attempt to gain attention and avoid taking responsibility.
Honestly I hate CPS, my family had their own run in as my sister did drugs when she had almost all her kids. We have one of her kids and they threatened to take him away of we didn't take him. We took him of course, we applied to foster as well and once we where on our final step (spending hundreds of dollars) they told us we weren't fit even though someone else told us we were
CPS is child human trafficking business. They all need to be arrested and exterminated painfully by removing their organs.
I hope CPS gets a lawsuit against them for this crap.