A singer, songwriter, and pianist who has gained a great deal of critical acclaim, Keri Noble performs her new single “Emily,” from …
Love her! Saw her awhile ago in WI! She is super talented!❤
I miss you KERI NOBLE I remember one day you came in IRAQ to perform for the soldiers
Gawd! Her "talking voice" just like her singing voice..
Great voice. I saw her tour with the USO for the troops stationed in Baghdad back in January 2010. She gave each person a free autographed CD of her then latest album. Keri has a sweet voice and a great songwriter.
Great song, love her voice and her songs are beautiful. This is my first 'live' experience of Keri Noble, love it!!
I remember seeing Keri sing at Kensington Church in Troy, Michigan. I was going through some old CD's and saw that I had her album "Lullaby" and was wondering whatever happened to her. Did an internet search and am not surprised by her success. It was a real treat hearing her perform live, just her and her piano.
I just saw Keri perform tonight. Emily was one selection Keri serenaded us with during the opening date on her debut tour of the slab', When It Don't Come Easy. I was completely bowled over. I had never heard of Keri Noble before yesterday, and now I can not get Ms. Noble's songs outta' ma' head. Keri, you believe in yourself, and now, so do I. Keri is amazing!
"Keri Jones"… dumbass
Like this artist! Keri Noble!
I love her so much!!! She is so good!
Love her keyboard/piano abilities/creations!
her voice is beautefull
What a tool…. He called her Keri Jones!