Political commentator Theo Usherwood joins Talk’s Mike Graham to discuss the most important political issues of the day, …
13% of British immigrants to other countries cannot speak the local language and 39% have severe difficulties communicating. Only 17% speak well enough to be understood. You should be congratulating immigrants here, they are doing extremely well.
Did you celebrate pancake day turd. Racist bigoted turds whining about practically everything.
Yawn 🥱
You guys what you do not realise without immigrants this country will collapse.
And Tommy Robinson as Home Secretary please Thank very much ..
This is a Christian country
Which Mosque committee invited this thug who is still suppling weapons to his mates to murder your Muslims brothers and sisters in Palestine and Gaza oh forgot also cut off water and electricity you should be ashamed of yourselves traitors.
Not a single word from the TVVats in the Labour circus about stopping the illegal immigrants living in luxury hotels whilst the disabled and OAP`s and farmers are getting hammered at every turn. They give billions to that idiot Milliband for cloud cuckoo land fantasies that will never work, he tells us he`ll save us £300 on our energy bills per year and the real experts are telling us it will cost us £900 a year more, I know who I believe and it certainly isn`t IDIOT Milliband. Starmer and the rest of his clowns must be made to pay for their treachery.
They really don't get that this isn't appreciated on any level and is instead seen as weakness…
Starmer is completely controlled by the Jewish Zionist lobby & facilitating a Genocide . Yet here we are with another dog whistle about an Iftar event, which is purely a political stunt for votes & appeasement.
If you think king Charles is the "FIRST BRITISH MONARCH" allowing "MUSLIMS" to recite the " ADHAN (CALL TO PRAYER) and QUR'AN, perform their prayers in WINDSOR CASTLE?" Therefore you are an "IGNORANT RACIST ISLAMOPHOBIC MORON."
On 2 occasions, England almost became an "ISLAMIC STATE" by 2 anglo-saxons (a father and a son).
Since "KING HENRY II'S fascination with Islam and his threat to CONVERT to ISLAM*" in the 11th century (just to get what he wanted from the pope), *"MUSLIMS PRESENCE IN THE WINDSOR CASTLE HAS BEEN WELL DOCUMENTED." Muslims Emirs and ambassadors from different CALIPHATES slept and performed their prayers in WINDSOR CASTLE.
IN 1213, King John seeking help, offered England to Emir of Morocco Muhammad Al-Nasir. "EMIR REJECTED THE OFFER" to maintain peace between Christianity and Islam.
Still Muslims states had a bond with England kings and Queens. They helped England at its time of need… Like the "Great Famine," the Ottoman Sultan Abdulmejid I (to NOT humiliate the Queen Victoria) donated £1,000 and three ships carrying food and medicine to Ireland, to help alleviate the suffering of the Irish people during the famine.
"Be grateful. Muslims made UK what it is today."
Bacon sandwich anyone
Starmer liebour and Charles traitors
If they say you only get translator if you lived in uk less then 6 months then they have to go and learn the language. But translator are available even you lived here for years .
😂😂😂 always crying
Well who here is fasting for Lent? I would be suprised if anyone even does that in UK anymore
How dare he … and King Charles. Traitors to their country, to the faith of the British people and to the Church of England. It is disgraceful of Charles as Head of the Christian Church. This is blasphemy. Where is the Churches voice in this. Hypocracy and an insult to EVERY Christian in Britain. I am Furious.
Every Britisher should read the following, even if it takes more time to read, and share it with your friends and in your groups:-
Keir Starmer is very much right and what Keir Starmer has said, I have seen it fulfilling in India also. Muslims are doing all the tough and dirty jobs which other communities don't even think of doing. At a very small cost muslims are undertaking all type of repair jobs, vegetable growing, garden supervising, fruit picking and packing, vegetable and fruit vendors, all type of vehicle repairs, repairing fully damaged vehicles to make them usable, embroidery work on clothes, meat cutters and vendors, horse carts transportation, repairer of household goods, work of plumber, electrician, carpentor and mason. Had this work not done by them, the whole Indian economy would be sunk. Because no buddy is their replacement in India. The same applies in the case of Britain also. So the problem of poverty, unemployment and crime at present Britain is facing is not due to muslims but due to all employment opportunities taken over by ILR holders and their dependents, PSW visa, skilled worker visa holders and their dependents, grants of settlement holders and their dependents, citizenship grants holders and their dependents, illegal immigrants, software engineer and techies from Britain, so snatch all the employment opportunities from all types of immigrants and replace them with British citizens. Also completely stop assylum seekers entering into the country and stop spending money on assyum seekers. But don't snatch employment opportunities from Muslims in Britain because no immigrant type will not be able to successfully replace them. Even if you deport Muslims then the brethren of these immigrants will start coming to your country for filling places of removed muslims, and will infest your country and will make Britain the colony of immigrants, idol worshippers and worshippers of fallen angels. Hence, by now you may have known that the main cause of poverty, unemployment and crime in Britain is due to the increasing number of all the above mentioned types of immigrants who are straining resources, contributing to rising national debt, and influencing cultural and societal dynamics. Immigrants earn approx £20 billion per annum and Immigrants will also take over your women and girls and will also remove your culture and religion and replace it with their own. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the high costs associated with immigrant-led advancements in IT, AI, machine learning, and R&D, as seen in the cost comparison between ChatGPT and DeepSeek. Immigrants are also of the opinion that Christians and Muslims are following the religion of vampirism and Gods of Jesus and Mohammed are ghosts and demons. The above immigrants possess the art of enchantment and art of warlocks to distract the attention of British people from reality. So don't blame King Charles and Keir Starmer for defending Muslims and in giving Iftar party to muslims because Muslims are providing resistance to the evil plans of all the above types of immigrants.
Whats wrong in having a meal together, more fear mongering
We have infiltrated ten downing without lifting the sword. The kebabs and lovely dates were enough to turn keir into our puppet.
Too busy with betraying this country. Why isn’t he looking into the rape gangs or the invasion of this country?
Here some people pack dates for Ramdan and there some people were vandalizing Christians decoration items market. Isn’t there something serious or fishy.
So many Christianist extremists in this chat!! the level of hate is unbelievable & brainwashed by the Israeli zionists. Why isn't TALK TV & GB News banned. All they do is spur hate?
The elephant in the room is Israel and Zionism that has taken over the country?
Welcome to Britainistan.👍🇦🇫
Ramadan Mubarak to all. It would be wonderful to see the British people embrace Islam en masse.
watching a ll the racists and islamaphobes have a melt down is truly satisfying and hilarious. SIly bigots ^_^
😂pancake day noone cares about it
He should wear a dress not a suite
Ramadan Mubarak ☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️I am from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳❤️☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️☪️,
Jealousy is written all over your face
While the Muslims laugh loudly at the UK British.
One word “moron”
What a joke
Starmer and the king are disgraceful and disrespectfu to the true british people shameful get reform in asap
Your jealous of Islam all of you
This makes me sad, will never visit England again.
Tubby you would have loved it
So we now have a Windsor Castle ' Califate'. The Queen will be turning in her Grave
It will be a Muslim state within 10 years.
Starmer is not your PM. He is bot the PM of British people. He is the PM of muslims. What did you expect voting for labour?! As an immigrant to the UK who doesn’t even have the right to vote, I knew what was coming with this anti-British and pro-islam party. You, British people, are to be blamed foe the insanity happening in your country. If you are not happy, go on streets! Speak out!
The hate of Islam☪️️ by this channel is beyond😮. How do you compare the holy month of Ramadan with pancake day, ridiculous👿👎
How can anyone who doesn’t speak English make a contribution to our society? No one should be allowed into this country unless they can speak the language. It’s ridiculous! Madness from conservatives and Labour!
In fairness, I forgot about pancake day
try going to a middle eastern country and demanding free housing, free schooling,dentists and health care and demanding an interpreter??? good luck with that!!
So, just joining dots here…… The establishment, up to and including the monarchy, are clearly, at the very least Islamophilic, perhaps even Muslim themselves…..The police think “protected characteristics” – i.e. being a Muslim, means you get special treatment, as do the judiciary…… and as well as deliberately flooding the country with Muslims from all over the world and strategically dumping them throughout the entire country, they are trying to outlaw language that articulates the problem……Anyone see the picture emerging? Does anyone still believe they’re just “migrants” ?
This is their plan of irreversible damage both the Tories and labour use it, they pretend that they are planning something, such as integrating people,and jettison the idea. People come to the country that has offered hospitality and show no gratitude and don't even bother to learn to speak the language or integrate in anyway whatsoever, it's almost as if they think, we will make them learn our ways instead. Now I wonder what creed would think like that?