The Government is planning to unveil more than £6bn of welfare savings that will see far tougher tests imposed for a key disability …
We all remember the news channels pushing for Labour to be elected instead of those nasty Tories, jokes on them and the freezing pensioners. Apologise now.
All benefits for immigrants none for us British he needs held accountable
Time to Weed out the lazy. Stop all welfare benefits, or make them work for it.
EMPLOYERS dont employ disabled people. Back in the 70"s lots of disabled people worked in the computer micro- chip industry. However, when the Wall came down 89. CAPTILISTS Moved all that industry to the far East.
Always put boot polish on get a free hotel
Cuts yet million to scrounging boaters
My Grandma who died 1980, called the welfare state "FATHER FEED THEM ALL" 45 years later Parlimentarians are just waking up.
The one thing this government is doing that i actually agree with , welfare system is out of control. ADHD and fybromyalgia have to be the most over diagnosed conditions ever
How about finding work has become impossible for able bodied people never mind disabled people? And it’s government policy in recent years that has caused it. ?
He says he will protect those who need it, but the dwp phone operators can’t even get your info right or put the phone down on you, how they going to do anything??
2025 the year democracy was replaced by hitlers in western countrys
Wasn't a problem until migrants have stretched the money pot. Now everyone has to pay for them from cuts.
How about instead of cutting the money for our most vulnerable and taking it from the hotel budget used to house migrants coming over in boats every day hmm?
When the tories said ill people can work from home Labour said there were simply not enough jobs. I will commit suicide if my benefits are taken away as I cant afford to live right now. I know I cant work as I am in extreme pain every minute of the day. I can barely get out of bed. Because of it im being called lazy and a scrounger. Id prefer to work and have some dignity in live but it seems impossible to me. The thought of having to dezl with my illnees and the uncaring, unsympathetic, and sceptical DWP and the Job Centre scares the hell out of me. Im slipping down into that black void again. Im happy though that millionare Starmer is looking after his rich mates and not increasing their taxes. These people have no idea what the real world is like. Still once Starmer launches the cure all drug is obviously developed we can all contribute to society.
What about the billion s that go unclaimed ,,,😮
Stop all foreign aid then no need to reduce any benefit
Tax the wealth of the super rich. Otherwise, what's the point of a Labour party – they are just the same as the Torries. This is going to get worse and worse, and I'm disgusted
Freezing PIP whilst raising taxes and cost of living won’t help. Starmer and Reeves are punishing the genuine disabled to balance their broken budget.
Are there any available jobs for these people?
£6 billion is an ok start.
About same cost of all the illegal young men invading UK❤
Except for Muslims
There will be money for illegals. You just watch. There stealing farm land to build houses for them allegedly.
worst government ive seen in my lifetime ps im 54 and sick and yes i was a taxpayer
Saving £6billion from the Health Services to help with the War effort in Ukraine 🤔😂😂😂😂😂😎👊🏽
It is time finish protest against this that and start everybody against Starmer.
Starmer is making sanctions on Britons.
Rishi sunak wasn't that bad after all he increased payments to the disabled and the less well off" but starmers labour demonised him and you believed them and now country's now going bankrupt.
I hate this government but .. something has to be done about the ridiculous situation with haves and have nots, I know people who are milking this system and getting over £1,000 per week, have 3 foreign holidays per yr, then there are the families that are struggling to feed their children, the system is broken and working people struggling to make ends meet, that can’t be right
they would save a lot more by getting rid of all these freeloading migrants, they are already treated better than our own people
So the migrants costs taxpayer's 6.6 billion??. And now the people who worked and paid taxes are being made to pay for them 😮
80% of benefit claimants are migrants, cut foreign aid, stop funding Ukraine, stop funding Illegals that has cost us trillion's, nearly quintillion's in tax payers money.
With all these comments, do we actually know what benefits are being cut or are people just speculating?