Former foreign secretary Lord Owen has welcomed Elon Musk’s interventions in international politics, saying it is good “serious …
Former foreign secretary Lord Owen has welcomed Elon Musk’s interventions in international politics, saying it is good “serious …
Of course he supports ruling and lording over people
When did the corrupt conservative party face the music for the billions of pounds of taxpayers covid cash given to their friends! Boris johnson should be in prison with Michelle Mone
Like it or not Musk is now the voice of the people, standing up to elitist lying Politicians seeking to misinform and control the common people. To many it's a return to common sense far removed from the insanity of the left.
Unelected Lord Owen.
So the US should liberate the UK? Like it did in Vietnam? Or Afghanistan?

Musk is everything that the right wing in the US accused George Soros of for decades. Except far worse.
Instead of interfering in global politics why doesn’t Musk use his immense wealth to help the people of Los Angeles? As for Owen, he always was a stupid old fool.
I guess this lord likes coup de etat, treason is punishable by law
Din't worry about China Lord Own. We've got Lammy on the case
Concerned that after many Americans died removing fascists from Germany that Musk seems to support the far right there and the rest of Europe
Is exclusion by the Liberal establishment partly to blame if so David Owen is doing the right thing
I might have been part of the liberal underclass but probably just the underclass now
Civilized countries don't have lords.
Of course, sky news put this bloke on because it's about Musk, but the interview before him was with the chair woman for businesses in the UK and she was talking about the dreaded Brexit elephant in the room. So, of course avoid her interview that actually matters and give this Musk rubbish more air time.
We need some new voices in UK politics.
The reality is this the City is considerably more powerful than the dogma driven drivel of the Political Classes. The UK is a banana republic run by a shower of clowns and on the other hand vested interests. None of this serves the real interests of the “ordinary” citizen.
Owen is daft if he thinks Musk is acting in the interests of the UK nor its people. But I'm not sure he is saying that here..
I've figured out what the elite ruling class is planning. The whole Mars things is BS. When the coming micronova goes down they plan to leave the earth while the chaos ensues… The boring company was created not to build tunnels on Mars but are already building tunnels here in Earth… Electric cars cuz no more drilling, and battery and solar tech for the obvious. Am i close?
This gentlemen does not know that Musk is for a good relation with China and Russia being a globalist. What he is talking about , he is contradicting himself .
musk -dont ever set foot on british soil ever again
Elon Musk awakens the imperialists in old, dried-out lordships and makes them 10 years younger…
Pathetic Sky News

He ain’t no lord in the eyes of the people so no point he having that title that’s like burning our flag and laughing !
Funny how people are upset about Elon Musk "interfering" yet dead silent on George Soros.
Maybe get some better quality guests with up to date knowledge. This is low grade broadcasting.
another reason why the house of lords needs to go
Musk is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party by building that enormous Tela Giga Factory in Shanghai. Having Musk in the White House, so close to Trump, is a threat to national security. Every American, either Democrat or Republican, needs to call that out.
Disgusting. Blatant corporate governance.
Lord Owen is 86, and he still looks well balanced and articulate.
Why does Europe continue to bow down to America, there are other places we can find resources from, may not be the ideal scenario but it surely is better than watching Europe collapse in order for America to rise… perhaps is time to lose the ego and apply some logic