Several high-profile contenders for the Liberal leadership are expected to declare their intentions this week. Judy Trinh has more.
Karina Gould Oh hell no.
🤣 the person who helped crash the car called Canada into a brick wall wants to drive it again😂🤣 you can’t make this stuff up
Do NOT vote for Clark. She was our premier in BC following Campbell for a while and she was just as horrible. She didn't misspeak. She lied. She's nasty. I normally vote NDP but if strategy dictates that a Liberal vote is logical, mine is with Carney.
both are a colossal waste of time and money for both the liberal party and canadians
Garbage for waste is what their worth
Both of them are useless and horrible. Mark Carney is disastrous… and we already know what Freeland is….
350,000 is chump change for all they skim from the public coffers!
The Liberal candidates would likely remove the carbon tax for a while lo g enough for Canadians to get over Trudeau. 9 years, Canada was ripped a part. Why in God's name would we vote liberal haven't we been through enough. Canada needs a restart but not by the Liberals
He was advising Trudeau, and he's Chrystia Freeland's kids godfather they are all the same.
These leadets are like Trudeau version 2 point O. They were positioned way ahead by Trudeau as this was planned all along. 😂 Why do politicians always get rich after winning?
she will step aside and give it to Mark Carney
We strongly dislike Mark Carney because his poor-quality economic advisory to Trudeau caused today’s housing crisis and unaffordable living. Shame on Mark Carney and his lack of competence.
Jean Chretien said Kim Campbell was ahead in the polls but he won. History truth he won.
Interesting how NO OTHER LIBERAL 🤬 running for leadership. LOL 😡
Carney, informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
I don't like this.
Freeland, what's your pitch, resignation through you off!
Chrystia Freeland please sit this one out, you’re horrible.
Just pick one … Both work for the same forum. Klauz was very happy to penetrate the Canadian Cabinet. He said it himself iin Davos. It's now a public record…so… just make it quick, whatever this is…
The top prize winning the "Liberal" leadership? Like winning the chance to steer the "Titanic" after it hit the iceberg.
Win votes? Selected, not elected.
It's the entire Liberal party that is to blame for it's failed so-called leadership, not just Trudeau!
Mark on another note, as Canadian PM would you be in a better position to perhaps help your friend Ghislaine Maxwell get out of prison? I mean you are notorious overseas for investing in questionable corrupt companies, why wouldn't your influence extend to friends? Your wife will probably hassle you to get her friend out of prison. Just what we need more Justin Trudeau corruption. Liberal voters…take note here ..your last vote didn't do the country any service, vote smarter switch to the Conservatives.
Carney is just as bad as Trudeau. He will be another Cancer on our economy and freedoms.